# Version 3.15 Release date: unreleased ### Added * `attach_file` now supports a block mode on JS capable drivers to more accurately test user behavior when file inputs are hidden (beta) ### Fixed * Fix link selector when `Capybara.test_id` is set - Issue #2166 [bingjyang] # Version 3.14 Release date: 2019-02-25 ### Added * rack_test driver now supports reloading elements when the document changes - Issue #2157 * Selenium driver HTML5 drag-drop emulation now emits multiple move events so drag direction is determinable [Erkki Eilonen, Thomas Walpole] * Capybara.server_errors now defaults to [Exception] - Issue #2160 [Edgars Beigarts] ### Fixed * Workaround hover issue with FF 65 - Issue #2156 * Workaround chromedriver issue when setting blank strings to react controlled text fields * Workaround chromedriver issue with popup windows not loading content - https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromedriver/issues/detail?id=2650&q=load&sort=-id&colspec=ID%20Status%20Pri%20Owner%20Summary # Version 3.13.2 Release date: 2019-01-24 ### Fixed * Remove extraneous output # Version 3.13.1 Release date: 2019-01-24 ### Fixed * Only use Selenium visibility optimization when JS atom is available - Issue #2151 # Version 3.13.0 Release date: 2019-01-23 ### Added * Session#quit added * #scroll_to added to allow scrolling page/elements to specified locations * Speed optimizations around multiple element location and path generation when using the Selenium driver * Support for locator type checking in custom selectors * Allow configuration of gumbo use - defaults to off * `assert_style`/`has_style`/`have_style` deprecated in favor of `assert_matches_style`/`matches_styles?`/`match_style` * :style filter added to selectors # Version 3.12.0 Release date: 2018-11-28 ### Added * Support Ruby 2.6 endless range in Result#[] and query `:between` option * Pre-registered headless firefox driver :selenium_headless [Andrew Havens] * Selenium driver now defaults to clearing `sessionStorage` and `localStorage`. To disable pass `clear_local_storage: false` and/or `clear_session_storage: false` when creating Capybara::Selenium::Driver instance in your driver registration ### Fixed * Raise error if only :x or :y are passed as an offset to click methods ### Removed * Support for RSpec < 3.5 # Version 3.11.1 Release date: 2018-11-16 ### Fixed * Fixed :link_or_button XPath generation when it has had an expression filter added # Version 3.11.0 Release date: 2018-11-14 ### Added * Ability for node filters to set detailed error messages * `Capybara::HTML` Will use `nokogumbo` for HTML parsing if installed * `Selector#locator_filter` added to allow for dynamic locator in selectors ### Fixed * Node filters are evaluated in the context of the Selector they are used in to ensure the correct options are used # Version 3.10.1 Release date: 2018-11-03 ### Fixed * Fix `aria-label` and `test_id` matching for `link_or_button` selector type - Issue #2125 * Fixed crash in element path creation for matcher failure messages - Issue #2120 # Version 3.10.0 Release date: 2018-10-23 ### Added * :class filter can now check for class names starting with ! * Selector `xpath`/`css` expression definitions will get filter names from block parameters if not explicitly provided * `any_of_selectors` assertions and matchers to complement `all_of_selectors` and `none_of_selectors` ### Fixed * Selector `css` expression definiton declared filters now work again * Cleaned up warnings [Yuji Yaginuma] * Workaround installation of rspec matcher proxies under jruby by reverting to the old solution not using prepend, so jruby bugs are not hit - Issue #2115 # Version 3.9.0 Release date: 2018-10-03 ### Added * Selenium with Chrome removes all cookies at session reset instead of just cookies from current domain if possible * Support for Regexp for system :id and :class filters where possible * `using_session` now accepts a session object as well as the name of the session for users who manually manage sessions * The `:field` selector will now find `type = "hidden"` fields if the `type: "hidden"` filter option is provided # Version 3.8.2 Release date: 2018-09-26 ### Fixed * Fixed negated class selector option - Issue #2103 # Version 3.8.1 Release date: 2018-09-22 ### Fixed * Filling in of date fields with a string when using selenium chrome regression [Micah Geisel] # Version 3.8.0 Release date: 2018-09-20 ### Added * Workaround geckodriver 0.22 issue with undefined pause durations * :element selector ignores XML namespaces ### Fixed * Added Errno::ECONNRESET to the errors which will allows https server detection # Version 3.7.2 Release date: 2018-09-12 ### Fixed * Fix MatchQuery based matchers when used on a root element found using any type of parent/ancestor query - Issue #2097 * Fix Chrome/FF HTML5 drag simulation for elements (a, img) which default to draggable - Issue #2098 # Version 3.7.1 Release date: 2018-09-05 ### Fixed * Restored ability to pass symbol as the CSS selector when calling `has_css?