# frozen_string_literal: true require 'sinatra/base' require 'tilt/erb' require 'rack' require 'yaml' class TestApp < Sinatra::Base class TestAppError < Exception; end # rubocop:disable Lint/InheritException class TestAppOtherError < Exception # rubocop:disable Lint/InheritException def initialize(string1, msg) super() @something = string1 @message = msg end end set :root, File.dirname(__FILE__) set :static, true set :raise_errors, true set :show_exceptions, false # Also check lib/capybara/spec/views/*.erb for pages not listed here get '/' do response.set_cookie('capybara', value: 'root cookie', domain: request.host, path: request.path) 'Hello world! Relative' end get '/foo' do 'Another World' end get '/redirect' do redirect '/redirect_again' end get '/redirect_with_fragment' do redirect '/landed#with_fragment' end get '/redirect_again' do redirect '/landed' end post '/redirect_307' do redirect '/landed', 307 end post '/redirect_308' do redirect '/landed', 308 end get '/referer_base' do 'direct link' \ 'link via redirect' \ '
' end get '/redirect_to_get_referer' do redirect '/get_referer' end get '/get_referer' do request.referer.nil? ? 'No referer' : "Got referer: #{request.referer}" end get '/host' do "Current host is #{request.scheme}://#{request.host}:#{request.port}" end get '/redirect/:times/times' do times = params[:times].to_i if times.zero? 'redirection complete' else redirect "/redirect/#{times - 1}/times" end end get '/landed' do 'You landed' end post '/landed' do "You post landed: #{params.dig(:form, 'data')}" end get '/with-quotes' do %q("No," he said, "you can't do that.") end get '/form/get' do %(
) end post '/relative' do %(
) end get '/favicon.ico' do nil end post '/redirect' do redirect '/redirect_again' end delete '/delete' do 'The requested object was deleted' end get '/delete' do 'Not deleted' end get '/redirect_back' do redirect back end get '/redirect_secure' do redirect "https://#{request.host}:#{request.port}/host" end get '/slow_response' do sleep 2 'Finally!' end get '/set_cookie' do cookie_value = 'test_cookie' response.set_cookie('capybara', cookie_value) "Cookie set to #{cookie_value}" end get '/get_cookie' do request.cookies['capybara'] end get '/get_header' do env['HTTP_FOO'] end get '/get_header_via_redirect' do redirect '/get_header' end get '/error' do raise TestAppError, 'some error' end get '/other_error' do raise TestAppOtherError.new('something', 'other error') end get '/load_error' do raise LoadError end get '/with.*html' do erb :with_html, locals: { referrer: request.referrer } end get '/with_title' do <<-HTML #{params[:title] || 'Test Title'} abcdefg HTML end get '/with_iframe' do <<-HTML Test with Iframe HTML end get '/base/with_base' do <<-HTML Origin Title page Bare query HTML end get '/base/with_other_base' do <<-HTML Origin Title page Bare query HTML end get '/csp' do response.headers['Content-Security-Policy'] = "default-src 'none'; connect-src 'self'; base-uri 'none'; font-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data:; object-src 'none'; script-src 'self' 'nonce-jAviMuMisoTisVXjgLoWdA=='; style-src 'self' 'nonce-jAviMuMisoTisVXjgLoWdA=='; form-action 'self';" <<-HTML CSP
HTML end get '/download.csv' do content_type 'text/csv' 'This, is, comma, separated' \ 'Thomas, Walpole, was , here' end get '/:view' do |view| view_template = "#{__dir__}/views/#{view}.erb" has_layout = File.exist?(view_template) && File.open(view_template) { |f| f.first.downcase.include?('doctype') } erb view.to_sym, locals: { referrer: request.referrer }, layout: !has_layout end post '/form' do self.class.form_post_count += 1 %(
#{params.fetch(:form, {}).merge('post_count' => self.class.form_post_count).to_yaml}
) end post '/upload_empty' do if params[:form][:file].nil? "Successfully ignored empty file field. Content type was #{request.content_type}" else 'Something went wrong.' end end post '/upload' do buffer = [] buffer << "Content-type: #{params.dig(:form, :document, :type)}" buffer << "File content: #{params.dig(:form, :document, :tempfile).read}" buffer.join(' | ') rescue StandardError 'No file uploaded' end post '/upload_multiple' do docs = params.dig(:form, :multiple_documents) buffer = [docs.size.to_s] docs.each do |doc| buffer << "Content-type: #{doc[:type]}" buffer << "File content: #{doc[:tempfile].read}" end buffer.join(' | ') rescue StandardError 'No files uploaded' end get '/apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png' do halt(404) end class << self attr_accessor :form_post_count end @form_post_count = 0 end Rack::Handler::Puma.run TestApp, Port: 8070 if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__