# frozen_string_literal: true require 'capybara/selenium/extensions/html5_drag' class Capybara::Selenium::FirefoxNode < Capybara::Selenium::Node include Html5Drag def click(keys = [], **options) super rescue ::Selenium::WebDriver::Error::ElementNotInteractableError if tag_name == 'tr' warn 'You are attempting to click a table row which has issues in geckodriver/marionette - '\ 'see https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/issues/1228. Your test should probably be '\ 'clicking on a table cell like a user would. Clicking the first cell in the row instead.' return find_css('th:first-child,td:first-child')[0].click(keys, options) end raise end def disabled? driver.evaluate_script("arguments[0].matches(':disabled, select:disabled *')", self) end def set_file(value) # rubocop:disable Naming/AccessorMethodName # By default files are appended so we have to clear here if its multiple and already set native.clear if multiple? && driver.evaluate_script('arguments[0].files', self).any? return super if browser_version >= 62.0 # Workaround lack of support for multiple upload by uploading one at a time path_names = value.to_s.empty? ? [] : Array(value) if (fd = bridge.file_detector) && !driver.browser.respond_to?(:upload) path_names.map! { |path| upload(fd.call([path])) || path } end path_names.each { |path| native.send_keys(path) } end def send_keys(*args) # https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/issues/846 return super(*args.map { |arg| arg == :space ? ' ' : arg }) if args.none? { |arg| arg.is_a? Array } native.click _send_keys(args).perform end def drag_to(element) return super unless (browser_version >= 62.0) && html5_draggable? html5_drag_to(element) end def hover return super unless browser_version >= 65.0 # work around issue 2156 - https://github.com/teamcapybara/capybara/issues/2156 scroll_if_needed { browser_action.move_to(native, 0, 0).move_to(native).perform } end def select_option # To optimize to only one check and then click selected_or_disabled = driver.evaluate_script(<<~JS, self) arguments[0].matches(':disabled, select:disabled *, :checked') JS click unless selected_or_disabled end private def click_with_options(click_options) # Firefox/marionette has an issue clicking with offset near viewport edge # scroll element to middle just in case scroll_to_center if click_options.coords? super end def _send_keys(keys, actions = browser_action, down_keys = ModifierKeysStack.new) case keys when :control, :left_control, :right_control, :alt, :left_alt, :right_alt, :shift, :left_shift, :right_shift, :meta, :left_meta, :right_meta, :command down_keys.press(keys) actions.key_down(keys) when String # https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1405370 keys = keys.upcase if (browser_version < 64.0) && down_keys&.include?(:shift) actions.send_keys(keys) when Symbol actions.send_keys(keys) when Array down_keys.push keys.each { |sub_keys| _send_keys(sub_keys, actions, down_keys) } down_keys.pop.reverse_each { |key| actions.key_up(key) } else raise ArgumentError, 'Unknown keys type' end actions end def bridge driver.browser.send(:bridge) end def upload(local_file) return nil unless local_file raise ArgumentError, "You may only upload files: #{local_file.inspect}" unless File.file?(local_file) file = ::Selenium::WebDriver::Zipper.zip_file(local_file) bridge.http.call(:post, "session/#{bridge.session_id}/file", file: file)['value'] end def browser_version driver.browser.capabilities[:browser_version].to_f end DISABLED_BY_FIELDSET_XPATH = XPath.generate do |x| x.parent(:fieldset)[ x.attr(:disabled) ] + x.ancestor[ ~x.self(:legend) | x.preceding_sibling(:legend) ][ x.parent(:fieldset)[ x.attr(:disabled) ] ] end.to_s.freeze class ModifierKeysStack def initialize @stack = [] end def include?(key) @stack.flatten.include?(key) end def press(key) @stack.last.push(key) end def push @stack.push [] end def pop @stack.pop end end private_constant :ModifierKeysStack end