`/`have_css`/etc - Issue #2093 # Version 3.7.0 Release date: 2018-09-02 ### Added * `Capybara.disable_animation` can be set to a CSS selector to identify which elements will have animation disabled [Michael Glass] * `Capybara.default_normalize_ws` option which sets whether or not text predicates and matchers (`has_text?`, `has_content?`, `assert_text`, etc) use `normalize_ws` option by default. Defaults to false. [Stegalin Ivan] * Selector based predicates, matchers, and finders now support the `:normalize_ws` option for the `:text`/`:exact_text` filters. Defaults to the `Capybara.default_normalize_ws`setting above. * Element `choose`/`check`/`uncheck`/`attach_file`/`fill_in` can now operate on the element they're called on or a descendant if no locator is passed. ### Fixed * All CSS styles applied by the `Element#attach_file` `:make_visible` option will now have `!important` priority set to ensure they override any other specified style. * Firefox file inputs are only manually cleared when necessary. # Version 3.6.0 Release date: 2018-08-14 ### Added * Workaround geckodriver/firefox send_keys issues as much as possible using the Selenium actions API * Workaround lack of HTML5 native drag and drop events when using Selenium driver with Chrome and FF >= 62 * `Capybara.predicates_wait` option which sets whether or not Capybaras matcher predicate methods (`has_css?`, `has_selector?`, `has_text?`, etc.) default to using waiting/retrying behavior (defaults to true) # Version 3.5.1 Release date: 2018-08-03 ### Fixed * Fixed misspelled method name `refute_matches_elector` => `refute_matches_selector` # Version 3.5.0 Release date: 2018-08-01 ### Added * text predicates and matchers (`has_text?`, `has_content?`, `assert_text`, etc) now support a `normalize_ws` option ### Fixed * `attach_file` with Selenium and local Firefox 62+ now correctly generates only one change event when attaching multiple files # Version 3.4.2 Release date: 2018-07-24 ### Fixed * `match_xxx` selectors and `matches_xxx?` predicates work correctly with elements found using a sibling selector - Issue #2073 # Version 3.4.1 Release date: 2018-07-20 ### Fixed * `Session#evaluate_script` now strips the script in `Session` rather than only in the Selenium driver # Version 3.4.0 Release date: 2018-07-19 ### Fixed * Make selenium driver :backspace clear stategy work even if caret location is in middle of field content [Champier Cyril] * Selenium issue with fieldset nested in disabled fieldset not being considered disabled * `Session#evaluate_script` and `Element#evaluate_script` now strip leading/trailing whitespace from scripts [Ian Lesperance] ### Added * Work around Selenium lack of support for `file_detector` with remote geckodriver * `#within_frame` locator is optional when only one frame exists * `Capybara.test_id` option that allows for matching the Capybara provided selector types on an arbitrary attribute (defaults to nil), set to your test id attribute ('data-test-id, etc) if using test id attributes in your project # Version 3.3.1 Release date: 2018-06-27 ### Fixed * `selenium-webdriver` version check [ahorek] * Selenium driver correctly responds to `disabled?` for fieldset elements - Issue #2059 [Thomas Walpole] # Version 3.3.0 Release date: 2018-06-25 ### Added * RackTest driver now handles 307/308 redirects * `execute_async_script` can now be called on elements to run the JS in the context of the element * `:download` filter option on `:link' selector * `Window#fullscreen` * `Element#style` and associated matchers ### Changed * Minimum "supported" `selenium-webdriver` is raised to 3.5.0 (but you really should be using newer than that) ### Fixes * Selenium driver with Firefox workaround for clicking on table row - https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/issues/1228 * :class and :id filters applied to CSS based selectors now correctly handle the CSS comma * Selenium driver handles namespaces when generating