module Capybara class Query attr_accessor :selector, :locator, :options, :xpaths def initialize(*args) @options = if args.last.is_a?(Hash) then args.pop.dup else {} end unless options.has_key?(:visible) @options[:visible] = Capybara.ignore_hidden_elements end if args[1] @selector = Selector.all[args[0]] @locator = args[1] else @selector = Selector.all.values.find { |s| s.match?(args[0]) } @locator = args[0] end @selector ||= Selector.all[Capybara.default_selector] xpath = if xpath.respond_to?(:to_xpaths) @xpaths = xpath.to_xpaths else @xpaths = [xpath.to_s].flatten end end def failure_message(type, node) message =, self) if selector.failure_message message ||= options[:message] if type == :assert message ||= "expected #{description} to return something" else message ||= "Unable to find #{description}" end message end def negative_failure_message(type, node) "expected #{description} not to return anything" end def name;; end def description @description = "#{name} #{locator.inspect}" @description << " with text #{options[:text].inspect}" if options[:text] @description end def matches_filters?(node) if options[:text] regexp = options[:text].is_a?(Regexp) ? options[:text] : Regexp.escape(options[:text]) return false if not node.text.match(regexp) end return false if options[:visible] and not node.visible? selector.custom_filters.each do |name, block| return false if options.has_key?(name) and not, options[name]) end true end end end