# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' require 'selenium-webdriver' require 'shared_selenium_session' require 'rspec/shared_spec_matchers' def selenium_host ENV.fetch('SELENIUM_HOST', '') end def selenium_port ENV.fetch('SELENIUM_PORT', 4445) end def ensure_selenium_running! timer = Capybara::Helpers.timer(expire_in: 20) begin TCPSocket.open(selenium_host, selenium_port) rescue StandardError if timer.expired? raise 'Selenium is not running. ' \ "You can run a selenium server easily with: \n" \ ' $ docker-compose up -d selenium_firefox' else puts 'Waiting for Selenium docker instance...' sleep 1 retry end end end Capybara.register_driver :selenium_firefox_remote do |app| ensure_selenium_running! url = "http://#{selenium_host}:#{selenium_port}/wd/hub" caps = Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Capabilities.firefox Capybara::Selenium::Driver.new app, browser: :remote, desired_capabilities: caps, url: url end FIREFOX_REMOTE_DRIVER = :selenium_firefox_remote module TestSessions RemoteFirefox = Capybara::Session.new(FIREFOX_REMOTE_DRIVER, TestApp) end TestSessions::RemoteFirefox.driver.browser.file_detector = lambda do |args| # args => ["/path/to/file"] str = args.first.to_s str if File.exist?(str) end skipped_tests = %i[response_headers status_code trigger download] # skip window tests when headless for now - closing a window not supported by chromedriver/chrome skipped_tests << :windows if ENV['TRAVIS'] && (ENV['SKIP_WINDOW'] || ENV['HEADLESS']) Capybara::SpecHelper.run_specs TestSessions::RemoteFirefox, FIREFOX_REMOTE_DRIVER.to_s, capybara_skip: skipped_tests do |example| case example.metadata[:full_description] when 'Capybara::Session selenium_firefox_remote node #click should allow multiple modifiers' skip "Firefox doesn't generate an event for shift+control+click" if marionette_gte?(62, @session) when 'Capybara::Session selenium_firefox_remote #accept_prompt should accept the prompt with a blank response when there is a default' pending "Geckodriver doesn't set a blank response in FF < 63 - https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1486485" if marionette_lt?(63, @session) when 'Capybara::Session selenium_firefox_remote #attach_file with multipart form should fire change once for each set of files uploaded' pending 'Gekcodriver appends files so we have to first call clear for multiple files which creates an extra change ' \ 'if files are already set' when 'Capybara::Session selenium_firefox_remote #attach_file with multipart form should fire change once when uploading multiple files from empty' pending "FF < 62 doesn't support setting all files at once" if marionette_lt?(62, @session) when 'Capybara::Session selenium_firefox_remote #reset_session! removes ALL cookies' pending "Geckodriver doesn't provide a way to remove cookies outside the current domain" end end RSpec.describe 'Capybara::Session with remote firefox' do include Capybara::SpecHelper include_examples 'Capybara::Session', TestSessions::RemoteFirefox, FIREFOX_REMOTE_DRIVER include_examples Capybara::RSpecMatchers, TestSessions::RemoteFirefox, FIREFOX_REMOTE_DRIVER it 'is considered to be firefox' do expect(session.driver.browser.browser).to eq :firefox end end