# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe 'capybara/rspec' do context 'Feature', type: :feature do it 'should include Capybara in rspec' do visit('/foo') expect(page.body).to include('Another World') end it 'should include RSpec matcher proxies' do expect(self.class.ancestors).to include Capybara::RSpecMatcherProxies end context 'resetting session' do it 'sets a cookie in one example...' do visit('/set_cookie') expect(page.body).to include('Cookie set to test_cookie') end it '...then it is not available in the next' do visit('/get_cookie') expect(page.body).not_to include('test_cookie') end end context 'setting the current driver' do it 'sets the current driver in one example...' do Capybara.current_driver = :selenium end it '...then it has returned to the default in the next example' do expect(Capybara.current_driver).to eq(:rack_test) end end it 'switches to the javascript driver when giving it as metadata', js: true do expect(Capybara.current_driver).to eq(Capybara.javascript_driver) end it 'switches to the given driver when giving it as metadata', driver: :culerity do expect(Capybara.current_driver).to eq(:culerity) end context '#all' do it 'allows access to the Capybara finder' do visit('/with_html') found = all(:css, 'h2') { |element| element[:class] == 'head' } expect(found.size).to eq(5) end it 'allows access to the RSpec matcher' do visit('/with_html') strings = %w[test1 test2] expect(strings).to all(be_a(String)) end end context '#within' do it 'allows access to the Capybara scoper' do visit('/with_html') expect do within(:css, '#does_not_exist') { click_link 'Go to simple' } end.to raise_error(Capybara::ElementNotFound) end it 'allows access to the RSpec matcher' do visit('/with_html') # This reads terribly, but must call #within expect(find(:css, 'span.number').text.to_i).to within(1).of(41) end end end context 'Type: Other', type: :other do context 'when RSpec::Matchers is included after Capybara::DSL' do before do class DSLMatchersTest include Capybara::DSL include RSpec::Matchers end @test_class_instance = DSLMatchersTest.new end context '#all' do it 'allows access to the Capybara finder' do @test_class_instance.visit('/with_html') expect(@test_class_instance.all(:css, 'h2.head').size).to eq(5) end it 'allows access to the RSpec matcher' do @test_class_instance.visit('/with_html') strings = %w[test1 test2] expect(strings).to @test_class_instance.all(be_a(String)) end end context '#within' do it 'allows access to the Capybara scoper' do @test_class_instance.visit('/with_html') expect do @test_class_instance.within(:css, '#does_not_exist') { @test_class_instance.click_link 'Go to simple' } end.to raise_error(Capybara::ElementNotFound) end it 'allows access to the RSpec matcher' do @test_class_instance.visit('/with_html') # This reads terribly, but must call #within expect(@test_class_instance.find(:css, 'span.number').text.to_i).to @test_class_instance.within(1).of(41) end end context 'when `match_when_negated` is not defined in a matcher' do before do RSpec::Matchers.define :only_match_matcher do |expected| match do |actual| !(actual ^ expected) end end end it 'can be called with `not_to`' do # This test is for a bug in jruby where `super` isn't defined correctly - https://github.com/jruby/jruby/issues/4678 # Reported in https://github.com/teamcapybara/capybara/issues/2115 @test_class_instance.instance_eval do expect do expect(true).not_to only_match_matcher(false) # rubocop:disable RSpec/ExpectActual end.not_to raise_error end end end end it 'should not include Capybara' do expect { visit('/') }.to raise_error(NoMethodError) end end end feature 'Feature DSL' do scenario 'is pulled in' do visit('/foo') expect(page.body).to include('Another World') end end