
75 lines
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require 'timeout'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'xpath'
module Capybara
class CapybaraError < StandardError; end
class DriverNotFoundError < CapybaraError; end
class ElementNotFound < CapybaraError; end
class UnselectNotAllowed < CapybaraError; end
class NotSupportedByDriverError < CapybaraError; end
class TimeoutError < CapybaraError; end
class LocateHiddenElementError < CapybaraError; end
class InfiniteRedirectError < TimeoutError; end
class << self
attr_accessor :asset_root, :app_host, :run_server, :default_host
attr_accessor :default_selector, :default_wait_time, :ignore_hidden_elements
attr_accessor :save_and_open_page_path
# Configure Capybara to suit your needs.
# Capybara.configure do |config|
# config.run_server = false
# config.app_host = ''
# end
# === Configurable options
# [asset_root = String] Where static assets are located, used by save_and_open_page
# [app_host = String] The default host to use when giving a relative URL to visit
# [run_server = Boolean] Whether to start a Rack server for the given Rack app (Default: true)
# [default_selector = :css/:xpath] Methods which take a selector use the given type by default (Default: CSS)
# [default_wait_time = Integer] The number of seconds to wait for asynchronous processes to finish (Default: 2)
# [ignore_hidden_elements = Boolean] Whether to ignore hidden elements on the page (Default: false)
# === DSL Options
# when using capybara/dsl, the following options are also available:
# [default_driver = Symbol] The name of the driver to use by default. (Default: :rack_test)
# [javascript_driver = Symbol] The name of a driver to use for JavaScript enabled tests. (Default: :selenium)
def configure
yield self
autoload :Server, 'capybara/server'
autoload :Session, 'capybara/session'
autoload :Node, 'capybara/node'
autoload :Document, 'capybara/node'
autoload :Element, 'capybara/node'
autoload :Selector, 'capybara/selector'
autoload :VERSION, 'capybara/version'
module Driver
autoload :Base, 'capybara/driver/base'
autoload :Node, 'capybara/driver/node'
autoload :RackTest, 'capybara/driver/rack_test_driver'
autoload :Celerity, 'capybara/driver/celerity_driver'
autoload :Culerity, 'capybara/driver/culerity_driver'
autoload :Selenium, 'capybara/driver/selenium_driver'
Capybara.configure do |config|
config.run_server = true
config.default_selector = :css
config.default_wait_time = 2
config.ignore_hidden_elements = false