require File.expand_path('spec_helper', File.dirname(__FILE__)) shared_examples_for "session" do describe '#app' do it "should remember the application" do == TestApp end end describe '#visit' do it "should fetch a response from the driver" do @session.visit('/') @session.body.should == 'Hello world!' @session.visit('/foo') @session.body.should == 'Another World' end end describe '#click_link' do before do @session.visit('/with_html') end context "with id given" do it "should take user to the linked page" do @session.click_link('foo') @session.body.should == 'Another World' end end context "with text given" do it "should take user to the linked page" do @session.click_link('labore') @session.body.should == '


' end end context "with title given" do it "should take user to the linked page" do @session.click_link('awesome title') @session.body.should == '


' end end context "with a locator that doesn't exist" do it "should raise an error" do running do @session.click_link('does not exist') end.should raise_error(Webcat::ElementNotFound) end end end describe '#click_button' do before do @session.visit('/form') end context "with value given" do before do @session.click_button('awesome') @results = YAML.load(@session.body) end it "should serialize and submit text fields" do @results['first_name'].should == 'John' end it "should serialize and submit password fields" do @results['password'].should == 'seeekrit' end it "should serialize and submit hidden fields" do @results['token'].should == '12345' end it "should not serialize fields from other forms" do @results['middle_name'].should be_nil end it "should submit the button that was clicked, but not other buttons" do @results['awesome'].should == 'awesome' @results['crappy'].should be_nil end it "should serialize radio buttons" do @results['gender'].should == 'female' end it "should serialize check boxes" do @results['pets'].should include('dog', 'hamster') @results['pets'].should_not include('cat') end it "should serialize text areas" do @results['description'].should == 'Descriptive text goes here' end it "should serialize select tag with values" do @results['locale'].should == 'en' end it "should serialize select tag without values" do @results['region'].should == 'Norway' end it "should serialize first option for select tag with no selection" do @results['city'].should == 'London' end it "should not serialize a select tag without options" do @results['tendency'].should be_nil end end context "with id given" do it "should submit the associated form" do @session.click_button('awe123') results = YAML.load(@session.body) results['first_name'].should == 'John' end end end describe "#fill_in" do before do @session.visit('/form') end it "should fill in a text field by id" do @session.fill_in('form_first_name', :with => 'Harry') @session.click_button('awesome') YAML.load(@session.body)['first_name'].should == 'Harry' end it "should fill in a text field by label" do @session.fill_in('First Name', :with => 'Harry') @session.click_button('awesome') YAML.load(@session.body)['first_name'].should == 'Harry' end it "should fill in a textarea by id" do @session.fill_in('form_description', :with => 'Texty text') @session.click_button('awesome') YAML.load(@session.body)['description'].should == 'Texty text' end it "should fill in a textarea by label" do @session.fill_in('Description', :with => 'Texty text') @session.click_button('awesome') YAML.load(@session.body)['description'].should == 'Texty text' end it "should fill in a password field by id" do pending "Culerity doesn't like password fields for some reason" if @session.mode == :culerity @session.fill_in('form_password', :with => 'supasikrit') @session.click_button('awesome') YAML.load(@session.body)['password'].should == 'supasikrit' end it "should fill in a password field by label" do pending "Culerity doesn't like password fields for some reason" if @session.mode == :culerity @session.fill_in('Password', :with => 'supasikrit') @session.click_button('awesome') YAML.load(@session.body)['password'].should == 'supasikrit' end end describe "#choose" do before do @session.visit('/form') end it "should choose a radio button by id" do @session.choose("gender_male") @session.click_button('awesome') YAML.load(@session.body)['gender'].should == 'male' end it "should choose a radio button by label" do @session.choose("Both") @session.click_button('awesome') YAML.load(@session.body)['gender'].should == 'both' end end describe "#set_hidden_field" do before do @session.visit('/form') end it "should set a hidden field by id" do pending "Culerity doesn't like hidden fields for some reason" if @session.mode == :culerity @session.set_hidden_field("form_token", :to => 'test567') @session.click_button('awesome') YAML.load(@session.body)['token'].should == 'test567' end end describe "#check" do before do @session.visit('/form') end it "should check a checkbox by id" do @session.check("form_pets_cat") @session.click_button('awesome') YAML.load(@session.body)['pets'].should include('dog', 'cat', 'hamster') end it "should check a checkbox by label" do @session.check("Cat") @session.click_button('awesome') YAML.load(@session.body)['pets'].should include('dog', 'cat', 'hamster') end end describe "#uncheck" do before do @session.visit('/form') end it "should uncheck a checkbox by id" do pending "Culerity doesn't seem to uncheck this" if @session.mode == :culerity @session.uncheck("form_pets_hamster") @session.click_button('awesome') YAML.load(@session.body)['pets'].should include('dog') YAML.load(@session.body)['pets'].should_not include('hamster') end it "should uncheck a checkbox by label" do pending "Culerity doesn't seem to uncheck this" if @session.mode == :culerity @session.uncheck("Hamster") @session.click_button('awesome') YAML.load(@session.body)['pets'].should include('dog') YAML.load(@session.body)['pets'].should_not include('hamster') end end describe "#select" do before do @session.visit('/form') end it "should select an option from a select box by id" do"Finish", :from => 'form_locale') @session.click_button('awesome') YAML.load(@session.body)['locale'].should == 'fi' end it "should select an option from a select box by label" do"Finish", :from => 'Locale') @session.click_button('awesome') YAML.load(@session.body)['locale'].should == 'fi' end end describe "#attach_file" do before do @session.visit('/form') end context "with normal form" do it "should set a file path by id" do @session.attach_file "form_image", __FILE__ @session.click_button('awesome') YAML.load(@session.body)['image'].should == File.basename(__FILE__) end it "should set a file path by label" do @session.attach_file "Image", __FILE__ @session.click_button('awesome') YAML.load(@session.body)['image'].should == File.basename(__FILE__) end end context "with multipart form" do it "should set a file path by id" do @session.attach_file "form_document", __FILE__ @session.click_button('Upload') @session.body.should == end it "should set a file path by label" do @session.attach_file "Document", __FILE__ @session.click_button('Upload') @session.body.should == end end end end describe Webcat::Session do context 'with non-existant driver' do it "should raise an error" do running {, TestApp).driver }.should raise_error(Webcat::DriverNotFoundError) end end end