# frozen_string_literal: true require 'matrix' module Capybara module Queries class SelectorQuery < Queries::BaseQuery attr_reader :expression, :selector, :locator, :options SPATIAL_KEYS = %i[above below left_of right_of near].freeze VALID_KEYS = SPATIAL_KEYS + COUNT_KEYS + %i[text id class style visible obscured exact exact_text normalize_ws match wait filter_set focused] VALID_MATCH = %i[first smart prefer_exact one].freeze def initialize(*args, session_options:, enable_aria_label: session_options.enable_aria_label, enable_aria_role: session_options.enable_aria_role, test_id: session_options.test_id, selector_format: nil, order: nil, **options, &filter_block) @resolved_node = nil @resolved_count = 0 @options = options.dup @order = order @filter_cache = Hash.new { |hsh, key| hsh[key] = {} } if @options[:text].is_a?(Regexp) && [true, false].include?(@options[:exact_text]) Capybara::Helpers.warn( "Boolean 'exact_text' option is not supported when 'text' option is a Regexp - ignoring" ) end super(@options) self.session_options = session_options @selector = Selector.new( find_selector(args[0].is_a?(Symbol) ? args.shift : args[0]), config: { enable_aria_label: enable_aria_label, enable_aria_role: enable_aria_role, test_id: test_id }, format: selector_format ) @locator = args.shift @filter_block = filter_block raise ArgumentError, "Unused parameters passed to #{self.class.name} : #{args}" unless args.empty? @expression = selector.call(@locator, **@options) warn_exact_usage assert_valid_keys end def name; selector.name; end def label; selector.label || selector.name; end def description(only_applied = false) # rubocop:disable Style/OptionalBooleanParameter desc = +'' show_for = show_for_stage(only_applied) if show_for[:any] desc << 'visible ' if visible == :visible desc << 'non-visible ' if visible == :hidden end desc << "#{label} #{locator.inspect}" if show_for[:any] desc << " with#{' exact' if exact_text == true} text #{options[:text].inspect}" if options[:text] desc << " with exact text #{exact_text}" if exact_text.is_a?(String) end desc << " with id #{options[:id]}" if options[:id] desc << " with classes [#{Array(options[:class]).join(',')}]" if options[:class] desc << ' that is focused' if options[:focused] desc << ' that is not focused' if options[:focused] == false desc << case options[:style] when String " with style attribute #{options[:style].inspect}" when Regexp " with style attribute matching #{options[:style].inspect}" when Hash " with styles #{options[:style].inspect}" else '' end %i[above below left_of right_of near].each do |spatial_filter| if options[spatial_filter] && show_for[:spatial] desc << " #{spatial_filter} #{options[spatial_filter] rescue ''}" # rubocop:disable Style/RescueModifier end end desc << selector.description(node_filters: show_for[:node], **options) desc << ' that also matches the custom filter block' if @filter_block && show_for[:node] desc << " within #{@resolved_node.inspect}" if describe_within? if locator.is_a?(String) && locator.start_with?('#', './/', '//') && !selector.raw_locator? desc << "\nNote: It appears you may be passing a CSS selector or XPath expression rather than a locator. " \ "Please see the documentation for acceptable locator values.\n\n" end desc end def applied_description description(true) end def matches_filters?(node, node_filter_errors = []) return true if (@resolved_node&.== node) && options[:allow_self] matches_locator_filter?(node) && matches_system_filters?(node) && matches_spatial_filters?(node) && matches_node_filters?(node, node_filter_errors) && matches_filter_block?(node) rescue *(node.respond_to?(:session) ? node.session.driver.invalid_element_errors : []) false end def visible case (vis = options.fetch(:visible) { default_visibility }) when true then :visible when false then :all else vis end end def exact? supports_exact? ? options.fetch(:exact, session_options.exact) : false end def match options.fetch(:match, session_options.match) end def xpath(exact = nil) exact = exact? if exact.nil? expr = apply_expression_filters(@expression) expr = exact ? expr.to_xpath(:exact) : expr.to_s if expr.respond_to?