# frozen_string_literal: true require 'capybara/session/matchers' require 'addressable/uri' module Capybara ## # # The {Session} class represents a single user's interaction with the system. The {Session} can use # any of the underlying drivers. A session can be initialized manually like this: # # session = Capybara::Session.new(:culerity, MyRackApp) # # The application given as the second argument is optional. When running Capybara against an external # page, you might want to leave it out: # # session = Capybara::Session.new(:culerity) # session.visit('http://www.google.com') # # When {Capybara.configure threadsafe} is `true` the sessions options will be initially set to the # current values of the global options and a configuration block can be passed to the session initializer. # For available options see {Capybara::SessionConfig::OPTIONS}: # # session = Capybara::Session.new(:driver, MyRackApp) do |config| # config.app_host = "http://my_host.dev" # end # # The {Session} provides a number of methods for controlling the navigation of the page, such as {#visit}, # {#current_path}, and so on. It also delegates a number of methods to a {Capybara::Document}, representing # the current HTML document. This allows interaction: # # session.fill_in('q', with: 'Capybara') # session.click_button('Search') # expect(session).to have_content('Capybara') # # When using `capybara/dsl`, the {Session} is initialized automatically for you. # class Session include Capybara::SessionMatchers NODE_METHODS = %i[ all first attach_file text check choose scroll_to scroll_by click_link_or_button click_button click_link fill_in find find_all find_button find_by_id find_field find_link has_content? has_text? has_css? has_no_content? has_no_text? has_no_css? has_no_xpath? has_xpath? select uncheck has_link? has_no_link? has_button? has_no_button? has_field? has_no_field? has_checked_field? has_unchecked_field? has_no_table? has_table? unselect has_select? has_no_select? has_selector? has_no_selector? click_on has_no_checked_field? has_no_unchecked_field? query assert_selector assert_no_selector assert_all_of_selectors assert_none_of_selectors assert_any_of_selectors refute_selector assert_text assert_no_text ].freeze # @api private DOCUMENT_METHODS = %i[ title assert_title assert_no_title has_title? has_no_title? ].freeze SESSION_METHODS = %i[ body html source current_url current_host current_path execute_script evaluate_script visit refresh go_back go_forward within within_element within_fieldset within_table within_frame switch_to_frame current_window windows open_new_window switch_to_window within_window window_opened_by save_page save_and_open_page save_screenshot save_and_open_screenshot reset_session! response_headers status_code current_scope assert_current_path assert_no_current_path has_current_path? has_no_current_path? ].freeze + DOCUMENT_METHODS MODAL_METHODS = %i[ accept_alert accept_confirm dismiss_confirm accept_prompt dismiss_prompt ].freeze DSL_METHODS = NODE_METHODS + SESSION_METHODS + MODAL_METHODS attr_reader :mode, :app, :server attr_accessor :synchronized def initialize(mode, app = nil) if app && !app.respond_to?(:call) raise TypeError, 'The second parameter to Session::new should be a rack app if passed.' end @@instance_created = true # rubocop:disable Style/ClassVars @mode = mode @app = app if block_given? raise 'A configuration block is only accepted when Capybara.threadsafe == true' unless Capybara.threadsafe yield config end @server = if config.run_server && @app && driver.needs_server? server_options = { port: config.server_port, host: config.server_host, reportable_errors: config.server_errors } server_options[:extra_middleware] = [Capybara::Server::AnimationDisabler] if config.disable_animation Capybara::Server.new(@app, **server_options).boot end @touched = false end def driver @driver ||= begin unless Capybara.drivers.key?(mode) other_drivers = Capybara.drivers.keys.map(&:inspect) raise Capybara::DriverNotFoundError, "no driver called #{mode.inspect} was found, available drivers: #{other_drivers.join(', ')}" end driver = Capybara.drivers[mode].call(app) driver.session = self if driver.respond_to?