# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' require 'selenium-webdriver' RSpec.shared_examples 'Capybara::Session' do |session, mode| let(:session) { session } context 'with selenium driver' do describe '#driver' do it 'should be a selenium driver' do expect(session.driver).to be_an_instance_of(Capybara::Selenium::Driver) end end describe '#mode' do it 'should remember the mode' do expect(session.mode).to eq(mode) end end describe '#reset!' do it 'freshly reset session should not be touched' do session.instance_variable_set(:@touched, true) session.reset! expect(session.instance_variable_get(:@touched)).to eq false end end describe 'exit codes' do let(:env) { { 'SELENIUM_BROWSER' => session.driver.options[:browser].to_s } } let!(:orig_dir) { Dir.getwd } before do Dir.chdir(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..')) end after do Dir.chdir(orig_dir) end it 'should have return code 1 when running selenium_driver_rspec_failure.rb' do skip 'only setup for local non-headless' if headless_or_remote? skip 'Not setup for edge' if edge?(session) system(env, 'rspec spec/fixtures/selenium_driver_rspec_failure.rb', out: File::NULL, err: File::NULL) expect($CHILD_STATUS.exitstatus).to eq(1) end it 'should have return code 0 when running selenium_driver_rspec_success.rb' do skip 'only setup for local non-headless' if headless_or_remote? skip 'Not setup for edge' if edge?(session) system(env, 'rspec spec/fixtures/selenium_driver_rspec_success.rb', out: File::NULL, err: File::NULL) expect($CHILD_STATUS.exitstatus).to eq(0) end end describe '#accept_alert', requires: [:modals] do it 'supports a blockless mode' do session.visit('/with_js') session.click_link('Open alert') session.accept_alert expect { session.driver.browser.switch_to.alert }.to raise_error(session.driver.send(:modal_error)) end it 'can be called before visiting' do session.accept_alert 'Initial alert' do session.visit('/initial_alert') end expect(session).to have_text('Initial alert page') end end describe '#fill_in_with empty string and no options' do it 'should trigger change when clearing a field' do pending "safaridriver doesn't trigger change for clear" if safari?(session) session.visit('/with_js') session.fill_in('with_change_event', with: '') # click outside the field to trigger the change event session.find(:css, 'body').click expect(session).to have_selector(:css, '.change_event_triggered', match: :one) end end describe '#fill_in with { :clear => :backspace } fill_option', requires: [:js] do before do # Firefox has an issue with change events if the main window doesn't think it's focused session.execute_script('window.focus()') end it 'should fill in a field, replacing an existing value' do session.visit('/form') session.fill_in('form_first_name', with: 'Harry', fill_options: { clear: :backspace }) expect(session.find(:fillable_field, 'form_first_name').value).to eq('Harry') end it 'should fill in a field, replacing an existing value, even with caret position' do session.visit('/form') session.find(:css, '#form_first_name').execute_script <<-JS this.focus(); this.setSelectionRange(0, 0); JS session.fill_in('form_first_name', with: 'Harry', fill_options: { clear: :backspace }) expect(session.find(:fillable_field, 'form_first_name').value).to eq('Harry') end it 'should fill in if the option is set via global option' do Capybara.default_set_options = { clear: :backspace } session.visit('/form') session.fill_in('form_first_name', with: 'Thomas') expect(session.find(:fillable_field, 'form_first_name').value).to eq('Thomas') end it 'should only trigger onchange once' do session.visit('/with_js') sleep 2 if safari?(session) # Safari needs a delay (to load event handlers maybe ???) session.fill_in('with_change_event', with: 'some value', fill_options: { clear: :backspace }) # click outside the field to trigger the change event session.find(:css, '#with_focus_event').click expect(session.find(:css, '.change_event_triggered', match: :one, wait: 5)).to have_text 'some value' end it 'should trigger change when clearing field' do session.visit('/with_js') session.fill_in('with_change_event', with: '', fill_options: { clear: :backspace }) # click outside the field to trigger the change event session.find(:css, '#with_focus_event').click expect(session).to have_selector(:css, '.change_event_triggered', match: :one, wait: 5) end it 'should trigger input event field_value.length times' do session.visit('/with_js') session.fill_in('with_change_event', with: '', fill_options: { clear: :backspace }) # click outside the field to trigger the change event # session.find(:css, 'body').click session.find(:css, 'h1', text: 'FooBar').click expect(session).to have_xpath('//p[@class="input_event_triggered"]', count: 13) end end describe '#fill_in with { clear: :none } fill_options' do it 'should append to content in a field' do pending 'Safari overwrites by default - need to figure out a workaround' if safari?