# frozen_string_literal: true Capybara::SpecHelper.spec "#execute_script", requires: [:js] do it "should execute the given script and return nothing" do @session.visit('/with_js') expect(@session.execute_script("document.getElementById('change').textContent = 'Funky Doodle'")).to be_nil expect(@session).to have_css('#change', text: 'Funky Doodle') end it "should be able to call functions defined in the page" do @session.visit('/with_js') expect{ @session.execute_script("$('#change').text('Funky Doodle')") }.not_to raise_error end it "should pass arguments to the script", requires: [:js, :es_args] do @session.visit('/with_js') @session.execute_script("document.getElementById('change').textContent = arguments[0]", "Doodle Funk") expect(@session).to have_css('#change', text: 'Doodle Funk') end it "should support passing elements as arguments to the script", requires: [:js, :es_args] do @session.visit('/with_js') el = @session.find(:css, '#change') @session.execute_script("arguments[1].textContent = arguments[0]", "Doodle Funk", el) expect(@session).to have_css('#change', text: 'Doodle Funk') end end