(:session=) driver end end ## # # Reset the session (i.e. remove cookies and navigate to blank page). # # This method does not: # # * accept modal dialogs if they are present (Selenium driver now does, others may not) # * clear browser cache/HTML 5 local storage/IndexedDB/Web SQL database/etc. # * modify state of the driver/underlying browser in any other way # # as doing so will result in performance downsides and it's not needed to do everything from the list above for most apps. # # If you want to do anything from the list above on a general basis you can: # # * write RSpec/Cucumber/etc. after hook # * monkeypatch this method # * use Ruby's `prepend` method # def reset! if @touched driver.reset! @touched = false end @server&.wait_for_pending_requests raise_server_error! end alias_method :cleanup!, :reset! alias_method :reset_session!, :reset! ## # # Disconnect from the current driver. A new driver will be instantiated on the next interaction. # def quit @driver.quit if @driver.respond_to? :quit @document = @driver = nil @touched = false @server&.reset_error! end ## # # Raise errors encountered in the server. # def raise_server_error! return unless @server&.error # Force an explanation for the error being raised as the exception cause begin if config.raise_server_errors raise CapybaraError, 'Your application server raised an error - It has been raised in your test code because Capybara.raise_server_errors == true' end rescue CapybaraError # needed to get the cause set correctly in JRuby -- otherwise we could just do raise @server.error raise @server.error, @server.error.message, @server.error.backtrace ensure @server.reset_error! end end ## # # Returns a hash of response headers. Not supported by all drivers (e.g. Selenium). # # @return [Hash] A hash of response headers. # def response_headers driver.response_headers end ## # # Returns the current HTTP status code as an integer. Not supported by all drivers (e.g. Selenium). # # @return [Integer] Current HTTP status code # def status_code driver.status_code end ## # # @return [String] A snapshot of the DOM of the current document, as it looks right now (potentially modified by JavaScript). # def html driver.html end alias_method :body, :html alias_method :source, :html ## # # @return [String] Path of the current page, without any domain information # def current_path # Addressable parsing is more lenient than URI uri = ::Addressable::URI.parse(current_url) # Addressable doesn't support opaque URIs - we want nil here return nil if uri&.scheme == 'about' path = uri&.path path unless path&.empty? end ## # # @return [String] Host of the current page # def current_host uri = URI.parse(current_url) "#{uri.scheme}://#{uri.host}" if uri.host end ## # # @return [String] Fully qualified URL of the current page # def current_url driver.current_url end ## # # Navigate to the given URL. The URL can either be a relative URL or an absolute URL # The behaviour of either depends on the driver. # # session.visit('/foo') # session.visit('http://google.com') # # For drivers which can run against an external application, such as the selenium driver # giving an absolute URL will navigate to that page. This allows testing applications # running on remote servers. For these drivers, setting {Capybara.configure app_host} will make the # remote server the default. For example: # # Capybara.app_host = 'http://google.com' # session.visit('/') # visits the google homepage # # If {Capybara.configure always_include_port} is set to `true` and this session is running against # a rack application, then the port that the rack application is running on will automatically # be inserted into the URL. Supposing the app is running on port `4567`, doing something like: # # visit("http://google.com/test") # # Will actually navigate to `http://google.com:4567/test`. # # @param [#to_s] visit_uri The URL to navigate to. The parameter will be cast to a String. # def visit(visit_uri) raise_server_error! @touched = true visit_uri = ::Addressable::URI.parse(visit_uri.to_s) base_uri = ::Addressable::URI.parse(config.app_host || server_url) if base_uri && [nil, 'http', 'https'].include?(visit_uri.scheme) if visit_uri.relative? visit_uri_parts = visit_uri.to_hash.compact # Useful to people deploying to a subdirectory # and/or single page apps where only the url fragment changes visit_uri_parts[:path] = base_uri.path + visit_uri.path visit_uri = base_uri.merge(visit_uri_parts) end adjust_server_port(visit_uri) end driver.visit(visit_uri.to_s) end ## # # Refresh the page. # def refresh raise_server_error! driver.refresh end ## # # Move back a single entry in the browser's history. # def go_back driver.go_back end ## # # Move forward a single entry in the browser's history. # def go_forward driver.go_forward end ## # # Executes the given block within the context of a node. {#within} takes the # same options as {Capybara::Node::Finders#find #find}, as well as a block. For the duration of the # block, any command to Capybara will be handled as though it were scoped # to the given element. # # within(:xpath, './/div[@id="delivery-address"]') do # fill_in('Street', with: '12 Main