# frozen_string_literal: true module Capybara module RSpecMatchers class Matcher include ::RSpec::Matchers::Composable if defined?(::RSpec::Expectations::Version) && (Gem::Version.new(RSpec::Expectations::Version::STRING) >= Gem::Version.new('3.0')) attr_reader :failure_message, :failure_message_when_negated def wrap(actual) @context_el = if actual.respond_to?("has_selector?") actual else Capybara.string(actual.to_s) end end # RSpec 2 compatibility: def failure_message_for_should; failure_message end def failure_message_for_should_not; failure_message_when_negated end private def wrap_matches?(actual) yield(wrap(actual)) rescue Capybara::ExpectationNotMet => e @failure_message = e.message return false end def wrap_does_not_match?(actual) yield(wrap(actual)) rescue Capybara::ExpectationNotMet => e @failure_message_when_negated = e.message return false end def session_query_args if @args.last.is_a? Hash @args.last[:session_options] = session_options else @args.push(session_options: session_options) end @args end def session_options @context_el ||= nil @context_el ? @context_el.session_options : Capybara.session_options end end class HaveSelector < Matcher def initialize(*args, &filter_block) @args = args @filter_block = filter_block end def matches?(actual) wrap_matches?(actual){ |el| el.assert_selector(*@args, &@filter_block) } end def does_not_match?(actual) wrap_does_not_match?(actual){ |el| el.assert_no_selector(*@args, &@filter_block) } end def description "have #{query.description}" end def query @query ||= Capybara::Queries::SelectorQuery.new(*session_query_args, &@filter_block) end end class MatchSelector < HaveSelector def matches?(actual) wrap_matches?(actual) { |el| el.assert_matches_selector(*@args, &@filter_block) } end def does_not_match?(actual) wrap_does_not_match?(actual) { |el| el.assert_not_matches_selector(*@args, &@filter_block) } end def description "match #{query.description}" end def query @query ||= Capybara::Queries::MatchQuery.new(*session_query_args, &@filter_block) end end class HaveText < Matcher attr_reader :type, :content, :options def initialize(*args) @args = args.dup # are set just for backwards compatability @type = args.shift if args.first.is_a?(Symbol) @content = args.shift @options = (args.first.is_a?(Hash))? args.first : {} end def matches?(actual) wrap_matches?(actual) { |el| el.assert_text(*@args) } end def does_not_match?(actual) wrap_does_not_match?(actual) { |el| el.assert_no_text(*@args) } end def description "text #{format(content)}" end def format(content) content = Capybara::Helpers.normalize_whitespace(content) unless content.is_a? Regexp content.inspect end end class HaveTitle < Matcher attr_reader :title def initialize(*args) @args = args # are set just for backwards compatability @title = args.first end def matches?(actual) wrap_matches?(actual) { |el| el.assert_title(*@args) } end def does_not_match?(actual) wrap_does_not_match?(actual) { |el| el.assert_no_title(*@args) } end def description "have title #{title.inspect}" end end class HaveCurrentPath < Matcher attr_reader :current_path def initialize(*args) @args = args # are set just for backwards compatability @current_path = args.first end def matches?(actual) wrap_matches?(actual) { |el| el.assert_current_path(*@args) } end def does_not_match?(actual) wrap_does_not_match?(actual) { |el| el.assert_no_current_path(*@args) } end def description "have current path #{current_path.inspect}" end end class BecomeClosed def initialize(options) @options = options end def matches?(window) @window = window @wait_time = Capybara::Queries::BaseQuery.wait(@options, window.session.config.default_max_wait_time) start_time = Capybara::Helpers.monotonic_time while window.exists? return false if (Capybara::Helpers.monotonic_time - start_time) > @wait_time sleep 0.05 end true end def failure_message "expected #{@window.inspect} to become closed after #{@wait_time} seconds" end def failure_message_when_negated "expected #{@window.inspect} not to become closed after #{@wait_time} seconds" end # RSpec 2 compatibility: alias_method :failure_message_for_should, :failure_message alias_method :failure_message_for_should_not, :failure_message_when_negated end # RSpec matcher for whether the element(s) matching a given selector exist # See {Capybara::Node::Matcher#assert_selector} def have_selector(*args, &optional_filter_block) HaveSelector.new(*args, &optional_filter_block) end # RSpec matcher for whether the current element matches a given selector # See {Capybara::Node::Matchers#assert_matches_selector} def match_selector(*args, &optional_filter_block) MatchSelector.new(*args, &optional_filter_block) end # defined_negated_matcher was added in RSpec 3.1 - it's syntactic sugar only since a user can do # expect(page).not_to match_selector, so not sure we really need to support not_match_selector for prior to RSpec 3.1 ::RSpec::Matchers.define_negated_matcher :not_match_selector, :match_selector if defined?(::RSpec::Expectations::Version) && (Gem::Version.new(RSpec::Expectations::Version::STRING) >= Gem::Version.new('3.1')) # RSpec matcher for whether elements(s) matching a given xpath selector exist # See {Capybara::Node::Matchers#has_xpath?} def have_xpath(xpath, options={}, &optional_filter_block) HaveSelector.new(:xpath, xpath, options, &optional_filter_block) end # RSpec matcher for whether the current element matches a given xpath selector def match_xpath(xpath, options={}, &optional_filter_block) MatchSelector.new(:xpath, xpath, options, &optional_filter_block) end # RSpec matcher for whether elements(s) matching a given css selector exist # See {Capybara::Node::Matchers#has_css?} def have_css(css, options={}, &optional_filter_block) HaveSelector.new(:css, css, options, &optional_filter_block) end # RSpec matcher for whether the current element matches a given css selector def match_css(css, options={}, &optional_filter_block) MatchSelector.new(:css, css, options, &optional_filter_block) end # RSpec matcher for text on the page # See {Capybara::SessionMatchers#assert_text} def have_text(*args) HaveText.new(*args) end alias_method :have_content, :have_text def have_title(title, options = {}) HaveTitle.new(title, options) end # RSpec matcher for the current path # See {Capybara::SessionMatchers#assert_current_path} def have_current_path(path, options = {}) HaveCurrentPath.new(path, options) end # RSpec matcher for links # See {Capybara::Node::Matchers#has_link?} def have_link(locator=nil, options={}, &optional_filter_block) locator, options = nil, locator if locator.is_a? Hash HaveSelector.new(:link, locator, options, &optional_filter_block) end # RSpec matcher for buttons # See {Capybara::Node::Matchers#has_button?} def have_button(locator=nil, options={}, &optional_filter_block) locator, options = nil, locator if locator.is_a? Hash HaveSelector.new(:button, locator, options, &optional_filter_block) end # RSpec matcher for links # See {Capybara::Node::Matchers#has_field?} def have_field(locator=nil, options={}, &optional_filter_block) locator, options = nil, locator if locator.is_a? Hash HaveSelector.new(:field, locator, options, &optional_filter_block) end # RSpec matcher for checked fields # See {Capybara::Node::Matchers#has_checked_field?} def have_checked_field(locator=nil, options={}, &optional_filter_block) locator, options = nil, locator if locator.is_a? Hash HaveSelector.new(:field, locator, options.merge(checked: true), &optional_filter_block) end # RSpec matcher for unchecked fields # See {Capybara::Node::Matchers#has_unchecked_field?} def have_unchecked_field(locator=nil, options={}, &optional_filter_block) locator, options = nil, locator if locator.is_a? Hash HaveSelector.new(:field, locator, options.merge(unchecked: true), &optional_filter_block) end # RSpec matcher for select elements # See {Capybara::Node::Matchers#has_select?} def have_select(locator=nil, options={}, &optional_filter_block) locator, options = nil, locator if locator.is_a? Hash HaveSelector.new(:select, locator, options, &optional_filter_block) end # RSpec matcher for table elements # See {Capybara::Node::Matchers#has_table?} def have_table(locator=nil, options={}, &optional_filter_block) locator, options = nil, locator if locator.is_a? Hash HaveSelector.new(:table, locator, options, &optional_filter_block) end ## # Wait for window to become closed. # @example # expect(window).to become_closed(wait: 0.8) # @param options [Hash] optional param # @option options [Numeric] :wait (Capybara.default_max_wait_time) Maximum wait time def become_closed(options = {}) BecomeClosed.new(options) end end end