2019-03-13 18:21:53 -07:00
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'spec_helper'
require 'selenium-webdriver'
require 'shared_selenium_session'
require 'rspec/shared_spec_matchers'
SAFARI_DRIVER = :selenium_safari
:: Selenium :: WebDriver :: Safari . driver_path = '/Applications/Safari Technology Preview.app/Contents/MacOS/safaridriver'
browser_options = :: Selenium :: WebDriver :: Safari :: Options . new
# browser_options.headless! if ENV['HEADLESS']
# browser_options.add_option(:w3c, !!ENV['W3C'])
Capybara . register_driver :selenium_safari do | app |
Capybara :: Selenium :: Driver . new ( app , browser : :safari , options : browser_options , timeout : 30 ) . tap do | driver |
# driver.browser.download_path = Capybara.save_path
Capybara . register_driver :selenium_safari_not_clear_storage do | app |
safari_options = {
browser : :safari ,
options : browser_options
Capybara :: Selenium :: Driver . new ( app , safari_options . merge ( clear_local_storage : false , clear_session_storage : false ) )
module TestSessions
Safari = Capybara :: Session . new ( SAFARI_DRIVER , TestApp )
skipped_tests = % i [ response_headers status_code trigger windows drag ]
$stdout . puts ` #{ Selenium :: WebDriver :: Safari . driver_path } --version ` if ENV [ 'CI' ]
Capybara :: SpecHelper . run_specs TestSessions :: Safari , SAFARI_DRIVER . to_s , capybara_skip : skipped_tests do | example |
case example . metadata [ :full_description ]
when / click_link can download a file /
skip " safaridriver doesn't provide a way to set the download directory "
when / Capybara::Session selenium_safari Capybara::Window # maximize /
pending " Safari headless doesn't support maximize " if ENV [ 'HEADLESS' ]
when / Capybara::Session selenium_safari # visit without a server / ,
/ Capybara::Session selenium_safari # visit with Capybara.app_host set should override server / ,
/ Capybara::Session selenium_safari # reset_session! When reuse_server == false raises any standard errors caught inside the server during a second session /
skip " Safari webdriver doesn't support multiple sessions "
when / Capybara::Session selenium_safari # click_link with alternative text given to a contained image / ,
'Capybara::Session selenium_safari #click_link_or_button with enable_aria_label should click on link'
pending 'safaridriver thinks these links are non-interactable for some unknown reason'
when / Capybara::Session selenium_safari # attach_file with a block can upload by clicking the file input /
skip " safaridriver doesn't allow clicking on file inputs "
when / Capybara::Session selenium_safari # attach_file with a block can upload by clicking the label /
skip 'hangs tests'
when / Capybara::Session selenium_safari # check when checkbox hidden with Capybara.automatic_label_click == false with allow_label_click == true should check via the label if input is visible but blocked by another element / ,
'Capybara::Session selenium_safari node #click should not retry clicking when wait is disabled' ,
'Capybara::Session selenium_safari node #click should allow to retry longer' ,
'Capybara::Session selenium_safari node #click should retry clicking'
pending " safaridriver doesn't return a specific enough error to deal with this "
2019-04-04 18:18:41 -07:00
when / Capybara::Session selenium_safari # within_frame works if the frame is closed / ,
2019-03-13 18:21:53 -07:00
/ Capybara::Session selenium_safari # switch_to_frame works if the frame is closed /
2019-04-04 18:18:41 -07:00
skip 'Safari has a race condition when clicking an element that causes the frame to close. It will sometimes raise a NoSuchFrameError'
2019-03-13 18:21:53 -07:00
when / Capybara::Session selenium_safari # reset_session! removes ALL cookies /
skip 'Safari webdriver can only remove cookies for the current domain'
when / Capybara::Session selenium_safari # refresh it reposts /
skip " Safari opens an alert that can't be closed "
when 'Capybara::Session selenium_safari node #double_click should allow to adjust the offset' ,
'Capybara::Session selenium_safari node #double_click should double click an element'
pending " safardriver doesn't generate a double click event "
when 'Capybara::Session selenium_safari node #click should allow multiple modifiers' ,
/ Capybara::Session selenium_safari node # (click|right_click|double_click) should allow modifiers /
pending " safaridriver doesn't take key state into account when clicking "
when 'Capybara::Session selenium_safari #fill_in on a pre-populated textfield with a reformatting onchange should trigger change when clearing field'
pending " safardriver clear doesn't generate change event "
when 'Capybara::Session selenium_safari #go_back should fetch a response from the driver from the previous page' ,
'Capybara::Session selenium_safari #go_forward should fetch a response from the driver from the previous page'
skip 'safaridriver loses the ability to find elements in the document after `go_back`'
when 'Capybara::Session selenium_safari node #send_keys should hold modifiers at top level'
skip 'Need to look into this'
RSpec . describe 'Capybara::Session with safari' do
include Capybara :: SpecHelper
include_examples 'Capybara::Session' , TestSessions :: Safari , SAFARI_DRIVER
include_examples Capybara :: RSpecMatchers , TestSessions :: Safari , SAFARI_DRIVER
context 'storage' do
describe '#reset!' do
it 'clears storage by default' do
session = TestSessions :: Safari
session . visit ( '/with_js' )
session . find ( :css , '#set-storage' ) . click
session . reset!
session . visit ( '/with_js' )
expect ( session . evaluate_script ( 'Object.keys(localStorage)' ) ) . to be_empty
expect ( session . evaluate_script ( 'Object.keys(sessionStorage)' ) ) . to be_empty
it 'does not clear storage when false' do
skip " Safari webdriver doesn't support multiple sessions "
session = Capybara :: Session . new ( :selenium_safari_not_clear_storage , TestApp )
session . visit ( '/with_js' )
session . find ( :css , '#set-storage' ) . click
session . reset!
session . visit ( '/with_js' )
expect ( session . evaluate_script ( 'Object.keys(localStorage)' ) ) . not_to be_empty
expect ( session . evaluate_script ( 'Object.keys(sessionStorage)' ) ) . not_to be_empty
context 'timeout' do
it 'sets the http client read timeout' do
expect ( TestSessions :: Safari . driver . browser . send ( :bridge ) . http . read_timeout ) . to eq 30
describe 'filling in Safari-specific date and time fields with keystrokes' do
let ( :datetime ) { Time . new ( 1983 , 6 , 19 , 6 , 30 ) }
let ( :session ) { TestSessions :: Safari }
before do
skip 'Too many other things broken currently'
session . visit ( '/form' )
it 'should fill in a date input with a String' do
session . fill_in ( 'form_date' , with : '06/19/1983' )
session . click_button ( 'awesome' )
expect ( Date . parse ( extract_results ( session ) [ 'date' ] ) ) . to eq datetime . to_date
it 'should fill in a time input with a String' do
session . fill_in ( 'form_time' , with : '06:30A' )
session . click_button ( 'awesome' )
results = extract_results ( session ) [ 'time' ]
expect ( Time . parse ( results ) . strftime ( '%r' ) ) . to eq datetime . strftime ( '%r' )
it 'should fill in a datetime input with a String' do
session . fill_in ( 'form_datetime' , with : " 06/19/1983 \t 06:30A " )
session . click_button ( 'awesome' )
expect ( Time . parse ( extract_results ( session ) [ 'datetime' ] ) ) . to eq datetime