require 'backports' require_relative 'spec_helper' require_relative 'okjson' shared_examples_for "a json encoder" do |lib, const| before do begin require lib if lib @encoder = eval(const) rescue LoadError pending 'unable to load #{lib}' end end it "allows setting :encoder to #{const}" do enc = @encoder mock_app { get('/') { json({'foo' => 'bar'}, :encoder => enc) }} results_in 'foo' => 'bar' end it "allows setting settings.json_encoder to #{const}" do enc = @encoder mock_app do set :json_encoder, enc get('/') { json 'foo' => 'bar' } end results_in 'foo' => 'bar' end end describe Sinatra::JSON do def mock_app(&block) super do helpers Sinatra::JSON class_eval(&block) end end def results_in(obj) OkJson.decode(get('/').body).should == obj end it "encodes objects to json out of the box" do mock_app { get('/') { json :foo => [1, 'bar'] } } results_in 'foo' => [1, 'bar'] end it "sets the content type to 'application/json'" do mock_app { get('/') { json({}) } } get('/')["Content-Type"].should == "application/json" end it "allows overriding content type with :content_type" do mock_app { get('/') { json({}, :content_type => "foo/bar") } } get('/')["Content-Type"].should == "foo/bar" end it "accepts shorthands for :content_type" do mock_app { get('/') { json({}, :content_type => :js) } } get('/')["Content-Type"].should == "application/javascript;charset=utf-8" end it 'calls generate on :encoder if available' do enc = def enc.generate(obj) obj.inspect end mock_app { get('/') { json(42, :encoder => enc) }} get('/').body.should == '42' end it 'calls encode on :encoder if available' do enc = def enc.encode(obj) obj.inspect end mock_app { get('/') { json(42, :encoder => enc) }} get('/').body.should == '42' end it 'sends :encoder as method call if it is a Symbol' do mock_app { get('/') { json(42, :encoder => :inspect) }} get('/').body.should == '42' end it 'calls generate on settings.json_encoder if available' do enc = def enc.generate(obj) obj.inspect end mock_app do set :json_encoder, enc get('/') { json 42 } end get('/').body.should == '42' end it 'calls encode on settings.json_encode if available' do enc = def enc.encode(obj) obj.inspect end mock_app do set :json_encoder, enc get('/') { json 42 } end get('/').body.should == '42' end it 'sends settings.json_encode as method call if it is a Symbol' do mock_app do set :json_encoder, :inspect get('/') { json 42 } end get('/').body.should == '42' end describe('Yajl') { it_should_behave_like "a json encoder", "yajl", "Yajl::Encoder" } describe('JSON') { it_should_behave_like "a json encoder", "json", "::JSON" } describe('OkJson') { it_should_behave_like "a json encoder", nil, "OkJson" } describe('to_json') { it_should_behave_like "a json encoder", "json", ":to_json" } describe('without') { it_should_behave_like "a json encoder", nil, "Sinatra::JSON" } end