
271 lines
5.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2016-03-08 00:52:19 +00:00
# frozen_string_literal: true
2018-03-01 00:11:41 +00:00
require 'sinatra/base'
2015-05-20 20:08:24 +00:00
require 'tilt/erb'
require 'rack'
2009-12-19 10:52:08 +00:00
require 'yaml'
2009-11-04 22:32:35 +00:00
class TestApp < Sinatra::Base
2019-02-24 23:32:07 +00:00
class TestAppError < Exception; end # rubocop:disable Lint/InheritException
2020-11-26 20:16:11 +00:00
2019-02-24 23:32:07 +00:00
class TestAppOtherError < Exception # rubocop:disable Lint/InheritException
def initialize(string1, msg)
2020-09-05 19:24:43 +00:00
@something = string1
@message = msg
2009-11-05 16:35:45 +00:00
set :root, File.dirname(__FILE__)
set :static, true
set :raise_errors, true
set :show_exceptions, false
2009-11-04 22:32:35 +00:00
# Also check lib/capybara/spec/views/*.erb for pages not listed here
2009-11-04 22:32:35 +00:00
get '/' do
2018-03-01 00:11:41 +00:00
response.set_cookie('capybara', value: 'root cookie', domain:, path: request.path)
'Hello world! <a href="with_html">Relative</a>'
2009-11-04 22:32:35 +00:00
get '/foo' do
'Another World'
2009-11-12 17:58:27 +00:00
get '/redirect' do
redirect '/redirect_again'
get '/redirect_with_fragment' do
redirect '/landed#with_fragment'
2009-11-12 17:58:27 +00:00
get '/redirect_again' do
redirect '/landed'
post '/redirect_307' do
redirect '/landed', 307
2018-06-08 17:10:26 +00:00
post '/redirect_308' do
redirect '/landed', 308
get '/referer_base' do
2018-03-01 00:11:41 +00:00
'<a href="/get_referer">direct link</a>' \
2021-07-25 02:53:46 +00:00
'<a href="/redirect_to_get_referer">link via redirect</a>' \
'<form action="/get_referer" method="get"><input type="submit"></form>'
get '/redirect_to_get_referer' do
redirect '/get_referer'
get '/get_referer' do
2018-07-10 21:18:39 +00:00
request.referer.nil? ? 'No referer' : "Got referer: #{request.referer}"
get '/host' do
"Current host is #{request.scheme}://#{}:#{request.port}"
get '/redirect/:times/times' do
times = params[:times].to_i
2018-07-10 21:18:39 +00:00
'redirection complete'
redirect "/redirect/#{times - 1}/times"
2009-11-12 17:58:27 +00:00
get '/landed' do
2018-07-10 21:18:39 +00:00
'You landed'
2009-11-12 17:58:27 +00:00
post '/landed' do
"You post landed: #{params.dig(:form, 'data')}"
get '/with-quotes' do
2018-03-01 00:11:41 +00:00
%q("No," he said, "you can't do that.")
2009-11-24 20:32:25 +00:00
get '/form/get' do
2020-09-05 19:24:43 +00:00
%(<pre id="results">#{params[:form].to_yaml}</pre>)
2009-11-08 00:13:16 +00:00
post '/relative' do
2020-09-05 19:24:43 +00:00
%(<pre id="results">#{params[:form].to_yaml}</pre>)
2009-11-24 20:32:25 +00:00
get '/favicon.ico' do
post '/redirect' do
redirect '/redirect_again'
2018-07-10 21:18:39 +00:00
delete '/delete' do
'The requested object was deleted'
2018-07-10 21:18:39 +00:00
get '/delete' do
'Not deleted'
2010-02-12 13:41:41 +00:00
get '/redirect_back' do
redirect back
2011-07-18 19:08:55 +00:00
get '/redirect_secure' do
redirect "https://#{}:#{request.port}/host"
2011-07-18 19:08:55 +00:00
get '/slow_response' do
sleep 2
get '/set_cookie' do
cookie_value = 'test_cookie'
response.set_cookie('capybara', cookie_value)
"Cookie set to #{cookie_value}"
get '/get_cookie' do
get '/get_header' do
get '/get_header_via_redirect' do
redirect '/get_header'
get '/error' do
2018-07-10 21:18:39 +00:00
raise TestAppError, 'some error'
get '/other_error' do
2018-07-10 21:18:39 +00:00
raise'something', 'other error')
get '/load_error' do
raise LoadError
2015-04-14 19:46:00 +00:00
get '/with.*html' do
erb :with_html, locals: { referrer: request.referrer }
2015-04-14 19:46:00 +00:00
get '/with_title' do
Switch test file to standards mode Goal ==== Many of the test files were not specifying a doctype. This means they are operating in quirks mode which behaves differently than standards mode. Most systems in production use today operate in some sort of standards mode (most often HTML5). There is a question on what modes Capybara should support. There is quirks mode (no doctype), HTML4, HTML5, various XHTML formats (strict, traditional, frameset). My suggestion is that we don't care about quirks mode as it is a legacy format. If someone is using that they will need to live with those consequences. For the other formats I'm going to assume if it works in HTML5 it will work in the others. When that assumption is shown to be false a bug can be filed and we can create a specific test to cover that format for that scenario but I think running basically every test in every doctype would add more complication to the test suite than it is worth. Implementation ============== In general the idea is just to add the