(session) session.visit('/form') session.fill_in('form_first_name', with: 'Harry', fill_options: { clear: :none }) expect(session.find(:fillable_field, 'form_first_name').value).to eq('JohnHarry') end end describe '#fill_in with Date' do before do session.visit('/form') session.find(:css, '#form_date').execute_script <<-JS window.capybara_formDateFiredEvents = []; var fd = this; ['focus', 'input', 'change'].forEach(function(eventType) { fd.addEventListener(eventType, function() { window.capybara_formDateFiredEvents.push(eventType); }); }); JS # work around weird FF issue where it would create an extra focus issue in some cases session.find(:css, 'h1', text: 'Form').click # session.find(:css, 'body').click end it 'should generate standard events on changing value' do pending "IE 11 doesn't support date input type" if ie?(session) pending "Safari doesn't support date input type" if safari?(session) session.fill_in('form_date', with: Date.today) expect(session.evaluate_script('window.capybara_formDateFiredEvents')).to eq %w[focus input change] end it 'should not generate input and change events if the value is not changed' do pending "IE 11 doesn't support date input type" if ie?(session) pending "Safari doesn't support date input type" if safari?(session) session.fill_in('form_date', with: Date.today) session.fill_in('form_date', with: Date.today) # Chrome adds an extra focus for some reason - ok for now expect(session.evaluate_script('window.capybara_formDateFiredEvents')).to eq(%w[focus input change]) end end describe '#fill_in with { clear: Array } fill_options' do it 'should pass the array through to the element' do # this is mainly for use with [[:control, 'a'], :backspace] - however since that is platform dependant I'm testing with something less useful session.visit('/form') session.fill_in('form_first_name', with: 'Harry', fill_options: { clear: [[:shift, 'abc'], :backspace] }) expect(session.find(:fillable_field, 'form_first_name').value).to eq('JohnABHarry') end end describe '#path' do it 'returns xpath' do # this is here because it is testing for an XPath that is specific to the algorithm used in the selenium driver session.visit('/path') element = session.find(:link, 'Second Link') expect(element.path).to eq('/HTML/BODY[1]/DIV[2]/A[1]') end it 'handles namespaces in xhtml' do pending "IE 11 doesn't handle all XPath querys (namespace-uri, etc)" if ie?(session) session.visit '/with_namespace' rect = session.find(:css, 'div svg rect:first-of-type') expect(rect.path).to eq("/HTML/BODY[1]/DIV[1]/*[local-name()='svg' and namespace-uri()='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'][1]/*[local-name()='rect' and namespace-uri()='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'][1]") expect(session.find(:xpath, rect.path)).to eq rect end it 'handles default namespaces in html5' do pending "IE 11 doesn't handle all XPath querys (namespace-uri, etc)" if ie?(session) session.visit '/with_html5_svg' rect = session.find(:css, 'div svg rect:first-of-type') expect(rect.path).to eq("/HTML/BODY[1]/DIV[1]/*[local-name()='svg' and namespace-uri()='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'][1]/*[local-name()='rect' and namespace-uri()='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'][1]") expect(session.find(:xpath, rect.path)).to eq rect end it 'handles case sensitive element names' do pending "IE 11 doesn't handle all XPath querys (namespace-uri, etc)" if ie?