(:to_xpath) expr = filtered_expression(expr) expr = "(#{expr})[#{xpath_text_conditions}]" if try_text_match_in_expression? expr end def css filtered_expression(apply_expression_filters(@expression)) end # @api private def resolve_for(node, exact = nil) applied_filters.clear @filter_cache.clear @resolved_node = node @resolved_count += 1 node.synchronize do children = find_nodes_by_selector_format(node, exact).map(&method(:to_element)) Capybara::Result.new(ordered_results(children), self) end end # @api private def supports_exact? return @expression.respond_to? :to_xpath if @selector.supports_exact?.nil? @selector.supports_exact? end def failure_message +"expected to find #{applied_description}" << count_message end def negative_failure_message +"expected not to find #{applied_description}" << count_message end private def selector_format @selector.format end def matching_text options[:text] || options[:exact_text] end def text_fragments (text = matching_text).is_a?(String) ? text.split : [] end def xpath_text_conditions case (text = matching_text) when String text.split.map { |txt| XPath.contains(txt) }.reduce(&:&) when Regexp condition = XPath.current condition = condition.uppercase if text.casefold? Selector::RegexpDisassembler.new(text).alternated_substrings.map do |strs| strs.flat_map(&:split).map { |str| condition.contains(str) }.reduce(:&) end.reduce(:|) end end def try_text_match_in_expression? first_try? && matching_text && @resolved_node.is_a?(Capybara::Node::Base) && @resolved_node.session&.driver&.wait? end def first_try? @resolved_count == 1 end def show_for_stage(only_applied) lambda do |stage = :any| !only_applied || (stage == :any ? applied_filters.any? : applied_filters.include?(stage)) end end def applied_filters @applied_filters ||= [] end def find_selector(locator) case locator when Symbol then Selector[locator] else Selector.for(locator) end || Selector[session_options.default_selector] end def find_nodes_by_selector_format(node, exact) hints = {} hints[:uses_visibility] = true unless visible == :all hints[:texts] = text_fragments unless selector_format == :xpath hints[:styles] = options[:style] if use_default_style_filter? hints[:position] = true if use_spatial_filter? case selector_format when :css if node.method(:find_css).arity == 1 node.find_css(css) else node.find_css(css, **hints) end when :xpath if node.method(:find_xpath).arity == 1 node.find_xpath(xpath(exact)) else node.find_xpath(xpath(exact), **hints) end else raise ArgumentError, "Unknown format: #{selector_format}" end end def to_element(node) if @resolved_node.is_a?(Capybara::Node::Base) Capybara::Node::Element.new(@resolved_node.session, node, @resolved_node, self) else Capybara::Node::Simple.new(node) end end def valid_keys VALID_KEYS + custom_keys end def matches_node_filters?(node, errors) applied_filters << :node unapplied_options = options.keys - valid_keys @selector.with_filter_errors(errors) do node_filters.all? do |filter_name, filter| next true unless apply_filter?(filter) if filter.matcher? unapplied_options.select { |option_name| filter.handles_option?(option_name) }.all? do |option_name| unapplied_options.delete(option_name) filter.matches?(node, option_name, options[option_name], @selector) end elsif options.key?(filter_name) unapplied_options.delete(filter_name) filter.matches?(node, filter_name, options[filter_name], @selector) elsif filter.default? filter.matches?(node, filter_name, filter.default, @selector) else true end end end end def matches_filter_block?(node) return true unless @filter_block if node.respond_to?(:session) node.session.using_wait_time(0) { @filter_block.call(node) } else @filter_block.call(node) end end def filter_set(name) ::Capybara::Selector::FilterSet[name] end def node_filters if options.key?(:filter_set) filter_set(options[:filter_set]) else @selector end.node_filters end def expression_filters filters = @selector.expression_filters filters.merge filter_set(options[:filter_set]).expression_filters if options.key?(:filter_set) filters end def ordered_results(results) case @order when :reverse results.reverse else results end end def custom_keys @custom_keys ||= node_filters.keys + expression_filters.keys end def assert_valid_keys unless VALID_MATCH.include?(match) raise ArgumentError, "Invalid option #{match.inspect} for :match, should be one of #{VALID_MATCH.map(&:inspect).join(', ')}" end unhandled_options = @options.keys.reject do |option_name| valid_keys.include?