# frozen_string_literal: true class Capybara::Selenium::MarionetteNode < Capybara::Selenium::Node def click(keys = [], **options) super rescue ::Selenium::WebDriver::Error::ElementNotInteractableError if tag_name == "tr" warn "You are attempting to click a table row which has issues in geckodriver/marionette - see https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/issues/1228. " \ "Your test should probably be clicking on a table cell like a user would. Clicking the first cell in the row instead." return find_css('th:first-child,td:first-child')[0].click end raise end def disabled? return true if super # workaround for selenium-webdriver/geckodriver reporting elements as enabled when they are nested in disabling elements if %w[option optgroup].include? tag_name find_xpath("parent::*[self::optgroup or self::select]")[0].disabled? else !find_xpath("parent::fieldset[@disabled] | ancestor::*[not(self::legend) or preceding-sibling::legend][parent::fieldset[@disabled]]").empty? end end def set_file(value) # rubocop:disable Naming/AccessorMethodName path_names = value.to_s.empty? ? [] : value native.clear Array(path_names).each { |p| native.send_keys(p) } end end