describe Rack::Protection::HttpOrigin do it_behaves_like "any rack application" before(:each) do mock_app do use Rack::Protection::HttpOrigin run DummyApp end end %w(GET HEAD POST PUT DELETE).each do |method| it "accepts #{method} requests with no Origin" do expect(send(method.downcase, '/')).to be_ok end end %w(GET HEAD).each do |method| it "accepts #{method} requests with non-whitelisted Origin" do expect(send(method.downcase, '/', {}, 'HTTP_ORIGIN' => '')).to be_ok end end %w(GET HEAD POST PUT DELETE).each do |method| it "accepts #{method} requests when allow_if is true" do mock_app do use Rack::Protection::HttpOrigin, :allow_if => lambda{|env| env.has_key?('HTTP_ORIGIN') } run DummyApp end expect(send(method.downcase, '/', {}, 'HTTP_ORIGIN' => '')).to be_ok end end %w(POST PUT DELETE).each do |method| it "denies #{method} requests with non-whitelisted Origin" do expect(send(method.downcase, '/', {}, 'HTTP_ORIGIN' => '')).not_to be_ok end it "accepts #{method} requests with whitelisted Origin" do mock_app do use Rack::Protection::HttpOrigin, :origin_whitelist => [''] run DummyApp end expect(send(method.downcase, '/', {}, 'HTTP_ORIGIN' => '')).to be_ok end end end