(session) session.visit '/with_namespace' els = session.all(:css, 'div *', visible: :all) expect { els.map(&:path) }.not_to raise_error lg = session.find(:css, 'div linearGradient', visible: :all) expect(session.find(:xpath, lg.path, visible: :all)).to eq lg end end describe 'all with disappearing elements' do it 'ignores stale elements in results' do session.visit('/path') elements = session.all(:link) { |_node| raise Selenium::WebDriver::Error::StaleElementReferenceError } expect(elements.size).to eq 0 end end describe '#evaluate_script' do it 'can return an element' do session.visit('/form') element = session.evaluate_script("document.getElementById('form_title')") expect(element).to eq session.find(:id, 'form_title') end it 'can return arrays of nested elements' do session.visit('/form') elements = session.evaluate_script('document.querySelectorAll("#form_city option")') expect(elements).to all(be_instance_of Capybara::Node::Element) expect(elements).to eq session.find(:css, '#form_city').all(:css, 'option').to_a end it 'can return hashes with elements' do session.visit('/form') result = session.evaluate_script("{ a: document.getElementById('form_title'), b: {c: document.querySelectorAll('#form_city option')}}") expect(result).to eq( 'a' => session.find(:id, 'form_title'), 'b' => { 'c' => session.find(:css, '#form_city').all(:css, 'option').to_a } ) end describe '#evaluate_async_script' do it 'will timeout if the script takes too long' do skip 'safaridriver returns the wrong error type' if safari?(session) session.visit('/with_js') expect do session.using_wait_time(1) do session.evaluate_async_script('var cb = arguments[0]; setTimeout(function(){ cb(null) }, 3000)') end end.to raise_error Selenium::WebDriver::Error::ScriptTimeoutError end end end describe 'Element#inspect' do it 'outputs obsolete elements' do session.visit('/form') el = session.find(:button, 'Click me!').click expect(session).to have_no_button('Click me!') allow(el).to receive(:synchronize) expect(el.inspect).to eq 'Obsolete #' expect(el).not_to have_received(:synchronize) end end describe 'Element#click' do it 'should handle fixed headers/footers' do session.visit('/with_fixed_header_footer') session.using_wait_time(2) do session.find(:link, 'Go to root').click end expect(session).to have_current_path('/') end end describe 'Capybara#Node#attach_file' do it 'can attach a directory' do pending "Geckodriver doesn't support uploading a directory" if firefox?(session) pending "Selenium remote doesn't support transferring a directory" if remote?(session) pending "Headless Chrome doesn't support directory upload - https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromedriver/issues/detail?id=2521&q=directory%20upload&colspec=ID%20Status%20Pri%20Owner%20Summary" if chrome?(session) && ENV['HEADLESS'] pending "IE doesn't support uploading a directory" if ie?(session) pending 'Chrome/chromedriver 73 breaks this' if chrome?(session) && chrome_gte?(73, session) && chrome_lt?(75, session) pending "Safari doesn't support uploading a directory" if safari?(session) # pending "Edge/msedgedriver doesn't support directory upload" if edge?(session) && edge_gte?(75, session) session.visit('/form') test_file_dir = File.expand_path('./fixtures', File.dirname(__FILE__)) session.attach_file('Directory Upload', test_file_dir) session.click_button('Upload Multiple') expect(session.body).to include('5 | ') # number of files end it 'can attach a relative file' do pending 'Geckdoriver on windows requires alternate file separator which path expansion replaces' if Gem.win_platform? && firefox?(session) session.visit('/form') session.attach_file('Single Document', 'spec/fixtures/capybara.csv') session.click_button('Upload Single') expect(session.body).to include('Content-type: text/csv') end end context 'Windows' do it "can't close the primary window" do expect do session.current_window.close end.to raise_error(ArgumentError, 'Not allowed to close the primary window') end end # rubocop:disable RSpec/InstanceVariable describe 'Capybara#disable_animation' do context 'when set to `true`' do before(:context) do # rubocop:disable RSpec/BeforeAfterAll skip "Safari doesn't support multiple sessions" if safari?