Capybara::SpecHelper.spec "#fill_in" do before do @session.visit('/form') end it "should fill in a text field by id" do @session.fill_in('form_first_name', :with => 'Harry') @session.click_button('awesome') extract_results(@session)['first_name'].should == 'Harry' end it "should fill in a text field by name" do @session.fill_in('form[last_name]', :with => 'Green') @session.click_button('awesome') extract_results(@session)['last_name'].should == 'Green' end it "should fill in a text field by label without for" do @session.fill_in('First Name', :with => 'Harry') @session.click_button('awesome') extract_results(@session)['first_name'].should == 'Harry' end it "should fill in a url field by label without for" do @session.fill_in('Html5 Url', :with => '') @session.click_button('html5_submit') extract_results(@session)['html5_url'].should == '' end it "should fill in a textarea by id" do @session.fill_in('form_description', :with => 'Texty text') @session.click_button('awesome') extract_results(@session)['description'].should == 'Texty text' end it "should fill in a textarea by label" do @session.fill_in('Description', :with => 'Texty text') @session.click_button('awesome') extract_results(@session)['description'].should == 'Texty text' end it "should fill in a textarea by name" do @session.fill_in('form[description]', :with => 'Texty text') @session.click_button('awesome') extract_results(@session)['description'].should == 'Texty text' end it "should fill in a password field by id" do @session.fill_in('form_password', :with => 'supasikrit') @session.click_button('awesome') extract_results(@session)['password'].should == 'supasikrit' end it "should fill in a field with a custom type" do @session.fill_in('Schmooo', :with => 'Schmooo is the game') @session.click_button('awesome') extract_results(@session)['schmooo'].should == 'Schmooo is the game' end it "should fill in a field without a type" do @session.fill_in('Phone', :with => '+1 555 7022') @session.click_button('awesome') extract_results(@session)['phone'].should == '+1 555 7022' end it "should fill in a text field respecting its maxlength attribute" do @session.fill_in('Zipcode', :with => '52071350') @session.click_button('awesome') extract_results(@session)['zipcode'].should == '52071' end it "should fill in a password field by name" do @session.fill_in('form[password]', :with => 'supasikrit') @session.click_button('awesome') extract_results(@session)['password'].should == 'supasikrit' end it "should fill in a password field by label" do @session.fill_in('Password', :with => 'supasikrit') @session.click_button('awesome') extract_results(@session)['password'].should == 'supasikrit' end it "should fill in a password field by name" do @session.fill_in('form[password]', :with => 'supasikrit') @session.click_button('awesome') extract_results(@session)['password'].should == 'supasikrit' end it "should throw an exception if a hash containing 'with' is not provided" do lambda{@session.fill_in 'Name', 'ignu'}.should raise_error end it "should wait for asynchronous load", :requires => [:js] do @session.visit('/with_js') @session.click_link('Click me') @session.fill_in('new_field', :with => 'Testing...') end context 'on a pre-populated textfield with a reformatting onchange', :requires => [:js] do it 'should only trigger onchange once' do @session.visit('/with_js') @session.fill_in('with_change_event', :with => 'some value') @session.find(:css, '#with_change_event').value.should == 'some value' end end context "with ignore_hidden_fields" do before { Capybara.ignore_hidden_elements = true } after { Capybara.ignore_hidden_elements = false } it "should not find a hidden field" do msg = "Unable to find field \"Super Secret\"" running do @session.fill_in('Super Secret', :with => '777') end.should raise_error(Capybara::ElementNotFound, msg) end end context "with a locator that doesn't exist" do it "should raise an error" do msg = "Unable to find field \"does not exist\"" running do @session.fill_in('does not exist', :with => 'Blah blah') end.should raise_error(Capybara::ElementNotFound, msg) end end end