# frozen_string_literal: true require 'delegate' module Capybara class SessionConfig OPTIONS = %i[always_include_port run_server default_selector default_max_wait_time ignore_hidden_elements automatic_reload match exact exact_text raise_server_errors visible_text_only automatic_label_click enable_aria_label save_path asset_host default_host app_host server_host server_port server_errors default_set_options disable_animation test_id predicates_wait default_normalize_ws].freeze attr_accessor(*OPTIONS) ## # @!method always_include_port # See {Capybara.configure} # @!method run_server # See {Capybara.configure} # @!method default_selector # See {Capybara.configure} # @!method default_max_wait_time # See {Capybara.configure} # @!method ignore_hidden_elements # See {Capybara.configure} # @!method automatic_reload # See {Capybara.configure} # @!method match # See {Capybara.configure} # @!method exact # See {Capybara.configure} # @!method raise_server_errors # See {Capybara.configure} # @!method visible_text_only # See {Capybara.configure} # @!method automatic_label_click # See {Capybara.configure} # @!method enable_aria_label # See {Capybara.configure} # @!method save_path # See {Capybara.configure} # @!method asset_host # See {Capybara.configure} # @!method default_host # See {Capybara.configure} # @!method app_host # See {Capybara.configure} # @!method server_host # See {Capybara.configure} # @!method server_port # See {Capybara.configure} # @!method server_errors # See {Capybara.configure} # @!method default_set_options # See {Capybara.configure} # @!method disable_animation # See {Capybara.configure} # @!method test_id # See {Capybara.configure} # @!method default_normalize_ws # See {Capybara.configure} remove_method :server_host ## # # @return [String] The IP address bound by default server # def server_host @server_host || '' end remove_method :server_errors= def server_errors=(errors) (@server_errors ||= []).replace(errors.dup) end remove_method :app_host= def app_host=(url) raise ArgumentError, "Capybara.app_host should be set to a url (http://www.example.com). Attempted to set #{url.inspect}." if url && url !~ URI::DEFAULT_PARSER.make_regexp @app_host = url end remove_method :default_host= def default_host=(url) raise ArgumentError, "Capybara.default_host should be set to a url (http://www.example.com). Attempted to set #{url.inspect}." if url && url !~ URI::DEFAULT_PARSER.make_regexp @default_host = url end remove_method :disable_animation= def disable_animation=(bool_or_allowlist) warn 'Capybara.disable_animation is a beta feature - it may change/disappear in a future point version' if bool_or_allowlist @disable_animation = bool_or_allowlist end remove_method :test_id= ## # # Set an attribue to be optionally matched against the locator for builtin selector types. # This attribute will be checked by builtin selector types whenever id would normally be checked. # If `nil` then it will be ignored. # # @params [String, Symbol, nil] id Name of the attribute to use as the test id # def test_id=(id) @test_id = id&.to_sym end def initialize_copy(other) super @server_errors = @server_errors.dup end end class ReadOnlySessionConfig < SimpleDelegator SessionConfig::OPTIONS.each do |option| define_method "#{option}=" do |_| raise 'Per session settings are only supported when Capybara.threadsafe == true' end end end end