(option_name) || expression_filters.any? { |_name, ef| ef.handles_option? option_name } || node_filters.any? { |_name, nf| nf.handles_option? option_name } end return if unhandled_options.empty? invalid_names = unhandled_options.map(&:inspect).join(', ') valid_names = (valid_keys - [:allow_self]).map(&:inspect).join(', ') raise ArgumentError, "Invalid option(s) #{invalid_names}, should be one of #{valid_names}" end def filtered_expression(expr) conditions = {} conditions[:id] = options[:id] if use_default_id_filter? conditions[:class] = options[:class] if use_default_class_filter? conditions[:style] = options[:style] if use_default_style_filter? && !options[:style].is_a?(Hash) builder(expr).add_attribute_conditions(**conditions) end def use_default_id_filter? options.key?(:id) && !custom_keys.include?(:id) end def use_default_class_filter? options.key?(:class) && !custom_keys.include?(:class) end def use_default_style_filter? options.key?(:style) && !custom_keys.include?(:style) end def use_default_focused_filter? options.key?(:focused) && !custom_keys.include?(:focused) end def use_spatial_filter? options.values_at(*SPATIAL_KEYS).compact.any? end def apply_expression_filters(expression) unapplied_options = options.keys - valid_keys expression_filters.inject(expression) do |expr, (name, ef)| next expr unless apply_filter?(ef) if ef.matcher? unapplied_options.select(&ef.method(:handles_option?)).inject(expr) do |memo, option_name| unapplied_options.delete(option_name) ef.apply_filter(memo, option_name, options[option_name], @selector) end elsif options.key?(name) unapplied_options.delete(name) ef.apply_filter(expr, name, options[name], @selector) elsif ef.default? ef.apply_filter(expr, name, ef.default, @selector) else expr end end end def warn_exact_usage return unless options.key?(:exact) && !supports_exact? warn "The :exact option only has an effect on queries using the XPath#is method. Using it with the query \"#{expression}\" has no effect." end def exact_text options.fetch(:exact_text, session_options.exact_text) end def describe_within? @resolved_node && !document?(@resolved_node) && !simple_root?(@resolved_node) end def document?(node) node.is_a?(::Capybara::Node::Document) end def simple_root?(node) node.is_a?(::Capybara::Node::Simple) && node.path == '/' end def apply_filter?(filter) filter.format.nil? || (filter.format == selector_format) end def matches_locator_filter?(node) return true unless @selector.locator_filter && apply_filter?(@selector.locator_filter) @selector.locator_filter.matches?(node, @locator, @selector, exact: exact?) end def matches_system_filters?(node) applied_filters << :system matches_visibility_filters?(node) && matches_id_filter?(node) && matches_class_filter?(node) && matches_style_filter?(node) && matches_focused_filter?(node) && matches_text_filter?(node) && matches_exact_text_filter?(node) end def matches_spatial_filters?(node) applied_filters << :spatial return true unless use_spatial_filter? node_rect = Rectangle.new(node.initial_cache[:position] || node.rect) if options[:above] el_rect = rect_cache(options[:above]) return false unless node_rect.above? el_rect end if options[:below] el_rect = rect_cache(options[:below]) return false unless node_rect.below? el_rect end if options[:left_of] el_rect = rect_cache(options[:left_of]) return false unless node_rect.left_of? el_rect end if options[:right_of] el_rect = rect_cache(options[:right_of]) return false unless node_rect.right_of? el_rect end if options[:near] return false if node == options[:near] el_rect = rect_cache(options[:near]) return false unless node_rect.near? el_rect end true end def matches_id_filter?(node) return true unless use_default_id_filter? && options[:id].is_a?(Regexp) options[:id].match? node[:id] end def matches_class_filter?(node) return true unless use_default_class_filter? && need_to_process_classes? if options[:class].is_a? Regexp options[:class].match? node[:class] else classes = (node[:class] || '').split options[:class].select { |c| c.is_a? Regexp }.all? do |r| classes.any? { |cls| r.match? cls } end end end def matches_focused_filter?(node) return true unless use_default_focused_filter? (node == node.session.active_element) == options[:focused] end def need_to_process_classes? case options[:class] when Regexp then true when Array then options[:class].any?(Regexp) else false end end def matches_style_filter?(node) case options[:style] when String, nil true when Regexp options[:style].match? node[:style] when Hash matches_style?(node, options[:style]) end end def matches_style?