module Capybara # this is a class for generating XPath queries, use it like this: # Xpath.text_field('foo').link('blah').to_s # this will generate an XPath that matches either a text field or a link class XPath class << self def escape(string) if string.include?("'") string = string.split("'", -1).map do |substr| "'#{substr}'" end.join(%q{,"'",}) "concat(#{string})" else "'#{string}'" end end def wrap(path) if path.is_a?(self) path else new(path.to_s) end end def respond_to?(method) new.respond_to?(method) end def method_missing(*args) new.send(*args) end end attr_reader :paths def initialize(*paths) @paths = paths end def to_s @paths.join(' | ') end def append(path)*[@paths, XPath.wrap(path).paths].flatten) end def prepend(path)*[XPath.wrap(path).paths, @paths].flatten) end def from_css(css)*[@paths, Nokogiri::CSS.xpath_for(css).map { |selector| '.' + selector }].flatten) end alias_method :for_css, :from_css def field(locator, options={}) if options[:with] fillable_field(locator, options) else xpath = fillable_field(locator) xpath = xpath.input_field(:file, locator, options) xpath = xpath.checkbox(locator, options) xpath = xpath.radio_button(locator, options), options) end end def fillable_field(locator, options={}) text_area(locator, options).text_field(locator, options) end def content(locator) append("./descendant-or-self::*[contains(normalize-space(.),#{s(locator)})]") end def table(locator, options={}) conditions = "" if options[:rows] row_conditions = options[:rows].map do |row| row = { |column| "*[self::td or self::th][text()=#{s(column)}]" }.join(sibling) "tr[./#{row}]" end.join(sibling) conditions << "[.//#{row_conditions}]" end append(".//table[@id=#{s(locator)} or contains(caption,#{s(locator)})]#{conditions}") end def fieldset(locator) append(".//fieldset[@id=#{s(locator)} or contains(legend,#{s(locator)})]") end def link(locator) xpath = append(".//a[@href][@id=#{s(locator)} or contains(.,#{s(locator)}) or contains(@title,#{s(locator)}) or img[contains(@alt,#{s(locator)})]]") xpath.prepend(".//a[@href][text()=#{s(locator)} or @title=#{s(locator)} or img[@alt=#{s(locator)}]]") end def button(locator) xpath = append(".//input[@type='submit' or @type='image' or @type='button'][@id=#{s(locator)} or contains(@value,#{s(locator)})]") xpath = xpath.append(".//button[@id=#{s(locator)} or contains(@value,#{s(locator)}) or contains(.,#{s(locator)})]") xpath = xpath.prepend(".//input[@type='submit' or @type='image' or @type='button'][@value=#{s(locator)}]") xpath = xpath.prepend(".//input[@type='image'][@alt=#{s(locator)} or contains(@alt,#{s(locator)})]") xpath = xpath.prepend(".//button[@value=#{s(locator)} or text()=#{s(locator)}]") end def text_field(locator, options={}) options = options.merge(:value => options[:with]) if options.has_key?(:with) add_field(locator, ".//input[not(@type) or (@type!='radio' and @type!='checkbox' and @type!='hidden')]", options) end def text_area(locator, options={}) options = options.merge(:text => options[:with]) if options.has_key?(:with) add_field(locator, ".//textarea", options) end def select(locator, options={}) add_field(locator, ".//select", options) end def checkbox(locator, options={}) input_field(:checkbox, locator, options) end def radio_button(locator, options={}) input_field(:radio, locator, options) end def file_field(locator, options={}) input_field(:file, locator, options) end protected def input_field(type, locator, options={}) options = options.merge(:value => options[:with]) if options.has_key?(:with) add_field(locator, ".//input[@type='#{type}']", options) end # place this between to nodes to indicate that they should be siblings def sibling '/following-sibling::*[1]/self::' end def add_field(locator, field, options={}) postfix = extract_postfix(options) xpath = append("#{field}[@id=#{s(locator)}]#{postfix}") xpath = xpath.append("#{field}[@name=#{s(locator)}]#{postfix}") xpath = xpath.append("#{field}[@id=//label[contains(.,#{s(locator)})]/@for]#{postfix}") # FIXME: Label should not be scoped to node, temporary workaround!!! xpath = xpath.append(".//label[contains(.,#{s(locator)})]/#{field}#{postfix}") xpath.prepend("#{field}[@id=//label[text()=#{s(locator)}]/@for]#{postfix}") end def extract_postfix(options) options.inject("") do |postfix, (key, value)| case key when :value then postfix += "[@value=#{s(value)}]" when :text then postfix += "[text()=#{s(value)}]" when :checked then postfix += "[@checked]" when :unchecked then postfix += "[not(@checked)]" when :options then postfix += { |o| "[.//option/text()=#{s(o)}]" }.join when :selected then postfix += [value] { |o| "[.//option[@selected]/text()=#{s(o)}]" }.join end postfix end end # Sanitize a String for putting it into an xpath query def s(string) XPath.escape(string) end end end