Street') # end # # Just as with `#find`, if multiple elements match the selector given to # {#within}, an error will be raised, and just as with `#find`, this # behaviour can be controlled through the `:match` and `:exact` options. # # It is possible to omit the first parameter, in that case, the selector is # assumed to be of the type set in {Capybara.configure default_selector}. # # within('div#delivery-address') do # fill_in('Street', with: '12 Main Street') # end # # Note that a lot of uses of {#within} can be replaced more succinctly with # chaining: # # find('div#delivery-address').fill_in('Street', with: '12 Main Street') # # @overload within(*find_args) # @param (see Capybara::Node::Finders#all) # # @overload within(a_node) # @param [Capybara::Node::Base] a_node The node in whose scope the block should be evaluated # # @raise [Capybara::ElementNotFound] If the scope can't be found before time expires # def within(*args, **kw_args) new_scope = args.first.respond_to?(:to_capybara_node) ? args.first.to_capybara_node : find(*args, **kw_args) begin scopes.push(new_scope) yield if block_given? ensure scopes.pop end end alias_method :within_element, :within ## # # Execute the given block within the a specific fieldset given the id or legend of that fieldset. # # @param [String] locator Id or legend of the fieldset # def within_fieldset(locator) within(:fieldset, locator) { yield } end ## # # Execute the given block within the a specific table given the id or caption of that table. # # @param [String] locator Id or caption of the table # def within_table(locator) within(:table, locator) { yield } end ## # # Switch to the given frame. # # If you use this method you are responsible for making sure you switch back to the parent frame when done in the frame changed to. # {#within_frame} is preferred over this method and should be used when possible. # May not be supported by all drivers. # # @overload switch_to_frame(element) # @param [Capybara::Node::Element] element iframe/frame element to switch to # @overload switch_to_frame(location) # @param [Symbol] location relative location of the frame to switch to # * :parent - the parent frame # * :top - the top level document # def switch_to_frame(frame) case frame when Capybara::Node::Element driver.switch_to_frame(frame) scopes.push(:frame) when :parent if scopes.last != :frame raise Capybara::ScopeError, "`switch_to_frame(:parent)` cannot be called from inside a descendant frame's "\ '`within` block.' end scopes.pop driver.switch_to_frame(:parent) when :top idx = scopes.index(:frame) if idx if scopes.slice(idx..-1).any? { |scope| ![:frame, nil].include?(scope) } raise Capybara::ScopeError, "`switch_to_frame(:top)` cannot be called from inside a descendant frame's "\ '`within` block.' end scopes.slice!(idx..-1) driver.switch_to_frame(:top) end else raise ArgumentError, 'You must provide a frame element, :parent, or :top when calling switch_to_frame' end end ## # # Execute the given block within the given iframe using given frame, frame name/id or index. # May not be supported by all drivers. # # @overload within_frame(element) # @param [Capybara::Node::Element] frame element # @overload within_frame([kind = :frame], locator, **options) # @param [Symbol] kind Optional selector type (:frame, :css, :xpath, etc.) - Defaults to :frame # @param [String] locator The locator for the given selector kind. For :frame this is the name/id of a frame/iframe element # @overload within_frame(index) # @param [Integer] index index of a frame (0 based) def within_frame(*args, **kw_args) switch_to_frame(_find_frame(*args, **kw_args)) begin yield if block_given? ensure switch_to_frame(:parent) end end ## # @return [Capybara::Window] current window # def current_window Window.new(self, driver.current_window_handle) end ## # Get all opened windows. # The order of windows in returned array is not defined. # The driver may sort windows by their creation time but it's not required. # # @return [Array] an array of all windows # def windows driver.window_handles.map do |handle| Window.new(self, handle) end end ## # Open a new window. # The current window doesn't change as the result of this call. # It should be switched to explicitly. # # @return [Capybara::Window] window that has been opened # def open_new_window(kind = :tab) window_opened_by do if driver.method(:open_new_window).arity.zero? driver.open_new_window else driver.open_new_window(kind) end end end ## # Switch to the given window. # # @overload switch_to_window(&block) # Switches to the first window for which given block returns a value other than false or nil. # If window that matches block can't be