require 'spec_helper' require 'capybara/rspec' RSpec.configuration.before(:each, :example_group => {:file_path => "./spec/rspec/features_spec.rb"}) do @in_filtered_hook = true end feature "Capybara's feature DSL" do background do @in_background = true end scenario "includes Capybara" do visit('/') page.should have_content('Hello world!') end scenario "preserves description" do example.metadata[:full_description].should == "Capybara's feature DSL preserves description" end scenario "allows driver switching", :driver => :selenium do Capybara.current_driver.should == :selenium end scenario "runs background" do @in_background.should be_true end scenario "runs hooks filtered by file path" do @in_filtered_hook.should be_true end scenario "doesn't pollute the Object namespace" do, true).should be_false end end feature "given and given! aliases to let and let!" do given(:value) { :available } given!(:value_in_background) { :available } background do value_in_background.should be(:available) end scenario "given and given! work as intended" do value.should be(:available) value_in_background.should be(:available) end end feature "if xscenario aliases to pending then" do xscenario "this test should be 'temporarily disabled with xscenario'" do end end feature "Capybara's feature DSL with driver", :driver => :culerity do scenario "switches driver" do Capybara.current_driver.should == :culerity end end