2017-03-03 16:06:07 -05:00
require 'minitest/spec'
module Capybara
module Minitest
module Expectations
%w(text content title current_path).each do |assertion|
infect_an_assertion "assert_#{assertion}", "must_have_#{assertion}", :reverse
infect_an_assertion "refute_#{assertion}", "wont_have_#{assertion}", :reverse
2017-05-23 21:18:14 -04:00
(%w(selector xpath css link button field select table checked_field unchecked_field).map do |assertion|
[["assert_#{assertion}", "must_have_#{assertion}"],
["refute_#{assertion}", "wont_have_#{assertion}"]]
end.flatten(1) + %w(selector xpath css).map do |assertion|
[["assert_matches_#{assertion}", "must_match_#{assertion}"],
["refute_matches_#{assertion}", "wont_match_#{assertion}"]]
end.flatten(1)).each do |(meth, new_name)|
self.class_eval <<-EOM, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
def #{new_name} *args, &block
::Minitest::Expectation.new(self, ::Minitest::Spec.current).#{new_name}(*args, &block)
2017-03-03 16:06:07 -05:00
::Minitest::Expectation.class_eval <<-EOM, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
2017-05-23 21:18:14 -04:00
def #{new_name} *args, &block
ctx.#{meth}(target, *args, &block)
2017-03-03 16:06:07 -05:00
2017-03-06 16:54:03 -05:00
# Expectation that there is xpath
# @!method must_have_xpath
# see Capybara::Node::Matchers#has_xpath?
# Expectation that there is no xpath
# @!method wont_have_xpath
# see Capybara::Node::Matchers#has_no_xpath?
# Expectation that there is css
# @!method must_have_css
# see Capybara::Node::Matchers#has_css?
# Expectation that there is no css
# @!method wont_have_css
# see Capybara::Node::Matchers#has_no_css?
# Expectation that there is link
# @!method must_have_link
# see {Capybara::Node::Matchers#has_link?}
# Expectation that there is no link
# @!method wont_have_link
# see {Capybara::Node::Matchers#has_no_link?}
# Expectation that there is button
# @!method must_have_button
# see {Capybara::Node::Matchers#has_button?}
# Expectation that there is no button
# @!method wont_have_button
# see {Capybara::Node::Matchers#has_no_button?}
# Expectation that there is field
# @!method must_have_field
# see {Capybara::Node::Matchers#has_field?}
# Expectation that there is no field
# @!method wont_have_field
# see {Capybara::Node::Matchers#has_no_field?}
# Expectation that there is checked_field
# @!method must_have_checked_field
# see {Capybara::Node::Matchers#has_checked_field?}
# Expectation that there is no checked_field
# @!method wont_have_chceked_field
# Expectation that there is unchecked_field
# @!method must_have_unchecked_field
# see {Capybara::Node::Matchers#has_unchecked_field?}
# Expectation that there is no unchecked_field
# @!method wont_have_unchceked_field
# Expectation that there is select
# @!method must_have_select
# see {Capybara::Node::Matchers#has_select?}
# Expectation that there is no select
# @!method wont_have_select
# see {Capybara::Node::Matchers#has_no_select?}
# Expectation that there is table
# @!method must_have_table
# see {Capybara::Node::Matchers#has_table?}
# Expectation that there is no table
# @!method wont_have_table
# see {Capybara::Node::Matchers#has_no_table?}
# Expectation that page title does match
# @!method must_have_title
# see {Capybara::Node::DocumentMatchers#assert_title}
# Expectation that page title does not match
# @!method wont_have_title
# see {Capybara::Node::DocumentMatchers#assert_no_title}
# Expectation that current path matches
# @!method must_have_current_path
# see {Capybara::SessionMatchers#assert_current_path}
# Expectation that current page does not match
# @!method wont_have_current_path
# see {Capybara::SessionMatchers#assert_no_current_path}
2017-03-03 16:06:07 -05:00
class Capybara::Session
include Capybara::Minitest::Expectations unless ENV["MT_NO_EXPECTATIONS"]
class Capybara::Node::Base
include Capybara::Minitest::Expectations unless ENV["MT_NO_EXPECTATIONS"]
class Capybara::Node::Simple
include Capybara::Minitest::Expectations unless ENV["MT_NO_EXPECTATIONS"]