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Vasiliy 8ae87a87f3
Setup Rubocop (#1537)
* Initialize rubocop

* Style/StringLiterals: prefer single quotes

* Style/AndOr: use `&&` and `||`, instead of `and` and `or`

* Style/HashSyntax: use new hash syntax

* Layout/EmptyLineAfterGuardClause: add empty lines after guard clause

* Style/SingleLineMethods: temporary disable

It breaks layout of the code, it is better to fix it manually

* Style/Proc: prefer `proc` vs `Proc.new`

* Disable Lint/AmbiguousBlockAssociation

It affects proc definitions for sinatra DSL

* Disable Style/CaseEquality

* Lint/UnusedBlockArgument: put underscore in front of it

* Style/Alias: prefer alias vs alias_method in a class body

* Layout/EmptyLineBetweenDefs: add empty lines between defs

* Style/ParallelAssignment: don't use parallel assigment

* Style/RegexpLiteral: prefer %r for regular expressions

* Naming/UncommunicativeMethodParamName: fix abbrevs

* Style/PerlBackrefs: disable cop

* Layout/SpaceAfterComma: add missing spaces

* Style/Documentation: disable cop

* Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment: add frozen_string_literal

* Layout/AlignHash: align hash

* Layout/ExtraSpacing: allow for alignment

* Layout/SpaceAroundOperators: add missing spaces

* Style/Not: prefer `!` instead of `not`

* Style/GuardClause: add guard conditions

* Style/MutableConstant: freeze contants

* Lint/IneffectiveAccessModifier: disable cop

* Lint/RescueException: disable cop

* Style/SpecialGlobalVars: disable cop

* Layout/DotPosition: fix position of dot for multiline method chains

* Layout/SpaceInsideArrayLiteralBrackets: don't use spaces inside arrays

* Layout/SpaceInsideBlockBraces: add space for blocks

* Layout/SpaceInsideHashLiteralBraces: add spaces for hashes

* Style/FormatString: use format string syntax

* Style/StderrPuts: `warn` is preferable to `$stderr.puts`

* Bundler/DuplicatedGem: disable cop

* Layout/AlignArray: fix warning

* Lint/AssignmentInCondition: remove assignments from conditions

* Layout/IndentHeredoc: disable cop

* Layout/SpaceInsideParens: remove extra spaces

* Lint/UnusedMethodArgument: put underscore in front of unused arg

* Naming/RescuedExceptionsVariableName: use `e` for exceptions

* Style/CommentedKeyword: put comments before the method

* Style/FormatStringToken: disable cop

* Style/MultilineIfModifier: move condition before the method

* Style/SignalException: prefer `raise` to `fail`

* Style/SymbolArray: prefer %i for array of symbols

* Gemspec/OrderedDependencies: Use alphabetical order for dependencies

* Lint/UselessAccessModifier: disable cop

* Naming/HeredocDelimiterNaming: change delimiter's name

* Style/ClassCheck: prefer `is_a?` to `kind_of?`

* Style/ClassVars: disable cop

* Style/Encoding: remove coding comment

* Style/RedundantParentheses: remove extra parentheses

* Style/StringLiteralsInInterpolation: prefer singl quotes

* Layout/AlignArguments: fix alignment

* Layout/ClosingHeredocIndentation: align heredoc

* Layout/EmptyLineAfterMagicComment: add empty line

* Set RubyVersion for rubocop

* Lint/UselessAssignment: disable cop

* Style/EmptyLiteral: disable cop

Causes test failures

* Minor code-style fixes with --safe-auto-correct option

* Disable the rest of the cops that cause warnings

It would be easier to re-enable them in separate PRs

* Add rubocop check to the default Rake task

* Update to rubocop 1.32.0

* Rubocop updates for rack-protection and sinatra-contrib

* Disable Style/SlicingWithRange cop

* Make suggested updates

Co-authored-by: Jordan Owens <jkowens@gmail.com>
2022-07-31 08:56:44 -04:00

24 lines
704 B

# frozen_string_literal: true
version = if defined? Gem.loaded_specs&.include?('rack')
if version == '1.3'
Rack::Session::Abstract::ID.class_eval do
def prepare_session(env)
session_was = env[ENV_SESSION_KEY]
env[ENV_SESSION_KEY] = SessionHash.new(self, env)
env[ENV_SESSION_OPTIONS_KEY] = OptionsHash.new(self, env, @default_options)
env[ENV_SESSION_KEY].merge! session_was if session_was
unless Rack::MockResponse.method_defined? :header
Rack::MockResponse.send(:alias_method, :header, :headers)