found, the window will be switched back and {Capybara::WindowError} will be raised. # @example # window = switch_to_window { title == 'Page title' } # @raise [Capybara::WindowError] if no window matches given block # @overload switch_to_window(window) # @param window [Capybara::Window] window that should be switched to # @raise [Capybara::Driver::Base#no_such_window_error] if nonexistent (e.g. closed) window was passed # # @return [Capybara::Window] window that has been switched to # @raise [Capybara::ScopeError] if this method is invoked inside {#within} or # {#within_frame} methods # @raise [ArgumentError] if both or neither arguments were provided # def switch_to_window(window = nil, **options, &window_locator) raise ArgumentError, '`switch_to_window` can take either a block or a window, not both' if window && block_given? raise ArgumentError, '`switch_to_window`: either window or block should be provided' if !window && !block_given? unless scopes.last.nil? raise Capybara::ScopeError, '`switch_to_window` is not supposed to be invoked from '\ '`within` or `within_frame` blocks.' end _switch_to_window(window, **options, &window_locator) end ## # This method does the following: # # 1. Switches to the given window (it can be located by window instance/lambda/string). # 2. Executes the given block (within window located at previous step). # 3. Switches back (this step will be invoked even if an exception occurs at the second step). # # @overload within_window(window) { do_something } # @param window [Capybara::Window] instance of {Capybara::Window} class # that will be switched to # @raise [driver#no_such_window_error] if nonexistent (e.g. closed) window was passed # @overload within_window(proc_or_lambda) { do_something } # @param lambda [Proc] First window for which lambda # returns a value other than false or nil will be switched to. # @example # within_window(->{ page.title == 'Page title' }) { click_button 'Submit' } # @raise [Capybara::WindowError] if no window matching lambda was found # # @raise [Capybara::ScopeError] if this method is invoked inside {#within_frame} method # @return value returned by the block # def within_window(window_or_proc) original = current_window scopes << nil begin case window_or_proc when Capybara::Window _switch_to_window(window_or_proc) unless original == window_or_proc when Proc _switch_to_window { window_or_proc.call } else raise ArgumentError, '`#within_window` requires a `Capybara::Window` instance or a lambda' end begin yield if block_given? ensure _switch_to_window(original) unless original == window_or_proc end ensure scopes.pop end end ## # Get the window that has been opened by the passed block. # It will wait for it to be opened (in the same way as other Capybara methods wait). # It's better to use this method than `windows.last` # {https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/webdriver/raw-file/default/webdriver-spec.html#h_note_10 as order of windows isn't defined in some drivers}. # # @overload window_opened_by(**options, &block) # @param options [Hash] # @option options [Numeric] :wait maximum wait time. Defaults to {Capybara.configure default_max_wait_time} # @return [Capybara::Window] the window that has been opened within a block # @raise [Capybara::WindowError] if block passed to window hasn't opened window # or opened more than one window # def window_opened_by(**options) old_handles = driver.window_handles yield synchronize_windows(options) do opened_handles = (driver.window_handles - old_handles) if opened_handles.size != 1 raise Capybara::WindowError, 'block passed to #window_opened_by '\ "opened #{opened_handles.size} windows instead of 1" end Window.new(self, opened_handles.first) end end ## # # Execute the given script, not returning a result. This is useful for scripts that return # complex objects, such as jQuery statements. {#execute_script} should be used over # {#evaluate_script} whenever possible. # # @param [String] script A string of JavaScript to execute # @param args Optional arguments that will be passed to the script. Driver support for this is optional and types of objects supported may differ between drivers # def execute_script(script, *args) @touched = true driver.execute_script(script, *driver_args(args)) end ## # # Evaluate the given JavaScript and return the result. Be careful when using this with # scripts that return complex objects, such as jQuery statements. {#execute_script} might # be a better alternative. # # @param [String] script A string of JavaScript to evaluate # @param args Optional arguments that will be passed to the script # @return [Object] The result of the evaluated JavaScript (may