= 1.0 / 2010-01-28 (prerelease) * It's now possible to register blocks to run after each request using after filters. After filters run at the end of each request, after routes and error handlers. (Jimmy Schementi) * Sinatra now uses Tilt for rendering templates. This adds support for template caching, consistent template backtraces, and support for new template engines, like mustache and liquid. (Ryan Tomayko) * New 'settings' method gives access to options in both class and request scopes. This replaces the 'options' method. (Chris Wanstrath) * New boolean 'reload_templates' setting controls whether template files are reread from disk and recompiled on each request. Template read/compile is cached by default in all environments except development. (Ryan Tomayko) * New 'erubis' helper method for rendering ERB template with Erubis. The erubis gem is required. (Dylan Egan) * New 'cache_control' helper method provides a convenient way of setting the Cache-Control response header. Takes a variable number of boolean directives followed by a hash of value directives, like this: cache_control :public, :must_revalidate, :max_age => 60 (Ryan Tomayko) * New 'expires' helper method is like cache_control but takes an integer number of seconds or Time object: expires 300, :public, :must_revalidate (Ryan Tomayko) * New request.secure? method for checking for an SSL connection. (Adam Wiggins) * Sinatra apps can now be run with a `-h ` argument to specify the address to bind to. (Ryan Tomayko) * Rack::Session::Cookie is now added to the middleware pipeline when running in test environments if the :sessions option is set. (Simon Rozet) * Route handlers, before filters, templates, error mappings, and middleware are now resolved dynamically up the inheritance hierarchy when needed instead of duplicating the superclass's version when a new Sinatra::Base subclass is created. This should fix a variety of issues with extensions that need to add any of these things to the base class. (Ryan Tomayko) * The X-Cascade response header is set to 'pass' when no matching route is found or all routes pass. (Josh Peek) * Filters do not run when serving static files anymore. (Ryan Tomayko) The following Sinatra features have been obsoleted (removed entirely) in the 1.0 release: * The `sinatra/test` library is obsolete. This includes the `Sinatra::Test` module, the `Sinatra::TestHarness` class, and the `get_it`, `post_it`, `put_it`, `delete_it`, and `head_it` helper methods. The [`Rack::Test` library](http://gitrdoc.com/brynary/rack-test) should be used instead. * Test framework specific libraries (`sinatra/test/spec`, `sinatra/test/bacon`,`sinatra/test/rspec`, etc.) are obsolete. See http://www.sinatrarb.com/testing.html for instructions on setting up a testing environment under each of these frameworks. * `Sinatra::Default` is obsolete; use `Sinatra::Base` instead. `Sinatra::Base` acts more like `Sinatra::Default` in development mode. For example, static file serving and sexy development error pages are enabled by default. * Auto-requiring template libraries in the `erb`, `builder`, `haml`, and `sass` methods is obsolete due to thread-safety issues. You must require the template libraries explicitly in your app. * The `:views_directory` option to rendering methods is obsolete; use `:views` instead. * The `:haml` and `:sass` options to rendering methods are obsolete. Template engine options should be passed in the second Hash argument instead. * The `use_in_file_templates` method is obsolete. Use `enable :inline_templates` or `set :inline_templates, 'path/to/file'` * The 'media_type' helper method is obsolete. Use 'mime_type' instead. * The 'mime' main and class method is obsolete. Use 'mime_type' instead. * The request-level `send_data` method is no longer supported. * The `Sinatra::Event` and `Sinatra::EventContext` classes are no longer supported. This may effect extensions written for versions prior to 0.9.2. See [Writing Sinatra Extensions](http://www.sinatrarb.com/extensions.html) for the officially supported extensions API. * The `set_option` and `set_options` methods are obsolete; use `set` instead. * The `:env` setting (`settings.env`) is obsolete; use `:environment` instead. * The request level `stop` method is obsolete; use `halt` instead. * The request level `entity_tag` method is obsolete; use `etag` instead. * The request level `headers` method (HTTP response headers) is obsolete; use `response['Header-Name']` instead. * `Sinatra.application` is obsolete; use `Sinatra::Application` instead. * Using `Sinatra.application = nil` to reset an application is obsolete. This should no longer be necessary. * Using `Sinatra.default_options` to set base configuration items is