require 'uri' require 'net/http' require 'rack' begin require 'rack/handler/mongrel' rescue LoadError require 'rack/handler/webrick' end class Capybara::Server class Identify def initialize(app) @app = app end def call(env) if env["PATH_INFO"] == "/__identify__" [200, {}, @app.object_id.to_s] else end end end attr_reader :app, :port def initialize(app) @app = app find_available_port boot end def host 'localhost' end def url(path) path = URI.parse(path).request_uri if path =~ /^http/ "http://#{host}:#{port}#{path}" end def responsive? is_running_on_port?(port) end private def boot Capybara.log "application has already booted" and return if responsive? Capybara.log "booting Rack applicartion on port #{port}" Timeout.timeout(10) do do if defined?(Rack::Handler::Mongrel), :Port => port) else, :Port => port, :AccessLog => []) end end Capybara.log "checking if application has booted" loop do Capybara.log("application has booted") and break if responsive? sleep 0.5 end end rescue Timeout::Error Capybara.log "Rack application timed out during boot" exit end def find_available_port @port = 9887 @port += 1 while is_port_open?(@port) and not is_running_on_port?(@port) end def is_running_on_port?(tested_port) res = Net::HTTP.start(host, tested_port) { |http| http.get('/__identify__') } if res.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) or res.is_a?(Net::HTTPRedirection) return res.body == @app.object_id.to_s end rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED return false end def is_port_open?(tested_port) Timeout::timeout(1) do begin s =, tested_port) s.close return true rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Errno::EHOSTUNREACH return false end end rescue Timeout::Error return false end end