module Capybara class Selector attr_reader :name, :custom_filters class << self def all @selectors ||= {} end def add(name, &block) all[name.to_sym] =, &block) end def remove(name) all.delete(name.to_sym) end end def initialize(name, &block) @name = name @custom_filters = {} @match = nil @failure_message = nil instance_eval(&block) end def xpath(&block) @xpath = block if block @xpath end # Same as xpath, but wrap in XPath.css(). def css(&block) if block @xpath = xpath { |*args| XPath.css(*args)) } end @xpath end def match(&block) @match = block if block @match end def label(label=nil) @label = label if label @label end def call(locator) end def match?(locator) @match and end def filter(name, &block) @custom_filters[name] = block end end end Capybara.add_selector(:xpath) do xpath { |xpath| xpath } end Capybara.add_selector(:css) do css { |css| css } end Capybara.add_selector(:id) do xpath { |id| XPath.descendant[XPath.attr(:id) == id.to_s] } match { |value| value.is_a?(Symbol) } end Capybara.add_selector(:field) do xpath { |locator| XPath::HTML.field(locator) } filter(:checked) { |node, value| not(value ^ node.checked?) } filter(:unchecked) { |node, value| (value ^ node.checked?) } filter(:with) { |node, with| node.value == with } filter(:type) { |node, type| node[:type] == type } end Capybara.add_selector(:fieldset) do xpath { |locator| XPath::HTML.fieldset(locator) } end Capybara.add_selector(:link_or_button) do label "link or button" xpath { |locator| XPath::HTML.link_or_button(locator) } end Capybara.add_selector(:link) do label "link with title, id or text" xpath { |locator| } filter(:href) do |node, href| node.first(:xpath, XPath.axis(:self)[XPath.attr(:href).equals(href)]) end end Capybara.add_selector(:button) do label "button with value or id or text" xpath { |locator| XPath::HTML.button(locator) } end Capybara.add_selector(:fillable_field) do label "text field, text area or password field with id, name, or label" xpath { |locator| XPath::HTML.fillable_field(locator) } end Capybara.add_selector(:radio_button) do label "radio button with id, name, or label" xpath { |locator| XPath::HTML.radio_button(locator) } filter(:checked) { |node, value| not(value ^ node.checked?) } filter(:unchecked) { |node, value| (value ^ node.checked?) } end Capybara.add_selector(:checkbox) do label "checkbox with id, name, or label" xpath { |locator| XPath::HTML.checkbox(locator) } filter(:checked) { |node, value| not(value ^ node.checked?) } filter(:unchecked) { |node, value| (value ^ node.checked?) } end Capybara.add_selector(:select) do label "select box with id, name, or label" xpath { |locator| } filter(:options) do |node, options| actual = node.all(:xpath, './/option').map { |option| option.text } options.sort == actual.sort end filter(:with_options) { |node, options| options.all? { |option| node.first(:option, option) } } filter(:selected) do |node, selected| actual = node.all(:xpath, './/option').select { |option| option.selected? }.map { |option| option.text } [selected].flatten.sort == actual.sort end end Capybara.add_selector(:option) do label "option with text" xpath { |locator| XPath::HTML.option(locator) } end Capybara.add_selector(:file_field) do xpath { |locator| XPath::HTML.file_field(locator) } label "file field with id, name, or label" end Capybara.add_selector(:content) do xpath { |content| XPath::HTML.content(content) } end Capybara.add_selector(:table) do xpath { |locator| XPath::HTML.table(locator) } end