be driver specific) # def evaluate_script(script, *args) @touched = true result = driver.evaluate_script(script.strip, *driver_args(args)) element_script_result(result) end ## # # Evaluate the given JavaScript and obtain the result from a callback function which will be passed as the last argument to the script. # # @param [String] script A string of JavaScript to evaluate # @param args Optional arguments that will be passed to the script # @return [Object] The result of the evaluated JavaScript (may be driver specific) # def evaluate_async_script(script, *args) @touched = true result = driver.evaluate_async_script(script, *driver_args(args)) element_script_result(result) end ## # # Execute the block, accepting a alert. # # @!macro modal_params # Expects a block whose actions will trigger the display modal to appear. # @example # $0 do # click_link('link that triggers appearance of system modal') # end # @overload $0(text, **options, &blk) # @param text [String, Regexp] Text or regex to match against the text in the modal. If not provided any modal is matched. # @option options [Numeric] :wait Maximum time to wait for the modal to appear after executing the block. Defaults to {Capybara.configure default_max_wait_time}. # @yield Block whose actions will trigger the system modal # @overload $0(**options, &blk) # @option options [Numeric] :wait Maximum time to wait for the modal to appear after executing the block. Defaults to {Capybara.configure default_max_wait_time}. # @yield Block whose actions will trigger the system modal # @return [String] the message shown in the modal # @raise [Capybara::ModalNotFound] if modal dialog hasn't been found # def accept_alert(text = nil, **options, &blk) accept_modal(:alert, text, options, &blk) end ## # # Execute the block, accepting a confirm. # # @macro modal_params # def accept_confirm(text = nil, **options, &blk) accept_modal(:confirm, text, options, &blk) end ## # # Execute the block, dismissing a confirm. # # @macro modal_params # def dismiss_confirm(text = nil, **options, &blk) dismiss_modal(:confirm, text, options, &blk) end ## # # Execute the block, accepting a prompt, optionally responding to the prompt. # # @macro modal_params # @option options [String] :with Response to provide to the prompt # def accept_prompt(text = nil, **options, &blk) accept_modal(:prompt, text, options, &blk) end ## # # Execute the block, dismissing a prompt. # # @macro modal_params # def dismiss_prompt(text = nil, **options, &blk) dismiss_modal(:prompt, text, options, &blk) end ## # # Save a snapshot of the page. If {Capybara.configure asset_host} is set it will inject `base` tag # pointing to {Capybara.configure asset_host}. # # If invoked without arguments it will save file to {Capybara.configure save_path} # and file will be given randomly generated filename. If invoked with a relative path # the path will be relative to {Capybara.configure save_path}. # # @param [String] path the path to where it should be saved # @return [String] the path to which the file was saved # def save_page(path = nil) prepare_path(path, 'html').tap do |p_path| File.write(p_path, Capybara::Helpers.inject_asset_host(body, host: config.asset_host), mode: 'wb') end end ## # # Save a snapshot of the page and open it in a browser for inspection. # # If invoked without arguments it will save file to {Capybara.configure save_path} # and file will be given randomly generated filename. If invoked with a relative path # the path will be relative to {Capybara.configure save_path}. # # @param [String] path the path to where it should be saved # def save_and_open_page(path = nil) save_page(path).tap { |s_path| open_file(s_path) } end ## # # Save a screenshot of page. # # If invoked without arguments it will save file to {Capybara.configure save_path} # and file will be given randomly generated filename. If invoked with a relative path # the path will be relative to {Capybara.configure save_path}. # # @param [String] path the path to where it should be saved # @param [Hash] options a customizable set of options # @return [String] the path to which the file was saved def save_screenshot(path = nil, **options) prepare_path(path, 'png').tap { |p_path| driver.save_screenshot(p_path, **options) } end ## # # Save a screenshot of the page and open it for inspection. # # If invoked without arguments it will save file to {Capybara.configure save_path} # and file will be given randomly generated filename. If invoked with a relative path # the path will be relative to {Capybara.configure save_path}. # # @param [String] path the path to where it should be saved # @param [Hash] options a customizable set of options # def save_and_open_screenshot(path = nil, **options) save_screenshot(path, **options).tap { |s_path| open_file(s_path) } # rubocop:disable Lint/Debugger end def document @document ||= Capybara::Node::Document.new(self, driver) end NODE_METHODS.each do |method| if RUBY_VERSION >= '2.7' class_eval <<~METHOD, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{method}(...) @touched = true current_scope.