# frozen_string_literal: true Capybara::SpecHelper.spec '#has_current_path?' do before do @session.visit('/with_js') end it "should be true if the page has the given current path" do expect(@session).to have_current_path('/with_js') end it "should allow regexp matches" do expect(@session).to have_current_path(/w[a-z]{3}_js/) expect(@session).not_to have_current_path(/monkey/) end it "should not raise an error when non-http" do @session.reset_session! expect(@session.has_current_path?(/monkey/)).to eq false expect(@session.has_current_path?("/with_js")).to eq false end it "should handle non-escaped query options" do @session.click_link("Non-escaped query options") expect(@session).to have_current_path("/with_html?options[]=things") end it "should handle escaped query options" do @session.click_link("Escaped query options") expect(@session).to have_current_path("/with_html?options%5B%5D=things") end it "should wait for current_path", requires: [:js] do @session.click_link("Change page") expect(@session).to have_current_path("/with_html", wait: 3) end it "should be false if the page has not the given current_path" do expect(@session).not_to have_current_path('/with_html') end it "should check query options" do @session.visit('/with_js?test=test') expect(@session).to have_current_path('/with_js?test=test') end it "should compare the full url if url: true is used" do expect(@session).to have_current_path(%r{\Ahttp://[^/]*/with_js\Z}, url: true) domain_port = if @session.respond_to?(:server) && @session.server "#{@session.server.host}:#{@session.server.port}" else "www.example.com" end expect(@session).to have_current_path("http://#{domain_port}/with_js", url: true) end it "should not compare the full url if url: true is not passed" do expect(@session).to have_current_path(%r{^/with_js\Z}) expect(@session).to have_current_path('/with_js') end it "should not compare the full url if url: false is passed" do expect(@session).to have_current_path(%r{^/with_js\Z}, url: false) expect(@session).to have_current_path('/with_js', url: false) end it "should default to full url if value is a url" do url = @session.current_url expect(url).to match(/with_js$/) expect(@session).to have_current_path(url) expect(@session).not_to have_current_path("http://www.not_example.com/with_js") end it "should ignore the query" do @session.visit('/with_js?test=test') expect(@session).to have_current_path('/with_js?test=test') expect(@session).to have_current_path('/with_js', ignore_query: true) uri = ::Addressable::URI.parse(@session.current_url) uri.query = nil expect(@session).to have_current_path(uri.to_s, ignore_query: true) end it "should not raise an exception if the current_url is nil" do allow_any_instance_of(Capybara::Session).to receive(:current_url) { nil } # Without ignore_query option expect do expect(@session).to have_current_path(nil) end.not_to raise_exception # With ignore_query option expect do expect(@session).to have_current_path(nil, ignore_query: true) end.not_to raise_exception end end Capybara::SpecHelper.spec '#has_no_current_path?' do before do @session.visit('/with_js') end it "should be false if the page has the given current_path" do expect(@session).not_to have_no_current_path('/with_js') end it "should allow regexp matches" do expect(@session).not_to have_no_current_path(/w[a-z]{3}_js/) expect(@session).to have_no_current_path(/monkey/) end it "should wait for current_path to disappear", requires: [:js] do Capybara.using_wait_time(3) do @session.click_link("Change page") expect(@session).to have_no_current_path('/with_js') end end it "should be true if the page has not the given current_path" do expect(@session).to have_no_current_path('/with_html') end it "should not raise an exception if the current_url is nil" do allow_any_instance_of(Capybara::Session).to receive(:current_url) { nil } # Without ignore_query option expect do expect(@session).not_to have_current_path('/with_js') end. not_to raise_exception # With ignore_query option expect do expect(@session).not_to have_current_path('/with_js', ignore_query: true) end. not_to raise_exception end end