an elements `#path` - Issue #2048 # Version 3.2.1 Release date: 2018-06-04 ### Fixes * Only split CSS selectors when :class or :id options are given. Restores 3.1.1 functionality for now but the underlying issue will require a larger fix, hopefully coming soon. - Issue #2044 [Thomas Walpole] # Version 3.2.0 Release date: 2018-06-01 ### Changed * Ruby 2.3.0+ is now required * `ElementNotFound` errors raised in selector filters are interpreted as non-matches ### Added * New global configuration `default_set_options` used in `Capybara::Node::Element#set` as default `options` hash [Champier Cyril] * `execute_script` and `evaluate_script` can now be called on elements to run the JS in the context of the element [Thomas Walpole] * Filters in custom selectors now support a `matcher` Regexp to handle multiple filter options [Thomas Walpole] * `:element` selector type which will match on any attribute (other than the reserved names) passed as a filter option [Thomas Walpole] * `:class` filter option now supports preceding class names with `!` to indicate not having that class [Thomas Walpole] * `:class` and `:id` filter options now accept `XPath::Expression` objects to allow for more flexibility in matching [Thomas Walpole] * `Capybara.disable_animation` setting which triggers loading of a middleware that attempts to disable animations in pages. This is very much a beta feature and may change/disappear in the future. [Thomas Walpole] # Version 3.1.1 Release date: 2018-05-25 ### Fixes * Ensure keystrokes are sent when setting time/date fields to a string with the Selenium driver [Thomas Walpole] # Version 3.1.0 Release date: 2018-05-10 ### Added * Support for using `select` with text inputs associated with a datalist element * `type` filter on `:button` selector * Support for server operating in https mode * Selenium driver now uses JS to fill_in/set date and time fields when passed date or time objects [Aleksei Gusev, Thomas Walpole] # Version 3.0.3 Release date: 2018-04-30 ### Fixes * Issue in `check` where the locator string could not be omitted * Selenium browser type detection when using remote [Ian Ker-Seymer] * Potential hang when waiting for requests to complete [Chris Zetter] # Version 3.0.2 Release date: 2018-04-13 ### Fixes * Fix expression filter descriptions in some selector failure messages * Fix compounding of negated matechers - Issue #2010 # Version 3.0.1 Release date: 2018-04-06 ### Changed * Restored ability for `Capybara.server=` to accept a proc which was accidentally removed in 3.0.0 # Version 3.0.0 Release date: 2018-04-05 ### Changed * Selenium driver only closes extra windows for browsers where that is known to work (Firefox, Chrome) * "threadsafe" mode is no longer considered beta ### Fixes * Multiple file attach_file with Firefox * Use Puma::Server directly rather than Rack::Handler::Puma so signal handlers don't prevent test quitting # Version 3.0.0.rc2 Release date: 2018-03-23 ### Changed * Visibile text whitespace is no longer fully normalized in favor of being more in line with the WebDriver spec for visible text * Drivers are expected to close extra windows when resetting the session * Selenium driver supports Date/Time when filling in date/time/datetime-local inputs * `current_url` returns the url for the top level browsing context * `title` returns the title for the top level browsing context ### Added * `Driver#frame_url` returns the url for the current frame * `Driver#frame_title` returns the title for the current frame # Version 3.0.0.rc1 Release date: 2018-03-02 ### Added * Support for libraries wrapping Capybara elements and providing a `#to_capybara_node` method ### Changed * `first` now raises ElementNotFound, by default, instead of returning nil when no matches are found - Issue #1507 * 'all' now waits for at least one matching element by default. Pass `wait: false` if you want the previous behavior where an empty result would be returned immediately if no matching elements exist yet. * ArgumentError raised if extra parameters passed to selector queries ### Removed * Ruby < 2.2.2 support * `Capybara.exact_options` no longer exists. Just use `exact: true` on relevant actions/finders if necessary. * All previously deprecated methods removed * RSpec 2.x support * selenium-webdriver 2.x support * Nokogiri < 1.8 support * `field_labeled` alias for `find_field` # Version 2.18.0 Release date: 2018-02-12 ### Fixed * Firefox/geckodriver setting of contenteditable childs contents * Ignore