following to all the test HTML: <!DOCTYPE html> This declares it a standardized HTML5 document following standards mode rather than quirks mode. Many of the templates not only lack a doctype but also lack other HTML structure to be a valid HTML file (i.e. not html tag, head tag, body tag, etc). Basically they are without a layout. I assume this is because the test does not dependent a valid HTML file. But since we want to run in standards mode I think we should add a layout to these files. Rather than add boilerplate layout code to every file I'm instead using the layout feature of Sinatra. If the template file already has a doctype then just render it without the standard layout. Otherwise render it with the standard layout. There were a few files that indicated a XHTML namespace. Since we are doing all HTML5 doctypes we do not need a XHTML namespace and therefore those attributes were removed. I suspect these namespaces attriubtes were just copy/paste boilerplate. The exception to this is the `with_namespace.erb` template. This seems to be testing something related to XHTML namespaces so I left it and instead added a XHTML Strict doctype. The `with_title` template I don't think is used since there is an inline HTML doc on the Sinatra code with the same endpoint. I suspect that is leftover from an old refactor so removed that file completely. Test Failures ------------- With these changes made we ended up with test failures related to scroll (expected as that is what prompted this work) and frames. I will follow up with additional commits to correct these failures. They are currently: rspec './lib/capybara/spec/spec_helper.rb[1:44:3]' # Capybara::Session selenium_chrome #frame_title should return the title in the main frame rspec './lib/capybara/spec/spec_helper.rb[1:44:1]' # Capybara::Session selenium_chrome #frame_title should return the title in a frame rspec './lib/capybara/spec/spec_helper.rb[1:44:2]' # Capybara::Session selenium_chrome #frame_title should return the title in FrameTwo rspec './lib/capybara/spec/spec_helper.rb[1:98:5]' # Capybara::Session selenium_chrome #scroll_to can scroll the window to the vertical bottom rspec './lib/capybara/spec/spec_helper.rb[1:98:3]' # Capybara::Session selenium_chrome #scroll_to can scroll an element to the center of the viewport rspec './lib/capybara/spec/spec_helper.rb[1:98:2]' # Capybara::Session selenium_chrome #scroll_to can scroll an element to the bottom of the viewport rspec './lib/capybara/spec/spec_helper.rb[1:98:6]' # Capybara::Session selenium_chrome #scroll_to can scroll the window to the vertical center rspec './lib/capybara/spec/spec_helper.rb[1:98:7]' # Capybara::Session selenium_chrome #scroll_to can scroll the window to specific location rspec './lib/capybara/spec/spec_helper.rb[1:98:15]' # Capybara::Session selenium_chrome #scroll_to can scroll the window by a specific amount
2021-07-22 16:23:20 +00:00
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
<title>#{params[:title] || 'Test Title'}</title>
get '/base/with_base' do
<!DOCTYPE html>
<base href="/">
<a href="with_title">Title page</a>
<a href="?a=3">Bare query</a>
get '/csp' do
response.headers['Content-Security-Policy'] = "default-src 'none'; connect-src 'self'; base-uri 'none'; font-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data:; object-src 'none'; script-src 'self' 'nonce-jAviMuMisoTisVXjgLoWdA=='; style-src 'self' 'nonce-jAviMuMisoTisVXjgLoWdA=='; form-action 'self';"
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
2018-06-17 17:29:46 +00:00
get '/download.csv' do
2018-07-10 21:18:39 +00:00
content_type 'text/csv'
2018-06-17 17:29:46 +00:00
'This, is, comma, separated' \
2021-07-25 02:53:46 +00:00
'Thomas, Walpole, was , here'
2018-06-17 17:29:46 +00:00
2010-02-12 13:41:41 +00:00
get '/:view' do |view|
Switch test file to standards mode Goal ==== Many of the test files were not specifying a doctype. This means they are operating in quirks mode which behaves differently than standards mode. Most systems in production use today operate in some sort of standards mode (most often HTML5). There is a question on what modes Capybara should support. There is quirks mode (no doctype), HTML4, HTML5, various XHTML formats (strict, traditional, frameset). My suggestion is that we don't care about quirks mode as it is a legacy format. If someone is using that they will need to live with those consequences. For the other formats I'm going to assume if it works in HTML5 it will work in the others. When that assumption is shown to be false a bug can be filed and we can create a specific test to cover that format for that scenario but I think running basically every test