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Eloy Pérez f10e571f4d
Minor cleaning setting up tests (#1875)
We use minitest for Sinatra's test suite but we weren't using its rake task. I've updated the Rakefile to require and use Minitest default rake task to simplify.

Another change is to rename the `helper.rb` file to `test_helper.rb` because I think that name is used more in the community and require it directly without calling `File.expand_path`
2023-02-12 19:09:35 +01:00

144 lines
6.1 KiB

require_relative 'test_helper'
class CompileTest < Minitest::Test
def self.parses pattern, example, expected_params, mtype = :sinatra, mopts = {}
it "parses #{example} with #{pattern} into params #{expected_params}" do
compiled = mock_app { set :mustermann_opts, :type => mtype }.send(:compile, pattern, mopts)
params = compiled.params(example)
fail %Q{"#{example}" does not parse on pattern "#{pattern}".} unless params
assert_equal expected_params, params, "Pattern #{pattern} does not match path #{example}."
def self.fails pattern, example, mtype = :sinatra, mopts = {}
it "does not parse #{example} with #{pattern}" do
compiled = mock_app { set :mustermann_opts, :type => mtype }.send(:compile, pattern, mopts)
match = compiled.match(example)
fail %Q{"#{pattern}" does parse "#{example}" but it should fail} if match
def self.raises pattern, mtype = :sinatra, mopts = {}
it "does not compile #{pattern}" do
assert_raises(Mustermann::CompileError, %Q{Pattern "#{pattern}" compiles but it should not}) do
mock_app { set :mustermann_opts, :type => mtype }.send(:compile, pattern, mopts)
parses "/", "/", {}
parses "/foo", "/foo", {}
parses "/:foo", "/foo", "foo" => "foo"
parses "/:foo", "/foo.bar", "foo" => "foo.bar"
parses "/:foo", "/foo%2Fbar", "foo" => "foo/bar"
parses "/:foo", "/%0Afoo", "foo" => "\nfoo"
fails "/:foo", "/foo?"
fails "/:foo", "/foo/bar"
fails "/:foo", "/"
fails "/:foo", "/foo/"
parses "/föö", "/f%C3%B6%C3%B6", {}
parses "/:foo/:bar", "/foo/bar", "foo" => "foo", "bar" => "bar"
parses "/hello/:person", "/hello/Frank", "person" => "Frank"
parses "/?:foo?/?:bar?", "/hello/world", "foo" => "hello", "bar" => "world"
parses "/?:foo?/?:bar?", "/hello", "foo" => "hello", "bar" => nil
parses "/?:foo?/?:bar?", "/", "foo" => nil, "bar" => nil
parses "/?:foo?/?:bar?", "", "foo" => nil, "bar" => nil
parses "/*", "/", "splat" => [""]
parses "/*", "/foo", "splat" => ["foo"]
parses "/*", "/foo/bar", "splat" => ["foo/bar"]
parses "/:foo/*", "/foo/bar/baz", "foo" => "foo", "splat" => ["bar/baz"]
parses "/:foo/:bar", "/user@example.com/name", "foo" => "user@example.com", "bar" => "name"
parses "/test$/", "/test$/", {}
parses "/te+st/", "/te+st/", {}
fails "/te+st/", "/test/"
fails "/te+st/", "/teeest/"
parses "/test(bar)/", "/testbar/", {}
parses "/path with spaces", "/path%20with%20spaces", {}
parses "/path with spaces", "/path%2Bwith%2Bspaces", {}
parses "/path with spaces", "/path+with+spaces", {}
parses "/foo&bar", "/foo&bar", {}
parses "/:foo/*", "/hello%20world/how%20are%20you", "foo" => "hello world", "splat" => ["how are you"]
parses "/*/foo/*/*", "/bar/foo/bling/baz/boom", "splat" => ["bar", "bling", "baz/boom"]