(session) # NOTE: Although Capybara.SpecHelper.reset! sets Capybara.disable_animation to false, # it doesn't affect any of these tests because the settings are applied per-session Capybara.disable_animation = true @animation_session = Capybara::Session.new(session.mode, TestApp.new) end it 'should disable CSS transitions' do @animation_session.visit('with_animation') @animation_session.click_link('transition me away') expect(@animation_session).to have_no_link('transition me away', wait: 0.5) end it 'should disable CSS animations (set to 0s)' do @animation_session.visit('with_animation') @animation_session.click_link('animate me away') expect(@animation_session).to have_no_link('animate me away', wait: 0.5) end it 'should disable CSS animations on pseudo elements (set to 0s)' do @animation_session.visit('with_animation') @animation_session.find_link('animate me away').right_click expect(@animation_session).to have_content('Animation Ended', wait: 0.1) end end context 'if we pass in css that matches elements' do before(:context) do # rubocop:disable RSpec/BeforeAfterAll skip "safaridriver doesn't support multiple sessions" if safari?(session) # NOTE: Although Capybara.SpecHelper.reset! sets Capybara.disable_animation to false, # it doesn't affect any of these tests because the settings are applied per-session Capybara.disable_animation = '#with_animation a' @animation_session_with_matching_css = Capybara::Session.new(session.mode, TestApp.new) end it 'should disable CSS transitions' do @animation_session_with_matching_css.visit('with_animation') @animation_session_with_matching_css.click_link('transition me away') expect(@animation_session_with_matching_css).to have_no_link('transition me away', wait: 0.5) end it 'should disable CSS animations' do @animation_session_with_matching_css.visit('with_animation') @animation_session_with_matching_css.click_link('animate me away') expect(@animation_session_with_matching_css).to have_no_link('animate me away', wait: 0.5) end end context 'if we pass in css that does not match elements' do before(:context) do # rubocop:disable RSpec/BeforeAfterAll skip "Safari doesn't support multiple sessions" if safari?(session) # NOTE: Although Capybara.SpecHelper.reset! sets Capybara.disable_animation to false, # it doesn't affect any of these tests because the settings are applied per-session Capybara.disable_animation = '.this-class-matches-nothing' @animation_session_without_matching_css = Capybara::Session.new(session.mode, TestApp.new) end it 'should not disable CSS transitions' do @animation_session_without_matching_css.visit('with_animation') @animation_session_without_matching_css.click_link('transition me away') sleep 0.5 # Wait long enough for click to have been processed expect(@animation_session_without_matching_css).to have_link('transition me away', wait: false) expect(@animation_session_without_matching_css).to have_no_link('transition me away', wait: 5) end it 'should not disable CSS animations' do @animation_session_without_matching_css.visit('with_animation') @animation_session_without_matching_css.click_link('animate me away') sleep 0.5 # Wait long enough for click to have been processed expect(@animation_session_without_matching_css).to have_link('animate me away', wait: false) expect(@animation_session_without_matching_css).to have_no_link('animate me away', wait: 5) end end end # rubocop:enable RSpec/InstanceVariable describe ':element selector' do it 'can find html5 svg elements' do session.visit('with_html5_svg') expect(session).to have_selector(:element, :svg) expect(session).to have_selector(:element, :rect, visible: true) expect(session).to have_selector(:element, :circle) expect(session).to have_selector(:element, :linearGradient, visible: :all) end it 'can query attributes with strange characters' do session.visit('/form') expect(session).to have_selector(:element, "{custom}": true) expect(session).to have_selector(:element, "{custom}": 'abcdef') end end describe 'with react' do context 'controlled components' do it 'can set and clear a text field' do skip "This test doesn't support older browsers" if ie?(session) session.visit 'react' session.fill_in('Name:', with: 'abc') session.accept_prompt 'A name was submitted: abc' do session.click_button('Submit') end session.fill_in('Name:', with: '') session.accept_prompt(/A name was submitted: $/) do session.click_button('Submit') end end it 'works with rapid fill' do skip "This test doesn't support older browsers" if ie?(session) session.visit 'react' long_string = (0...60).map { |i| ((i % 26) + 65).chr }.join session.fill_in('Name:', with: long_string) session.accept_prompt "A name was submitted: #{long_string}" do session.click_button('Submit') end end end end end def headless_or_remote? !ENV['HEADLESS'].nil? || session.driver.options[:browser] == :remote end end