Capybara::SpecHelper.spec "node" do before do @session.visit('/with_html') end it "should act like a session object" do @session.visit('/form') @form = @session.find(:css, '#get-form') @form.should have_field('Middle Name') @form.should have_no_field('Languages') @form.fill_in('Middle Name', :with => 'Monkey') @form.click_button('med') extract_results(@session)['middle_name'].should == 'Monkey' end it "should scope CSS selectors" do @session.find(:css, '#second').should have_no_css('h1') end describe "#parent" do it "should have a reference to its parent if there is one" do @node = @session.find(:css, '#first') @node.parent.should == @node.session.document @node.find(:css, '#foo').parent.should == @node end end describe "#text" do it "should extract node texts" do @session.all('//a')[0].text.should == 'labore' @session.all('//a')[1].text.should == 'ullamco' end it "should return document text on /html selector" do @session.visit('/with_simple_html') @session.all('/html')[0].text.should == 'Bar' end end describe "#[]" do it "should extract node attributes" do @session.all('//a')[0][:class].should == 'simple' @session.all('//a')[1][:id].should == 'foo' @session.all('//input')[0][:type].should == 'text' end it "should extract boolean node attributes" do @session.find('//input[@id="checked_field"]')[:checked].should be_true end end describe "#value" do it "should allow retrieval of the value" do @session.find('//textarea[@id="normal"]').value.should == 'banana' end it "should not swallow extra newlines in textarea" do @session.find('//textarea[@id="additional_newline"]').value.should == "\nbanana" end it "return any HTML content in textarea", :focus => true do @session.find('//textarea[1]').set("some html here") @session.find('//textarea[1]').value.should == "some html here" end end describe "#set" do it "should allow assignment of field value" do @session.first('//input').value.should == 'monkey' @session.first('//input').set('gorilla') @session.first('//input').value.should == 'gorilla' end it "should fill the field even if the caret was not at the end", :requires => [:js] do @session.execute_script("var el = document.getElementById('test_field'); el.focus(); el.setSelectionRange(0, 0);") @session.first('//input').set('') @session.first('//input').value.should == '' end it "should not set if the text field is readonly" do @session.first('//input[@readonly]').value.should == 'should not change' @session.first('//input[@readonly]').set('changed') @session.first('//input[@readonly]').value.should == 'should not change' end it "should not set if the textarea is readonly" do @session.first('//textarea[@readonly]').value.should == 'textarea should not change' @session.first('//textarea[@readonly]').set('changed') @session.first('//textarea[@readonly]').value.should == 'textarea should not change' end end describe "#tag_name" do it "should extract node tag name" do @session.all('//a')[0].tag_name.should == 'a' @session.all('//a')[1].tag_name.should == 'a' @session.all('//p')[1].tag_name.should == 'p' end end describe "#disabled?" do it "should extract disabled node" do @session.visit('/form') @session.find('//input[@id="customer_name"]').should be_disabled @session.find('//input[@id="customer_email"]').should_not be_disabled end it "should see disabled options as disabled" do @session.visit('/form') @session.find('//select[@id="form_title"]/option[1]').should_not be_disabled @session.find('//select[@id="form_title"]/option[@disabled]').should be_disabled end it "should see enabled options in disabled select as disabled" do @session.visit('/form') @session.find('//select[@id="form_disabled_select"]/option').should be_disabled @session.find('//select[@id="form_title"]/option[1]').should_not be_disabled end end describe "#visible?" do it "should extract node visibility" do Capybara.ignore_hidden_elements = false @session.first('//a').should be_visible @session.find('//div[@id="hidden"]').should_not be_visible @session.find('//div[@id="hidden_via_ancestor"]').should_not be_visible end end describe "#checked?" do it "should extract node checked state" do @session.visit('/form') @session.find('//input[@id="gender_female"]').should be_checked @session.find('//input[@id="gender_male"]').should_not be_checked @session.first('//h1').should_not be_checked end end describe "#selected?" do it "should extract node selected state" do @session.visit('/form') @session.find('//option[@value="en"]').should be_selected @session.find('//option[@value="sv"]').should_not be_selected @session.first('//h1').should_not be_selected end end describe "#==" do it "preserve object identity" do (@session.find('//h1') == @session.find('//h1')).should be_true (@session.find('//h1') === @session.find('//h1')).should be_true (@session.find('//h1').eql? @session.find('//h1')).should be_false end it "returns false for unrelated object" do (@session.find('//h1') == "Not Capybara::Node::Base").should be_false end end describe "#trigger", :requires => [:js, :trigger] do it "should allow triggering of custom JS events" do @session.visit('/with_js') @session.find(:css, '#with_focus_event').trigger(:focus) @session.should have_css('#focus_event_triggered') end end describe '#drag_to', :requires => [:js, :drag] do it "should drag and drop an object" do @session.visit('/with_js') element = @session.find('//div[@id="drag"]') target = @session.find('//div[@id="drop"]') element.drag_to(target) @session.find('//div[contains(., "Dropped!")]').should_not be_nil end end describe '#hover', :requires => [:hover] do it "should allow hovering on an element" do pending "Selenium with firefox doesn't currently work with this (selenium with chrome does)" if @session.respond_to?(:mode) && @session.mode == :selenium && @session.driver.browser.browser == :firefox @session.visit('/with_hover') @session.find(:css,'.hidden_until_hover', :visible => false).should_not be_visible @session.find(:css,'.wrapper').hover @session.find(:css, '.hidden_until_hover', :visible => false).should be_visible end end describe '#reload', :requires => [:js] do context "without automatic reload" do before { Capybara.automatic_reload = false } it "should reload the current context of the node" do @session.visit('/with_js') node = @session.find(:css, '#reload-me') @session.click_link('Reload!') sleep(0.3) node.reload.text.should == 'has been reloaded' node.text.should == 'has been reloaded' end it "should reload a parent node" do @session.visit('/with_js') node = @session.find(:css, '#reload-me').find(:css, 'em') @session.click_link('Reload!') sleep(0.3) node.reload.text.should == 'has been reloaded' node.text.should == 'has been reloaded' end it "should not automatically reload" do @session.visit('/with_js') node = @session.find(:css, '#reload-me') @session.click_link('Reload!') sleep(0.3) expect { == 'has been reloaded' }.to raise_error end after { Capybara.automatic_reload = true } end context "with automatic reload" do it "should reload the current context of the node automatically" do @session.visit('/with_js') node = @session.find(:css, '#reload-me') @session.click_link('Reload!') sleep(0.3) node.text.should == 'has been reloaded' end it "should reload a parent node automatically" do @session.visit('/with_js') node = @session.find(:css, '#reload-me').find(:css, 'em') @session.click_link('Reload!') sleep(0.3) node.text.should == 'has been reloaded' end it "should reload a node automatically when using find" do @session.visit('/with_js') node = @session.find(:css, '#reload-me') @session.click_link('Reload!') sleep(0.3) node.find(:css, 'a').text.should == 'has been reloaded' end it "should not reload nodes which haven't been found" do @session.visit('/with_js') node = @session.all(:css, '#the-list li')[1] @session.click_link('Fetch new list!') sleep(0.3) expect { == 'Foo' }.to raise_error expect { == 'Bar' }.to raise_error end it "should reload nodes with options" do @session.visit('/with_js') node = @session.find(:css, 'em', :text => "reloaded") @session.click_link('Reload!') sleep(1) node.text.should == 'has been reloaded' end end end end