# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' require 'selenium-webdriver' require 'shared_selenium_session' require 'shared_selenium_node' require 'rspec/shared_spec_matchers' # if ENV['CI'] # if ::Selenium::WebDriver::Service.respond_to? :driver_path= # ::Selenium::WebDriver::IE::Service # else # ::Selenium::WebDriver::IE # end.driver_path = 'C:\Tools\WebDriver\IEDriverServer.exe' # end def selenium_host ENV.fetch('SELENIUM_HOST', '') end def selenium_port ENV.fetch('SELENIUM_PORT', 4444) end def server_host ENV.fetch('SERVER_HOST', '') end Capybara.register_driver :selenium_ie do |app| # ::Selenium::WebDriver.logger.level = "debug" options = ::Selenium::WebDriver::IE::Options.new # options.require_window_focus = true # options.add_option("log", {"level": "trace"}) if ENV['REMOTE'] Capybara.server_host = server_host url = "http://#{selenium_host}:#{selenium_port}/wd/hub" Capybara::Selenium::Driver.new(app, browser: :remote, options: options, url: url) else Capybara::Selenium::Driver.new( app, browser: :ie, options: options ) end end module TestSessions SeleniumIE = Capybara::Session.new(:selenium_ie, TestApp) end TestSessions::SeleniumIE.current_window.resize_to(800, 500) skipped_tests = %i[response_headers status_code trigger modals hover form_attribute windows] Capybara::SpecHelper.log_selenium_driver_version(Selenium::WebDriver::IE) if ENV['CI'] TestSessions::SeleniumIE.current_window.resize_to(1600, 1200) Capybara::SpecHelper.run_specs TestSessions::SeleniumIE, 'selenium', capybara_skip: skipped_tests do |example| case example.metadata[:full_description] when /#refresh it reposts$/ skip 'IE insists on prompting without providing a way to suppress' when /#click_link can download a file$/ skip 'Not sure how to configure IE for automatic downloading' when /#fill_in with Date / pending "IE 11 doesn't support date input types" when /#click_link_or_button with :disabled option happily clicks on links which incorrectly have the disabled attribute$/ skip 'IE 11 obeys non-standard disabled attribute on anchor tag' when /#click should allow modifiers$/, /#double_click should allow modifiers$/ pending "Doesn't work with IE for some unknown reason$" pending "Doesn't work with IE for some unknown reason$" when /#click should allow multiple modifiers$/, /#right_click should allow modifiers$/ skip "Windows can't :meta click because :meta triggers start menu" when /#double_click should allow multiple modifiers$/ skip "Windows can't :alt double click due to being properties shortcut" when /#has_css\? should support case insensitive :class and :id options$/ pending "IE doesn't support case insensitive CSS selectors" when /#reset_session! removes ALL cookies$/ pending "IE driver doesn't provide a way to remove ALL cookies" when /#click_button should send button in document order$/ pending "IE 11 doesn't support the 'form' attribute" when /#click_button should follow permanent redirects that maintain method$/ pending "Window 7 and 8.1 don't support 308 http status code" when /#scroll_to can scroll an element to the center of the viewport$/, /#scroll_to can scroll an element to the center of the scrolling element$/ pending "IE doesn't support ScrollToOptions" when /#attach_file with multipart form should fire change once for each set of files uploaded$/, /#attach_file with multipart form should fire change once when uploading multiple files from empty$/, /#attach_file with multipart form should not break when using HTML5 multiple file input uploading multiple files$/ pending "IE requires all files be uploaded from same directory. Selenium doesn't provide that." if ENV['REMOTE'] when %r{#attach_file with multipart form should send content type image/jpeg when uploading an image$} pending 'IE gets text/plain type for some reason' # when /#click should not retry clicking when wait is disabled$/ # Fixed in IEDriverServer # pending "IE driver doesn't error when clicking on covered elements, it just clicks the wrong element" when /#click should go to the same page if href is blank$/ pending 'IE treats blank href as a parent request (against HTML spec)' when /#attach_file with a block/ skip 'Hangs IE testing for unknown reason' when /drag_to.*HTML5/ pending "IE doesn't support a DataTransfer constuctor" when /template elements should not be visible/ skip "IE doesn't support template elements" when /Element#drop/ pending "IE doesn't support DataTransfer constructor" end end RSpec.describe 'Capybara::Session with Internet Explorer', capybara_skip: skipped_tests do # rubocop:disable RSpec/MultipleDescribes include Capybara::SpecHelper ['Capybara::Session', 'Capybara::Node', Capybara::RSpecMatchers].each do |examples| include_examples examples, TestSessions::SeleniumIE, :selenium_ie end end RSpec.describe Capybara::Selenium::Node do it '#right_click should allow modifiers' do # pending "Actions API doesn't appear to work for this" session = TestSessions::SeleniumIE session.visit('/with_js') el = session.find(:css, '#click-test') el.right_click(:control) expect(session).to have_link('Has been control right clicked') end it '#click should allow multiple modifiers' do # pending "Actions API doesn't appear to work for this" session = TestSessions::SeleniumIE session.visit('with_js') # IE triggers system behavior with :meta so can't use those here session.find(:css, '#click-test').click(:ctrl, :shift, :alt) expect(session).to have_link('Has been alt control shift clicked') end it '#double_click should allow modifiers' do # pending "Actions API doesn't appear to work for this" session = TestSessions::SeleniumIE session.visit('/with_js') session.find(:css, '#click-test').double_click(:shift) expect(session).to have_link('Has been shift double clicked') end end