require File.expand_path('spec_helper', File.dirname(__FILE__)) shared_examples_for "session" do describe '#app' do it "should remember the application" do == TestApp end end describe '#visit' do it "should fetch a response from the driver" do @session.visit('/') @session.body.should == 'Hello world!' @session.visit('/foo') @session.body.should == 'Another World' end end describe '#click_link' do before do @session.visit('/with_html') end context "with id given" do it "should take user to the linked page" do @session.click_link('foo') @session.body.should == 'Another World' end end context "with text given" do it "should take user to the linked page" do @session.click_link('labore') @session.body.should == '


' end end context "with title given" do it "should take user to the linked page" do @session.click_link('awesome title') @session.body.should == '


' end end context "with a locator that doesn't exist" do it "should raise an error" do running do @session.click_link('does not exist') end.should raise_error(Webcat::ElementNotFound) end end end describe '#click_button' do before do @session.visit('/form') end context "with value given" do before do @session.click_button('awesome') @results = YAML.load(@session.body) end it "should serialize and submit text fields" do @results['first_name'].should == 'John' end it "should not serialize fields from other forms" do @results['middle_name'].should be_nil end it "should submit the button that was clicked, but not other buttons" do @results['awesome'].should == 'awesome' @results['crappy'].should be_nil end it "should serialize radio buttons" do @results['gender'].should == 'female' end it "should serialize check boxes" do @results['pets'].should include('dog', 'hamster') @results['pets'].should_not include('cat') end it "should serialize text areas" do @results['description'].should == 'Descriptive text goes here' end it "should serialize select tag with values" do @results['locale'].should == 'en' end it "should serialize select tag without values" do @results['region'].should == 'Norway' end it "should serialize first option for select tag with no selection" do @results['city'].should == 'London' end it "should not serialize a select tag without options" do @results['tendency'].should be_nil end context "with multipart form" do it "should attach the file" end context "with normal form" do it "should serialize the file path" end end context "with id given" do it "should submit the associated form" do @session.click_button('awe123') results = YAML.load(@session.body) results['first_name'].should == 'John' end end end describe "#fill_in" do before do @session.visit('/form') end it "should fill in a field by id" do @session.fill_in('form_first_name', :with => 'Harry') @session.click_button('awesome') YAML.load(@session.body)['first_name'].should == 'Harry' end it "should fill in a field by label" do @session.fill_in('First Name', :with => 'Harry') @session.click_button('awesome') YAML.load(@session.body)['first_name'].should == 'Harry' end it "should fill in a textarea by id" do @session.fill_in('form_description', :with => 'Texty text') @session.click_button('awesome') YAML.load(@session.body)['description'].should == 'Texty text' end it "should fill in a textarea by label" do @session.fill_in('Description', :with => 'Texty text') @session.click_button('awesome') YAML.load(@session.body)['description'].should == 'Texty text' end end end describe Webcat::Session do context 'with non-existant driver' do it "should raise an error" do running {, TestApp).driver }.should raise_error(Webcat::DriverNotFoundError) end end end