obsolete; use `Sinatra::Base.set(key, value)` instead. * The `Sinatra::ServerError` exception is obsolete. All exceptions raised within a request are now treated as internal server errors and result in a 500 response status. * The `:methodoverride' option to enable/disable the POST _method hack is obsolete; use `:method_override` instead. = 0.9.2 / 2009-05-18 * This version is compatible with Rack 1.0. [Rein Henrichs] * The development-mode unhandled exception / error page has been greatly enhanced, functionally and aesthetically. The error page is used when the :show_exceptions option is enabled and an exception propagates outside of a route handler or before filter. [Simon Rozet / Matte Noble / Ryan Tomayko] * Backtraces that move through templates now include filenames and line numbers where possible. [#51 / S. Brent Faulkner] * All templates now have an app-level option for setting default template options (:haml, :sass, :erb, :builder). The app-level option value must be a Hash if set and is merged with the template options specified to the render method (Base#haml, Base#erb, Base#builder). [S. Brent Faulkner, Ryan Tomayko] * The method signature for all template rendering methods has been unified: "def engine(template, options={}, locals={})". The options Hash now takes the generic :views, :layout, and :locals options but also any template-specific options. The generic options are removed before calling the template specific render method. Locals may be specified using either the :locals key in the options hash or a second Hash option to the rendering method. [#191 / Ryan Tomayko] * The receiver is now passed to "configure" blocks. This allows for the following idiom in top-level apps: configure { |app| set :foo, app.root + '/foo' } [TJ Holowaychuck / Ryan Tomayko] * The "sinatra/test" lib is deprecated and will be removed in Sinatra 1.0. This includes the Sinatra::Test module and Sinatra::TestHarness class in addition to all the framework test helpers that were deprecated in 0.9.1. The Rack::Test lib should be used instead: http://gitrdoc.com/brynary/rack-test [#176 / Simon Rozet] * Development mode source file reloading has been removed. The "shotgun" (http://rtomayko.github.com/shotgun/) program can be used to achieve the same basic functionality in most situations. Passenger users should use the "tmp/always_restart.txt" file (http://tinyurl.com/c67o4h). [#166 / Ryan Tomayko] * Auto-requiring template libs in the erb, builder, haml, and sass methods is deprecated due to thread-safety issues. You must require the template libs explicitly in your app file. [Simon Rozet] * A new Sinatra::Base#route_missing method was added. route_missing is sent when no route matches the request or all route handlers pass. The default implementation forwards the request to the downstream app when running as middleware (i.e., "@app" is non-nil), or raises a NotFound exception when no downstream app is defined. Subclasses can override this method to perform custom route miss logic. [Jon Crosby] * A new Sinatra::Base#route_eval method was added. The method yields to the block and throws :halt with the result. Subclasses can override this method to tap into the route execution logic. [TJ Holowaychuck] * Fix the "-x" (enable request mutex / locking) command line argument. Passing -x now properly sets the :lock option. [S. Brent Faulkner, Ryan Tomayko] * Fix writer ("foo=") and predicate ("foo?") methods in extension modules not being added to the registering class. [#172 / Pat Nakajima] * Fix in-file templates when running alongside activesupport and fatal errors when requiring activesupport before sinatra [#178 / Brian Candler] * Fix various issues running on Google AppEngine. [Samuel Goebert, Simon Rozet] * Fix in-file templates __END__ detection when __END__ exists with other stuff on a line [Yoji Shidara] = / 2009-03-09 * Fix directory traversal vulnerability in default static files route. See [#177] for more info. = 0.9.1 / 2009-03-01 * Sinatra now runs under Ruby 1.9.1 [#61] * Route patterns (splats, :named, or Regexp captures) are now passed as arguments to the block. [#140] * The "helpers" method now takes a variable number of modules along with the normal block syntax. [#133] * New request-level #forward method for middleware components: passes the env to the downstream app and merges the response status, headers, and body into the current context. [#126] * Requests are now automatically forwarded to the downstream app when running as middleware and no matching route is found or all routes pass. * New simple API for extensions/plugins to add DSL-level and request-level methods. Use Sinatra.register(mixin) to extend the DSL with all public methods defined