# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Capybara::Selector::XPathBuilder do let :builder do ::Capybara::Selector::XPathBuilder.new(@xpath) end context 'add_attribute_conditions' do it 'adds a single string condition to a single selector' do @xpath = './/div' selector = builder.add_attribute_conditions(random: 'abc') expect(selector).to eq %((.//div)[(./@random = 'abc')]) end it 'adds multiple string conditions to a single selector' do @xpath = './/div' selector = builder.add_attribute_conditions(random: 'abc', other: 'def') expect(selector).to eq %(((.//div)[(./@random = 'abc')])[(./@other = 'def')]) end it 'adds a single string condition to a multiple selector' do @xpath = XPath.descendant(:div, :ul) selector = builder.add_attribute_conditions(random: 'abc') expect(selector.to_s).to eq @xpath[XPath.attr(:random) == 'abc'].to_s end it 'adds multiple string conditions to a multiple selector' do @xpath = XPath.descendant(:div, :ul) selector = builder.add_attribute_conditions(random: 'abc', other: 'def') expect(selector.to_s).to eq %(.//*[self::div | self::ul][(./@random = 'abc')][(./@other = 'def')]) end it 'adds simple regexp conditions to a single selector' do @xpath = XPath.descendant(:div) selector = builder.add_attribute_conditions(random: /abc/, other: /def/) expect(selector.to_s).to eq %(.//div[./@random[contains(., 'abc')]][./@other[contains(., 'def')]]) end it 'adds wildcard regexp conditions to a single selector' do @xpath = './/div' selector = builder.add_attribute_conditions(random: /abc.*def/, other: /def.*ghi/) expect(selector).to eq %(((.//div)[./@random[(contains(., 'abc') and contains(., 'def'))]])[./@other[(contains(., 'def') and contains(., 'ghi'))]]) end it 'adds alternated regexp conditions to a single selector' do @xpath = XPath.descendant(:div) selector = builder.add_attribute_conditions(random: /abc|def/, other: /def|ghi/) expect(selector.to_s).to eq %(.//div[./@random[(contains(., 'abc') or contains(., 'def'))]][./@other[(contains(., 'def') or contains(., 'ghi'))]]) end it 'adds alternated regexp conditions to a multiple selector' do @xpath = XPath.descendant(:div, :ul) selector = builder.add_attribute_conditions(other: /def.*ghi|jkl/) expect(selector.to_s).to eq %(.//*[self::div | self::ul][./@other[((contains(., 'def') and contains(., 'ghi')) or contains(., 'jkl'))]]) end it "returns original selector when regexp can't be substringed" do @xpath = './/div' selector = builder.add_attribute_conditions(other: /.+/) expect(selector).to eq '(.//div)[./@other]' end context ':class' do it 'handles string' do @xpath = './/a' selector = builder.add_attribute_conditions(class: 'my_class') expect(selector).to eq %((.//a)[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(./@class), ' '), ' my_class ')]) end it 'handles negated strings' do @xpath = XPath.descendant(:a) selector = builder.add_attribute_conditions(class: '!my_class') expect(selector.to_s).to eq @xpath[!XPath.attr(:class).contains_word('my_class')].to_s end it 'handles array of strings' do @xpath = './/a' selector = builder.add_attribute_conditions(class: %w[my_class my_other_class]) expect(selector).to eq %((.//a)[(contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(./@class), ' '), ' my_class ') and contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(./@class), ' '), ' my_other_class '))]) end it 'handles array of string when negated included' do @xpath = XPath.descendant(:a) selector = builder.add_attribute_conditions(class: %w[my_class !my_other_class]) expect(selector.to_s).to eq @xpath[XPath.attr(:class).contains_word('my_class') & !XPath.attr(:class).contains_word('my_other_class')].to_s end end end end