require "uri" class Capybara::Selenium::Driver < Capybara::Driver::Base DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { :browser => :firefox } SPECIAL_OPTIONS = [:browser] attr_reader :app, :options def browser unless @browser @browser = Selenium::WebDriver.for(options[:browser], options.reject { |key,val| SPECIAL_OPTIONS.include?(key) }) main = at_exit do # Store the exit status of the test run since it goes away after calling the at_exit proc... @exit_status = $!.status if $!.is_a?(SystemExit) quit if == main exit @exit_status if @exit_status # Force exit with stored status end end @browser end def initialize(app, options={}) begin require 'selenium-webdriver' rescue LoadError => e if e.message =~ /selenium-webdriver/ raise LoadError, "Capybara's selenium driver is unable to load `selenium-webdriver`, please install the gem and add `gem 'selenium-webdriver'` to your Gemfile if you are using bundler." else raise e end end @app = app @browser = nil @exit_status = nil @frame_handles = {} @options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge(options) end def visit(path) end def go_back browser.navigate.back end def go_forward browser.navigate.forward end def html browser.page_source end def title browser.title end def current_url browser.current_url end def find_xpath(selector) browser.find_elements(:xpath, selector).map { |node|, node) } end def find_css(selector) browser.find_elements(:css, selector).map { |node|, node) } end def wait?; true; end def needs_server?; true; end def execute_script(script) browser.execute_script script end def evaluate_script(script) browser.execute_script "return #{script}" end def save_screenshot(path, options={}) browser.save_screenshot(path) end def reset! # Use instance variable directly so we avoid starting the browser just to reset the session if @browser begin begin @browser.manage.delete_all_cookies rescue Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnhandledError # delete_all_cookies fails when we've previously gone # to about:blank, so we rescue this error and do nothing # instead. end"about:blank") rescue Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnhandledAlertError # This error is thrown if an unhandled alert is on the page # Firefox appears to automatically dismiss this alert, chrome does not # We'll try to accept it begin @browser.switch_to.alert.accept rescue Selenium::WebDriver::Error::NoAlertPresentError # The alert is now gone - nothing to do end # try cleaning up the browser again retry end end end ## # # Webdriver supports frame name, id, index(zero-based) or {Capybara::Element} to find iframe # # @overload within_frame(index) # @param [Integer] index index of a frame # @overload within_frame(name_or_id) # @param [String] name_or_id name or id of a frame # @overload within_frame(element) # @param [Capybara::Node::Base] a_node frame element # def within_frame(frame_handle) @frame_handles[browser.window_handle] ||= [] frame_handle = frame_handle.native if frame_handle.is_a?(Capybara::Node::Base) @frame_handles[browser.window_handle] << frame_handle a=browser.switch_to.frame(frame_handle) yield ensure # There doesnt appear to be any way in Webdriver to move back to a parent frame # other than going back to the root and then reiterating down @frame_handles[browser.window_handle].pop browser.switch_to.default_content @frame_handles[browser.window_handle].each { |fh| browser.switch_to.frame(fh) } end def current_window_handle browser.window_handle end def window_size(handle) within_given_window(handle) do size = browser.manage.window.size [size.width, size.height] end end def resize_window_to(handle, width, height) within_given_window(handle) do browser.manage.window.resize_to(width, height) end end def maximize_window(handle) within_given_window(handle) do browser.manage.window.maximize end sleep 0.1 # work around for end def close_window(handle) within_given_window(handle) do browser.close end end def window_handles browser.window_handles end def open_new_window browser.execute_script(';') end def switch_to_window(handle) browser.switch_to.window handle end # @api private def find_window(locator) handles = browser.window_handles return locator if handles.include? locator original_handle = browser.window_handle handles.each do |handle| switch_to_window(handle) if (locator == browser.execute_script("return") || browser.title.include?(locator) || browser.current_url.include?(locator)) switch_to_window(original_handle) return handle end end raise Capybara::ElementNotFound, "Could not find a window identified by #{locator}" end def within_window(locator) handle = find_window(locator) browser.switch_to.window(handle) { yield } end def accept_modal(type, options={}, &blk) yield modal = find_modal(options) modal.send_keys options[:with] if options[:with] message = modal.text modal.accept message end def dismiss_modal(type, options={}, &blk) yield modal = find_modal(options) message = modal.text modal.dismiss message end def quit @browser.quit if @browser rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED # Browser must have already gone ensure @browser = nil end def invalid_element_errors [Selenium::WebDriver::Error::StaleElementReferenceError, Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnhandledError, Selenium::WebDriver::Error::ElementNotVisibleError] end def no_such_window_error Selenium::WebDriver::Error::NoSuchWindowError end private def within_given_window(handle) original_handle = self.current_window_handle if handle == original_handle yield else switch_to_window(handle) result = yield switch_to_window(original_handle) result end end def find_modal(options={}) # Selenium has its own built in wait (2 seconds)for a modal to show up, so this wait is really the minimum time # Actual wait time may be longer than specified wait = timeout: (options[:wait] || Capybara.default_wait_time), ignore: Selenium::WebDriver::Error::NoAlertPresentError) begin modal = wait.until do alert = @browser.switch_to.alert regexp = options[:text].is_a?(Regexp) ? options[:text] : Regexp.escape(options[:text].to_s) alert.text.match(regexp) ? alert : nil end rescue Selenium::WebDriver::Error::TimeOutError raise"Unable to find modal dialog#{" with #{options[:text]}" if options[:text]}") end end end