Selenium::WebDriver::Error::SessionNotCreatedError when quitting driver [Tim Connor] ### Removed * Headless chrome modal JS injection that is no longer needed for Chrome 64+/chromedriver 2.35+ # Version 2.17.0 Release date: 2018-01-02 ### Added * `have_all_of_selectors`, `have_none_of_selectors` RSpec matchers for parity with minitest assertions [Thomas Walpole] ### Fixed * Allow xpath 3.x gem [Thomas Walpole] * Issue when drivers returned nil for `current_path` and a matcher was used with a Regexp [Thomas Walpole] * Error message when visible element not found, but non-visible was [Andy Klimczak] # Version 2.16.1 Release date: 2017-11-20 ### Fixed * Fix rack_test driver for rack_test 0.7.1/0.8.0 [Thomas Walpole] * `accept_prompt` response text can contain quotes when using selenium with headless chrome [Thomas Walpole] # Version 2.16.0 Release date: 2017-11-13 ### Added * Attempt to move element into view when selenium doesn't correctly do it - See PR #1917 [Thomas Walpole] * `current_path` matchers will now autodetect path vs url based on string to be matched. Deprecates `:only_path` in favor of `:ignore_query` option [Thomas Walpole] * Session#evaluate_async_script [Thomas Walpole] ### Fixed * Default prompt value when using headless Chrome works correctly [Thomas Walpole] * Support new modal error returned by selenium-webdriver 3.7 for W3C drivers [Thomas Walpole] * Calling `respond_to?` on the object passed to `Capybara.configure` block - Issue #1935 # Version 2.15.4 Release date: 2017-10-07 ### Fixed * Visiting an absolute URL shouldn't overwrite the port when no server or always_include_port=false - Issue #1921 # Version 2.15.3 Release date: 2017-10-03 ### Fixed * Visiting '/' when Capybara.app_host has a trailing '/' - Issue #1918 [Thomas Walpole] # Version 2.15.2 Release date: 2017-10-02 ### Fixed * Include within scope description in element not found/ambiguous errors [Thomas Walpole] * Raise error when no activation block is passed to modal methods if using headless chrome [Thomas Walpole] * Don't retry element access when inspecting [Ivan Neverov] * Don't override a specified port (even if it is default port) in visited url [Thomas Walpole] # Version 2.15.1 Release date: 2017-08-04 ### Fixed * `attach_file` with no extension/MIME type when using the `:rack_test` driver [Thomas Walpole] # Version 2.15.0 Release date: 2017-08-04 ### Added * `sibling` and `ancestor` finders added [Thomas Walpole] * Added ability to pass options to registered servers when setting * Added basic built-in driver registrations `:selenium_chrome` and `:selenium_chrome_headless` [Thomas Walpole] * Add `and_then` to Capybara RSpec matchers which behaves like the previous `and` compounder. [Thomas Walpole] * Compound RSpec expectations with Capybara matchers now run both matchers inside a retry loop rather than waiting for one to pass/fail before checking the second. Will make `#or` more performant and confirm both conditions are true "simultaneously" for `and`. [Thomas Walpole] If you still want the * Default filter values are now included in error descriptions [Thomas Walpole] * Add `Session#refresh` [Thomas Walpole] * Loosened restrictions on where `Session#within_window` can be called from [Thomas Walpole] * Switched from `mime-types` dependency to `mini_mime` [Jason Frey] # Version 2.14.4 Release date: 2017-06-27 ### Fixed * Fix retrieval of session_options for HaveSelector matcher descriptions - Issue #1883 # Version 2.14.3 Release date: 2017-06-15 ### Fixed * Minitest assertions now raise the correct error type - Issue #1879 [Thomas Walpole] * Improve flexibility of detecting Chrome headless mode [Thomas Walpole] # Version 2.14.2 Release date: 2017-06-09 ### Fixed * Workaround for system modals when using headless Chrome now works if the page changes # Version 2.14.1 Release date: 2017-06-07 ### Fixed * Catch correct error when unexpected system modals are discovered in latest selenium [Thomas Walpole] * Update default `puma` server registration to encourage it to run in single mode [Thomas Walpole] * Suppress invalid element errors raised while lazily evaluating the results of `all` [Thomas Walpole] * Added missing `with_selected` option to the :select selector to match `options`/`with_options` options - Issue #1865 [Bartosz Nowak] * Workaround broken system modals when using selenium with headless Chrome # Version 2.14.0 Release date: 2017-05-01 ### Added * "threadsafe" mode that allows per-session configuration * `:type` filter