require 'spec_helper' describe Capybara::Result do let :string do Capybara.string <<-STRING STRING end let :result do string.all '//li' end it "has a length" do result.length.should == 4 end it "has a first element" do result.first.text == 'Alpha' end it "has a last element" do result.last.text == 'Delta' end it 'can supports values_at method' do result.values_at(0, 2).map(&:text).should == %w(Alpha Gamma) end it "can return an element by its index" do == 'Beta' result[2].text.should == 'Gamma' end it "can be mapped" do == %w(Alpha Beta Gamma Delta) end it "can be selected" do do |element| element.text.include? 't' end.length.should == 2 end it "can be reduced" do result.reduce('') do |memo, element| memo += element.text[0] end.should == 'ABGD' end it 'can be sampled' do result.should include(result.sample) end it 'can be indexed' do result.index do |el| el.text == 'Gamma' end.should == 2 end end