(node, styles) @actual_styles = node.initial_cache[:style] || node.style(*styles.keys) styles.all? do |style, value| if value.is_a? Regexp value.match? @actual_styles[style.to_s] else @actual_styles[style.to_s] == value end end end def matches_text_filter?(node) value = options[:text] return true unless value return matches_text_exactly?(node, value) if exact_text == true && !value.is_a?(Regexp) regexp = value.is_a?(Regexp) ? value : Regexp.escape(value.to_s) matches_text_regexp?(node, regexp) end def matches_exact_text_filter?(node) case exact_text when String, Regexp matches_text_exactly?(node, exact_text) else true end end def matches_visibility_filters?(node) obscured = options[:obscured] return (visible != :hidden) && (node.initial_cache[:visible] != false) && !node.obscured? if obscured == false vis = case visible when :visible node.initial_cache[:visible] || (node.initial_cache[:visible].nil? && node.visible?) when :hidden (node.initial_cache[:visible] == false) || (node.initial_cache[:visbile].nil? && !node.visible?) else true end vis && case obscured when true node.obscured? when false !node.obscured? else true end end def matches_text_exactly?(node, value) regexp = value.is_a?(Regexp) ? value : /\A#{Regexp.escape(value.to_s)}\z/ matches_text_regexp(node, regexp).then { |m| m&.pre_match == '' && m&.post_match == '' } end def normalize_ws options.fetch(:normalize_ws, session_options.default_normalize_ws) end def matches_text_regexp(node, regexp) text_visible = visible text_visible = :all if text_visible == :hidden node.text(text_visible, normalize_ws: normalize_ws).match(regexp) end def matches_text_regexp?(node, regexp) !matches_text_regexp(node, regexp).nil? end def default_visibility @selector.default_visibility(session_options.ignore_hidden_elements, options) end def builder(expr) selector.builder(expr) end def position_cache(key) @filter_cache[key][:position] ||= key.rect end def rect_cache(key) @filter_cache[key][:rect] ||= Rectangle.new(position_cache(key)) end class Rectangle attr_reader :top, :bottom, :left, :right def initialize(position) # rubocop:disable Style/RescueModifier @top = position['top'] rescue position['y'] @bottom = position['bottom'] rescue (@top + position['height']) @left = position['left'] rescue position['x'] @right = position['right'] rescue (@left + position['width']) # rubocop:enable Style/RescueModifier end def distance(other) distance = Float::INFINITY line_segments.each do |ls1| other.line_segments.each do |ls2| distance = [ distance, distance_segment_segment(*ls1, *ls2) ].min end end distance end def above?(other) bottom <= other.top end def below?(other) top >= other.bottom end def left_of?(other) right <= other.left end def right_of?(other) left >= other.right end def near?(other) distance(other) <= 50 end protected def line_segments [ [Vector[top, left], Vector[top, right]], [Vector[top, right], Vector[bottom, left]], [Vector[bottom, left], Vector[bottom, right]], [Vector[bottom, right], Vector[top, left]] ] end private def distance_segment_segment(l1p1, l1p2, l2p1, l2p2) # See http://geomalgorithms.com/a07-_distance.html # rubocop:disable Naming/VariableName u = l1p2 - l1p1 v = l2p2 - l2p1 w = l1p1 - l2p1 a = u.dot u b = u.dot v c = v.dot v d = u.dot w e = v.dot w cap_d = (a * c) - (b**2) sD = tD = cap_d # compute the line parameters of the two closest points if cap_d < Float::EPSILON # the lines are almost parallel sN = 0.0 # force using point P0 on segment S1 sD = 1.0 # to prevent possible division by 0.0 later tN = e tD = c else # get the closest points on the infinite lines sN = (b * e) - (c * d) tN = (a * e) - (b * d) if sN.negative? # sc < 0 => the s=0 edge is visible sN = 0 tN = e tD = c elsif sN > sD # sc > 1 => the s=1 edge is visible sN = sD tN = e + b tD = c end end if tN.negative? # tc < 0 => the t=0 edge is visible tN = 0 # recompute sc for this edge if (-d).negative? sN = 0.0 elsif -d > a sN = sD else sN = -d sD = a end elsif tN > tD # tc > 1 => the t=1 edge is visible tN = tD # recompute sc for this edge if (-d + b).negative? sN = 0.0 elsif (-d + b) > a sN = sD else sN = (-d + b) sD = a end end # finally do the division to get sc and tc sc = sN.abs < Float::EPSILON ? 0.0 : sN / sD tc = tN.abs < Float::EPSILON ? 0.0 : tN / tD # difference of the two closest points dP = w + (u * sc) - (v * tc) Math.sqrt(dP.dot(dP)) # rubocop:enable Naming/VariableName end end private_constant :Rectangle end end end