# frozen_string_literal: true Capybara::SpecHelper.spec '#ancestor' do before do @session.visit('/with_html') end after do Capybara::Selector.remove(:monkey) end it 'should find the ancestor element using the given locator' do el = @session.find(:css, '#first_image') expect(el.ancestor('//p')).to have_text('Lorem ipsum dolor') expect(el.ancestor('//a')[:'aria-label']).to eq('Go to simple') end it 'should find the ancestor element using the given locator and options' do el = @session.find(:css, '#child') expect(el.ancestor('//div', text: "Ancestor\nAncestor\nAncestor")[:id]).to eq('ancestor3') end it 'should raise an error if there are multiple matches' do el = @session.find(:css, '#child') expect { el.ancestor('//div') }.to raise_error(Capybara::Ambiguous) expect { el.ancestor('//div', text: 'Ancestor') }.to raise_error(Capybara::Ambiguous) end context 'with css selectors' do it 'should find the first element using the given locator' do el = @session.find(:css, '#first_image') expect(el.ancestor(:css, 'p')).to have_text('Lorem ipsum dolor') expect(el.ancestor(:css, 'a')[:'aria-label']).to eq('Go to simple') end it 'should support pseudo selectors' do el = @session.find(:css, '#button_img') expect(el.ancestor(:css, 'button:disabled')[:id]).to eq('ancestor_button') end end context 'with xpath selectors' do it 'should find the first element using the given locator' do el = @session.find(:css, '#first_image') expect(el.ancestor(:xpath, '//p')).to have_text('Lorem ipsum dolor') expect(el.ancestor(:xpath, '//a')[:'aria-label']).to eq('Go to simple') end end context 'with custom selector' do it 'should use the custom selector' do Capybara.add_selector(:level) do xpath { |num| ".//*[@id='ancestor#{num}']" } end el = @session.find(:css, '#child') expect(el.ancestor(:level, 1)[:id]).to eq 'ancestor1' expect(el.ancestor(:level, 3)[:id]).to eq 'ancestor3' end end it 'should raise ElementNotFound with a useful default message if nothing was found' do el = @session.find(:css, '#child') expect do el.ancestor(:xpath, '//div[@id="nosuchthing"]') end.to raise_error(Capybara::ElementNotFound, 'Unable to find xpath "//div[@id=\\"nosuchthing\\"]" that is an ancestor of visible css "#child"') end context 'within a scope' do it 'should limit the ancestors to inside the scope' do @session.within(:css, '#ancestor2') do el = @session.find(:css, '#child') expect(el.ancestor(:css, 'div', text: 'Ancestor')[:id]).to eq('ancestor1') end end end it 'should raise if selector type is unknown' do el = @session.find(:css, '#child') expect do el.ancestor(:unknown, '//h1') end.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end