parses "/*/foo/*/*rest", "/bar/foo/bling/baz/boom", "splat" => ["bar", "bling"], "rest" => "baz/boom"
fails "/*/foo/*/*", "/bar/foo/baz"
parses "/test.bar", "/test.bar", {}
fails "/test.bar", "/test0bar"
parses "/:file.:ext", "/pony.jpg", "file" => "pony", "ext" => "jpg"
parses "/:file.:ext", "/pony%2Ejpg", "file" => "pony", "ext" => "jpg"
fails "/:file.:ext", "/.jpg"
parses "/:name.?:format?", "/foo", "name" => "foo", "format" => nil
parses "/:name.?:format?", "/foo.bar", "name" => "foo", "format" => "bar"
parses "/:name.?:format?", "/foo%2Ebar", "name" => "foo", "format" => "bar"
parses "/:user@?:host?", "/foo@bar", "user" => "foo", "host" => "bar"
parses "/:user@?:host?", "/foo.foo@bar", "user" => "foo.foo", "host" => "bar"
parses "/:user@?:host?", "/foo@bar.bar", "user" => "foo", "host" => "bar.bar"
# From https://gist.github.com/2154980#gistcomment-169469.
parses "/:name(.:format)?", "/foo", "name" => "foo", "format" => nil
parses "/:name(.:format)?", "/foo.bar", "name" => "foo", "format" => "bar"
parses "/:name(.:format)?", "/foo.", "name" => "foo.", "format" => nil
parses "/:id/test.bar", "/3/test.bar", {"id" => "3"}
parses "/:id/test.bar", "/2/test.bar", {"id" => "2"}
parses "/:id/test.bar", "/2E/test.bar", {"id" => "2E"}
parses "/:id/test.bar", "/2e/test.bar", {"id" => "2e"}
parses "/:id/test.bar", "/%2E/test.bar", {"id" => "."}
parses "/{id}/test.bar", "/%2E/test.bar", {"id" => "."}
parses '/10/:id', '/10/test', "id" => "test"
parses '/10/:id', '/10/te.st', "id" => "te.st"
parses '/10.1/:id', '/10.1/test', "id" => "test"
parses '/10.1/:id', '/10.1/te.st', "id" => "te.st"
parses '/:foo/:id', '/10.1/te.st', "foo" => "10.1", "id" => "te.st"
parses '/:foo/:id', '/10.1.2/te.st', "foo" => "10.1.2", "id" => "te.st"
parses '/:foo.:bar/:id', '/10.1/te.st', "foo" => "10", "bar" => "1", "id" => "te.st"
parses '/:a/:b.?:c?', '/a/b', "a" => "a", "b" => "b", "c" => nil
parses '/:a/:b.?:c?', '/a/b.c', "a" => "a", "b" => "b", "c" => "c"
parses '/:a/:b.?:c?', '/a.b/c', "a" => "a.b", "b" => "c", "c" => nil
parses '/:a/:b.?:c?', '/a.b/c.d', "a" => "a.b", "b" => "c", "c" => "d"
fails '/:a/:b.?:c?', '/a.b/c.d/e'
parses "/:file.:ext", "/pony%2ejpg", "file" => "pony", "ext" => "jpg"
parses "/:file.:ext", "/pony%E6%AD%A3%2Ejpg", "file" => "pony正", "ext" => "jpg"
parses "/:file.:ext", "/pony%e6%ad%a3%2ejpg", "file" => "pony正", "ext" => "jpg"
parses "/:file.:ext", "/pony正%2Ejpg", "file" => "pony正", "ext" => "jpg"
parses "/:file.:ext", "/pony正%2ejpg", "file" => "pony正", "ext" => "jpg"
parses "/:file.:ext", "/pony正..jpg", "file" => "pony正.", "ext" => "jpg"
parses "/:name.:format", "/file.tar.gz", "name" => "file.tar", "format" => "gz"
parses "/:name.:format1.:format2", "/file.tar.gz", "name" => "file", "format1" => "tar", "format2" => "gz"
parses "/:name.:format1.:format2", "/file.temp.tar.gz", "name" => "file.temp", "format1" => "tar", "format2" => "gz"
# From issue #688.
parses "/articles/10.1103/:doi", "/articles/10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.026401", "doi" => "PhysRevLett.110.026401"
# Mustermann anchoring
fails "/bar", "/foo/bar", :regexp
raises "^/foo/bar$", :regexp
parses "^/foo/bar$", "/foo/bar", {}, :regexp, :check_anchors => false