# Version 0.3.8 Release date: 2010-05-12 ### Added * Within_frame method to execute a block of code within a particular iframe (Selenium only!) ### Fixed * Single quotes are properly escaped with `select` under rack-test and Selenium. * The :text option for searches now escapes regexp special characters when a string is given. * Selenium now correctly checks already checked checkboxes (same with uncheck) * Timing issue which caused Selenium to hang under certain circumstances. * Selenium now resolves attributes even if they are given as a Symbol # Version 0.3.7 Release date: 2010-04-09 This is a drop in compatible maintainance release. It's mostly important for driver authors. ### Added * RackTest scans for data-method which rails3 uses to change the request method ### Fixed * Don't hang when starting server on Windoze ### Changed * The driver and session specs are now located inside lib! Driver authors can simply require them. # Version 0.3.6 Release date: 2010-03-22 This is a maintainance release with minor bug fixes, should be drop in compatible. ### Added * It's now possible to load in external drivers ### Fixed * has_content? ignores whitespace * Trigger events when choosing radios and checking checkboxes under Selenium * Make Capybara.app totally optional when running without server * Changed fallback host so it matches the one set up by Rails' integration tests # Version 0.3.5 Release date: 2010-02-26 This is a mostly backwards compatible release, it does break the API in some minor places, which should hopefully not affect too many users, please read the release notes carefully! ### Breaking * Relative searching in a node (e.g. find('//p').all('//a')) will now follow XPath standard this means that if you want to find descendant nodes only, you'll need to prefix a dot! * `visit` now accepts fully qualified URLs for drivers that support it. * Capybara will always try to run a rack server, unless you set Capybara.run_sever = false ### Changed * thin is preferred over mongrel and webrick, since it is Ruby 1.9 compatible * click_button and click will find , clicking them does nothing in RackTest ### Added * Much improved error messages in a multitude of places * More semantic page querying with has_link?, has_button?, etc... * Option to ignore hidden elements when querying and interacting with the page * Support for multiple selects ### Fixed * find_by_id is no longer broken * clicking links where the image's alt attribute contains the text is now possible * within_fieldset and within_table work when the default selector is CSS * boolean attributes work the same across drivers (return true/false)