added to the `:fillable_field` selector * Proxy methods when using RSpec for `all`/`within` that call either the Capybara::DSL or RSpec matchers depending on arguments passed * Support for the new errors in selenium-webdriver 3.4 ### Fixed * Element#inspect doesn't raise an error on obsolete elements * Setting a contenteditable element with Selenium and Chrome 59 * Workaround a hang while setting the window size when using geckodriver 0.16 and Firefox 53 * Clicking on url with a blank href goes to the current url when using the RackTest driver # Version 2.13.0 Release date: 2017-03-16 ### Added * Selenium driver supports returning element(s) from evaluate_script [Thomas Walpole] * rack_test driver supports click on checkboxes and radio buttons to change their states [Thomas Walpole] * Support RSpec equivalent assertions and expectations for MiniTest [Thomas Walpole] ### Fixed * Editing of content editable children with selenium # Version 2.12.1 Release date: 2017-02-16 ### Fixed * Disable lazy Capybara::Results evaluation for JRuby due to ongoing issues # Version 2.12.0 Release date: 2017-01-22 ### Added * Session#switch_to_frame for manually handling frame switching - Issue #1365 [Thomas Walpole] * Session#within_frame now accepts a selector type (defaults to :frame) and locator [Thomas Walpole] * Session#execute_script and Session#evaluate_script now accept optional arguments that will be passed to the JS function. This may not be supported by all drivers, and the types of arguments that may be passed is limited. If drivers opt to support this feature they should support passing page elements. [Thomas Walpole] * :exact option for text and title matchers - Issue #1256 [Thomas Walpole] * :exact_text option for selector finders/minders - Issue #1256 [Thomas Walpole] * Capybara.exact_text setting that affects the text matchers and :text options passed to selector finders/matchers. Issue #1256 [Thomas Walpole] * :make_visible option for #attach_file that allows for convenient changing of the CSS style of a file input element before attaching the file to it. Requires driver support for passing page elements to Session#execute_script [Thomas Walpole] * assert_all_selectors/assert_none_of_selectors assertions added * :link selector (used by find_link/click_link) now supports finding hyperlink placeholders (no href attribute) when href: nil option is specified [Thomas Walpole] * `within_element` as an alias of `within` due to RSpec collision ### Fixed * Fields inside a disabled fieldset are now correctly considered disabled - Issue #1816 [Thomas Walpole] * Lazy Capybara::Results evaluation enabled for JRuby * A driver returning nil for #current_url won't raise an exception when calling #current_path [Dylan Reichstadt] * Support Ruby 2.4.0 unified Integer [Koichi ITO] * RackTest driver no longer modifies the text content of textarea elements in order to behave more like a real browser [Thomas Walpole] * TextQuery (assert_text/have_text/etc) now ignores errors when trying to generate more helpful errors messages so the original error isn't hidden [Thomas Walpole] # Version 2.11.0 Release date: 2016-12-05 ### Added * Options for clearing session/local storage on reset added to the Selenium driver * Window size changes wait for the size to stabilize * Defined return value for most actions * Ignore specific error when qutting selenium driver instance - Issue #1773 [Dylan Reichstadt, Thomas Walpole] * Warn on selenium unknown errors rather than raising when quitting driver [Adam Pohorecki, Thomas Walpole] * Capybara::Result#each now returns an `Enumerator` when called without a block - Issue #1777 [Thomas Walpole] ### Fixed * Selenium driver with Chrome should support multiple file upload [Thomas Walpole] * Fix visible: :hidden with :text option behavior [Thomas Walpole] # Version 2.10.2 Release date: 2016-11-30 ### Fixed * App exceptions with multiple parameter initializers now re-raised correctly - Issue #1785 [Michael Lutsiuk] * Use Addressable::URI when parsing current_path since it's more lenient of technically invalid URLs - Issue #1801 [Marcos Duque, Thomas Walpole] # Version 2.10.1 Release date: 2016-10-08 ### Fixed * App errors are now correctly raised with the explanatory cause in JRuby [Thomas Walpole] * Capybara::Result optimization disabled in JRuby due to issue with lazy enumerator evaluation [Thomas Walpole] See: https://github.com/jruby/jruby/issues/4212 # Version 2.10.0 Release date: 2016-10-05 ### Added * Select `