# frozen_string_literal: true require 'forwardable' module Capybara ## # A {Capybara::Result} represents a collection of {Capybara::Node::Element} on the page. It is possible to interact with this # collection similar to an Array because it implements Enumerable and offers the following Array methods through delegation: # # * [] # * each() # * at() # * size() # * count() # * length() # * first() # * last() # * empty?() # # @see Capybara::Node::Element # class Result include Enumerable extend Forwardable def initialize(elements, query) @elements = elements @result_cache = [] @results_enum = lazy_select_elements { |node| query.matches_filters?(node) } @query = query end def_delegators :full_results, :size, :length, :last, :values_at, :inspect, :sample alias :index :find_index def each(&block) return enum_for(:each) unless block_given? @result_cache.each(&block) loop do next_result = @results_enum.next @result_cache << next_result yield next_result end self end def [](*args) if (args.size == 1) && ((idx = args[0]).is_a? Integer) && (idx >= 0) @result_cache << @results_enum.next while @result_cache.size <= idx @result_cache[idx] else full_results[*args] end rescue StopIteration return nil end alias :at :[] def empty? !any? end def compare_count # Only check filters for as many elements as necessary to determine result if @query.options[:count] count_opt = Integer(@query.options[:count]) loop do break if @result_cache.size > count_opt @result_cache << @results_enum.next end return @result_cache.size <=> count_opt end if @query.options[:minimum] min_opt = Integer(@query.options[:minimum]) begin @result_cache << @results_enum.next while @result_cache.size < min_opt rescue StopIteration return -1 end end if @query.options[:maximum] max_opt = Integer(@query.options[:maximum]) begin @result_cache << @results_enum.next while @result_cache.size <= max_opt return 1 rescue StopIteration end end if @query.options[:between] min, max = @query.options[:between].minmax loop do break if @result_cache.size > max @result_cache << @results_enum.next end return 0 if @query.options[:between].include?(@result_cache.size) return -1 if @result_cache.size < min return 1 end return 0 end def matches_count? compare_count.zero? end def failure_message message = @query.failure_message if count.zero? message << " but there were no matches" else message << ", found #{count} #{Capybara::Helpers.declension('match', 'matches', count)}: " << full_results.map(&:text).map(&:inspect).join(", ") end unless rest.empty? elements = rest.map { |el| el.text rescue "<>" }.map(&:inspect).join(", ") message << ". Also found " << elements << ", which matched the selector but not all filters." end message end def negative_failure_message failure_message.sub(/(to find)/, 'not \1') end private def full_results loop { @result_cache << @results_enum.next } @result_cache end def rest @rest ||= @elements - full_results end def lazy_select_elements(&block) # JRuby has an issue with lazy enumerators which # causes a concurrency issue with network requests here # https://github.com/jruby/jruby/issues/4212 if RUBY_PLATFORM == 'java' @elements.select(&block).to_enum # non-lazy evaluation else @elements.lazy.select(&block) end end end end