#{method}(...) end METHOD else define_method method do |*args, &block| @touched = true current_scope.send(method, *args, &block) end end end DOCUMENT_METHODS.each do |method| if RUBY_VERSION >= '2.7' class_eval <<~METHOD, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{method}(...) document.#{method}(...) end METHOD else define_method method do |*args, &block| document.send(method, *args, &block) end end end def inspect %(#) end def current_scope scope = scopes.last [nil, :frame].include?(scope) ? document : scope end ## # # Yield a block using a specific maximum wait time. # def using_wait_time(seconds) if Capybara.threadsafe begin previous_wait_time = config.default_max_wait_time config.default_max_wait_time = seconds yield ensure config.default_max_wait_time = previous_wait_time end else Capybara.using_wait_time(seconds) { yield } end end ## # # Accepts a block to set the configuration options if {Capybara.configure threadsafe} is `true`. Note that some options only have an effect # if set at initialization time, so look at the configuration block that can be passed to the initializer too. # def configure raise 'Session configuration is only supported when Capybara.threadsafe == true' unless Capybara.threadsafe yield config end def self.instance_created? @@instance_created end def config @config ||= if Capybara.threadsafe Capybara.session_options.dup else Capybara::ReadOnlySessionConfig.new(Capybara.session_options) end end def server_url @server&.base_url end private @@instance_created = false # rubocop:disable Style/ClassVars def driver_args(args) args.map { |arg| arg.is_a?(Capybara::Node::Element) ? arg.base : arg } end def accept_modal(type, text_or_options, options, &blk) driver.accept_modal(type, **modal_options(text_or_options, **options), &blk) end def dismiss_modal(type, text_or_options, options, &blk) driver.dismiss_modal(type, **modal_options(text_or_options, **options), &blk) end def modal_options(text = nil, **options) options[:text] ||= text unless text.nil? options[:wait] ||= config.default_max_wait_time options end def open_file(path) require 'launchy' Launchy.open(path) rescue LoadError warn "File saved to #{path}.\nPlease install the launchy gem to open the file automatically." end def prepare_path(path, extension) File.expand_path(path || default_fn(extension), config.save_path).tap do |p_path| FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(p_path)) end end def default_fn(extension) timestamp = Time.new.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') "capybara-#{timestamp}#{rand(10**10)}.#{extension}" end def scopes @scopes ||= [nil] end def element_script_result(arg) case arg when Array arg.map { |subarg| element_script_result(subarg) } when Hash arg.transform_values! { |value| element_script_result(value) } when Capybara::Driver::Node Capybara::Node::Element.new(self, arg, nil, nil) else arg end end def adjust_server_port(uri) uri.port ||= @server.port if @server && config.always_include_port end def _find_frame(*args, **kw_args) case args[0] when Capybara::Node::Element args[0] when String, nil find(:frame, *args, **kw_args) when Symbol find(*args, **kw_args) when Integer idx = args[0] all(:frame, minimum: idx + 1)[idx] else raise TypeError end end def _switch_to_window(window = nil, **options, &window_locator) raise Capybara::ScopeError, 'Window cannot be switched inside a `within_frame` block' if scopes.include?(:frame) raise Capybara::ScopeError, 'Window cannot be switched inside a `within` block' unless scopes.last.nil? if window driver.switch_to_window(window.handle) window else synchronize_windows(options) do original_window_handle = driver.current_window_handle begin _switch_to_window_by_locator(&window_locator) rescue StandardError driver.switch_to_window(original_window_handle) raise end end end end def _switch_to_window_by_locator driver.window_handles.each do |handle| driver.switch_to_window handle return Window.new(self, handle) if yield end raise Capybara::WindowError, 'Could not find a window matching block/lambda' end def synchronize_windows(options, &block) wait_time = Capybara::Queries::BaseQuery.wait(options, config.default_max_wait_time) document.synchronize(wait_time, errors: [Capybara::WindowError], &block) end end end