in the mixin module; use Sinatra.helpers(mixin) to make all public methods defined in the mixin module available at the request level. [#138] See http://www.sinatrarb.com/extensions.html for details. * Named parameters in routes now capture the "." character. This makes routes like "/:path/:filename" match against requests like "/foo/bar.txt"; in this case, "params[:filename]" is "bar.txt". Previously, the route would not match at all. * Added request-level "redirect back" to redirect to the referring URL. * Added a new "clean_trace" option that causes backtraces dumped to rack.errors and displayed on the development error page to omit framework and core library backtrace lines. The option is enabled by default. [#77] * The ERB output buffer is now available to helpers via the @_out_buf instance variable. * It's now much easier to test sessions in unit tests by passing a ":session" option to any of the mock request methods. e.g., get '/', {}, :session => { 'foo' => 'bar' } * The testing framework specific files ('sinatra/test/spec', 'sinatra/test/bacon', 'sinatra/test/rspec', etc.) have been deprecated. See http://sinatrarb.com/testing.html for instructions on setting up a testing environment with these frameworks. * The request-level #send_data method from Sinatra 0.3.3 has been added for compatibility but is deprecated. * Fix :provides causing crash on any request when request has no Accept header [#139] * Fix that ERB templates were evaluated twice per "erb" call. * Fix app-level middleware not being run when the Sinatra application is run as middleware. * Fixed some issues with running under Rack's CGI handler caused by writing informational stuff to stdout. * Fixed that reloading was sometimes enabled when starting from a rackup file [#110] * Fixed that "." in route patterns erroneously matched any character instead of a literal ".". [#124] = / 2009-01-25 * Using halt with more than 1 args causes ArgumentError [#131] * using halt in a before filter doesn't modify response [#127] * Add deprecated Sinatra::EventContext to unbreak plugins [#130] * Give access to GET/POST params in filters [#129] * Preserve non-nested params in nested params hash [#117] * Fix backtrace dump with Rack::Lint [#116] = / 2009-01-21 * Fall back on mongrel then webrick when thin not found. [#75] * Use :environment instead of :env in test helpers to fix deprecation warnings coming from framework. * Make sinatra/test/rspec work again [#113] * Fix app_file detection on windows [#118] * Fix static files with Rack::Lint in pipeline [#121] = / 2009-01-18 * Halting a before block should stop processing of routes [#85] * Fix redirect/halt in before filters [#85] = 0.9.0 / 2009-01-18 * Works with and requires Rack >= 0.9.1 * Multiple Sinatra applications can now co-exist peacefully within a single process. The new "Sinatra::Base" class can be subclassed to establish a blank-slate Rack application or middleware component. Documentation on using these features is forth-coming; the following provides the basic gist: http://gist.github.com/38605 * Parameters with subscripts are now parsed into a nested/recursive Hash structure. e.g., "post[title]=Hello&post[body]=World" yields params: {'post' => {'title' => 'Hello', 'body' => 'World'}}. * Regular expressions may now be used in route pattens; captures are available at "params[:captures]". * New ":provides" route condition takes an array of mime types and matches only when an Accept request header is present with a corresponding type. [cypher] * New request-level "pass" method; immediately exits the current block and passes control to the next matching route. * The request-level "body" method now takes a block; evaluation is deferred until an attempt is made to read the body. The block must return a String or Array. * New "route conditions" system for attaching rules for when a route matches. The :agent and :host route options now use this system. * New "dump_errors" option controls whether the backtrace is dumped to rack.errors when an exception is raised from a route. The option is enabled by default for top-level apps. * Better default "app_file", "root", "public", and "views" location detection; changes to "root" and "app_file" automatically cascade to other options that depend on them. * Error mappings are now split into two distinct layers: exception mappings and custom error pages. Exception mappings are registered with "error(Exception)" and are run only when the app raises an exception. Custom error pages are registered with "error(status_code)", where "status_code" is an integer, and are run any time the response has the status code specified. It's also possible to register an error page for a range of status codes: "error(500..599)". * In-file templates are now automatically imported from the file that requires 'sinatra'. The use_in_file_templates! method is still available for loading templates from other files. * Sinatra's testing support is no longer dependent on Test::Unit. Requiring 'sinatra/test' adds the Sinatra::Test module and Sinatra::TestHarness class, which can be used with any test framework. The 'sinatra/test/unit', 'sinatra/test/spec', 'sinatra/test/rspec', or 'sinatra/test/bacon' files can be required to setup a framework-specific testing environment. See the README for more information. * Added support for Bacon (test framework). The 'sinatra/test/bacon' file can be required to setup Sinatra test helpers on Bacon::Context. * Deprecated "set_option" and "set_options"; use "set" instead. * Deprecated the "env" option ("options.env"); use "environment" instead. * Deprecated the request level "stop" method; use "halt" instead. * Deprecated the request level "entity_tag" method; use "etag" instead. Both "entity_tag" and "etag" were previously supported. * Deprecated the request level "headers" method (HTTP response headers); use "response['Header-Name']" instead. * Deprecated "Sinatra.application"; use "Sinatra::Application" instead. * Deprecated setting Sinatra.application = nil to reset an application. This should no longer be necessary. * Deprecated "Sinatra.default_options"; use "Sinatra::Default.set(key, value)" instead. * Deprecated the "ServerError" exception. All Exceptions are now treated as internal server errors and result in a 500 response status. * Deprecated the "get_it", "post_it", "put_it", "delete_it", and "head_it" test helper methods. Use "get", "post", "put", "delete", and "head", respectively, instead. * Removed Event and EventContext classes. Applications are defined in a subclass of Sinatra::Base; each request is processed within an instance. = 0.3.3 / 2009-01-06 * Pin to Rack 0.4.0 (this is the last release on Rack 0.4) * Log unhandled exception backtraces to rack.errors. * Use RACK_ENV environment variable to establish Sinatra environment when given. Thin sets this when started with the -e argument. * BUG: raising Sinatra::NotFound resulted in a 500 response code instead of 404. * BUG: use_in_file_templates! fails with CR/LF (#45) * BUG: Sinatra detects the app file and root path when run under thin/passenger. = 0.3.2 * BUG: Static and send_file read entire file into String before sending. Updated to stream with 8K chunks instead. * Rake tasks and assets for building basic documentation website. See http://sinatra.rubyforge.org * Various minor doc fixes. = 0.3.1 * Unbreak optional path parameters [jeremyevans] = 0.3.0 * Add sinatra.gemspec w/ support for github gem builds. Forks can now enable the build gem option in github to get free username-sinatra.gem builds: gem install username-sinatra.gem --source=http://gems.github.com/ * Require rack-0.4 gem; removes frozen rack dir. * Basic RSpec support; require 'sinatra/test/rspec' instead of 'sinatra/test/spec' to use. [avdi] * before filters can modify request environment vars used for routing (e.g., PATH_INFO, REQUEST_METHOD, etc.) for URL rewriting type functionality. * In-file templates now uses @@ instead of ## as template separator. * Top-level environment test predicates: development?, test?, production? * Top-level "set", "enable", and "disable" methods for tweaking app options. [rtomayko] * Top-level "use" method for building Rack middleware pipelines leading to app. See README for usage. [rtomayko] * New "reload" option - set false to disable reloading in development. * New "host" option - host/ip to bind to [cschneid] * New "app_file" option - override the file to reload in development mode [cschneid] * Development error/not_found page cleanup [sr, adamwiggins] * Remove a bunch of core extensions (String#to_param, String#from_param, Hash#from_params, Hash#to_params, Hash#symbolize_keys, Hash#pass) * Various grammar and formatting fixes to README; additions on community and contributing [cypher] * Build RDoc using Hanna template: http://sinatrarb.rubyforge.org/api * Specs, documentation and fixes for splat'n routes [vic] * Fix whitespace errors across all source files. [rtomayko] * Fix streaming issues with Mongrel (body not closed). [bmizerany] * Fix various issues with environment not being set properly (configure blocks not running, error pages not registering, etc.) [cypher] * Fix to allow locals to be passed to ERB templates [cschneid] * Fix locking issues causing random errors during reload in development. * Fix for escaped paths not resolving static files [Matthew Walker] = 0.2.1 * File upload fix and minor tweaks. = 0.2.0 * Initial gem release of 0.2 codebase.