in every doctype would add more complication to the test suite than it is worth. Implementation ============== In general the idea is just to add the following to all the test HTML: <!DOCTYPE html> This declares it a standardized HTML5 document following standards mode rather than quirks mode. Many of the templates not only lack a doctype but also lack other HTML structure to be a valid HTML file (i.e. not html tag, head tag, body tag, etc). Basically they are without a layout. I assume this is because the test does not dependent a valid HTML file. But since we want to run in standards mode I think we should add a layout to these files. Rather than add boilerplate layout code to every file I'm instead using the layout feature of Sinatra. If the template file already has a doctype then just render it without the standard layout. Otherwise render it with the standard layout. There were a few files that indicated a XHTML namespace. Since we are doing all HTML5 doctypes we do not need a XHTML namespace and therefore those attributes were removed. I suspect these namespaces attriubtes were just copy/paste boilerplate. The exception to this is the `with_namespace.erb` template. This seems to be testing something related to XHTML namespaces so I left it and instead added a XHTML Strict doctype. The `with_title` template I don't think is used since there is an inline HTML doc on the Sinatra code with the same endpoint. I suspect that is leftover from an old refactor so removed that file completely. Test Failures ------------- With these changes made we ended up with test failures related to scroll (expected as that is what prompted this work) and frames. I will follow up with additional commits to correct these failures. They are currently: rspec './lib/capybara/spec/spec_helper.rb[1:44:3]' # Capybara::Session selenium_chrome #frame_title should return the title in the main frame rspec './lib/capybara/spec/spec_helper.rb[1:44:1]' # Capybara::Session selenium_chrome #frame_title should return the title in a frame rspec './lib/capybara/spec/spec_helper.rb[1:44:2]' # Capybara::Session selenium_chrome #frame_title should return the title in FrameTwo rspec './lib/capybara/spec/spec_helper.rb[1:98:5]' # Capybara::Session selenium_chrome #scroll_to can scroll the window to the vertical bottom rspec './lib/capybara/spec/spec_helper.rb[1:98:3]' # Capybara::Session selenium_chrome #scroll_to can scroll an element to the center of the viewport rspec './lib/capybara/spec/spec_helper.rb[1:98:2]' # Capybara::Session selenium_chrome #scroll_to can scroll an element to the bottom of the viewport rspec './lib/capybara/spec/spec_helper.rb[1:98:6]' # Capybara::Session selenium_chrome #scroll_to can scroll the window to the vertical center rspec './lib/capybara/spec/spec_helper.rb[1:98:7]' # Capybara::Session selenium_chrome #scroll_to can scroll the window to specific location rspec './lib/capybara/spec/spec_helper.rb[1:98:15]' # Capybara::Session selenium_chrome #scroll_to can scroll the window by a specific amount
2021-07-22 16:23:20 +00:00
view_template = "#{__dir__}/views/#{view}.erb"
has_layout = File.exist?(view_template) && { |f| f.first.downcase.include?('doctype') }
erb view.to_sym, locals: { referrer: request.referrer }, layout: !has_layout
2010-02-12 13:41:41 +00:00
2009-11-24 20:32:25 +00:00
post '/form' do
2019-05-08 23:03:57 +00:00
self.class.form_post_count += 1
2020-09-05 19:24:43 +00:00
%(<pre id="results">#{params[:form].merge('post_count' => self.class.form_post_count).to_yaml}</pre>)
2009-11-17 22:36:27 +00:00
2009-11-12 16:07:43 +00:00
post '/upload_empty' do
if params[:form][:file].nil?
'Successfully ignored empty file field.'
'Something went wrong.'
2009-11-12 16:07:43 +00:00
post '/upload' do
2019-12-22 19:02:00 +00:00
buffer = []
buffer << "Content-type: #{params.dig(:form, :document, :type)}"
buffer << "File content: #{params.dig(:form, :document, :tempfile).read}"
buffer.join(' | ')
rescue StandardError
'No file uploaded'
2009-11-12 16:07:43 +00:00
post '/upload_multiple' do
2019-12-22 19:02:00 +00:00
docs = params.dig(:form, :multiple_documents)
buffer = [docs.size.to_s]
docs.each do |doc|
buffer << "Content-type: #{doc[:type]}"
buffer << "File content: #{doc[:tempfile].read}"
2019-12-22 19:02:00 +00:00
buffer.join(' | ')
rescue StandardError
'No files uploaded'
2019-05-08 23:03:57 +00:00
get '/apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png' do
2022-05-01 00:02:14 +00:00
2019-05-08 23:03:57 +00:00
class << self
attr_accessor :form_post_count
@form_post_count = 0
2009-11-08 00:13:16 +00:00
2018-03-01 00:11:41 +00:00 TestApp, Port: 8070 if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__