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module Capybara
class Node
module Actions
# Finds a button or link by id, text or value and clicks it. Also looks at image
# alt text inside the link.
# @param [String] locator Text, id or value of link or button
def click_link_or_button(locator)
msg = "no link or button '#{locator}' found"
find(:xpath, XPath::HTML.link_or_button(locator), :message => msg).click
# Finds a link by id or text and clicks it. Also looks at image
# alt text inside the link.
# @param [String] locator Text, id or text of link
def click_link(locator)
msg = "no link with title, id or text '#{locator}' found"
find(:xpath,, :message => msg).click
# Finds a button by id, text or value and clicks it.
# @param [String] locator Text, id or value of button
def click_button(locator)
msg = "no button with value or id or text '#{locator}' found"
find(:xpath, XPath::HTML.button(locator), :message => msg).click
# Locate a text field or text area and fill it in with the given text
# The field can be found via its name, id or label text.
# page.fill_in 'Name', :with => 'Bob'
# @param [String] locator Which field to fill in
# @param [Hash{:with => String}] The value to fill in
def fill_in(locator, options={})
msg = "cannot fill in, no text field, text area or password field with id, name, or label '#{locator}' found"
raise "Must pass a hash containing 'with'" if not options.is_a?(Hash) or not options.has_key?(:with)
find(:xpath, XPath::HTML.fillable_field(locator), :message => msg).set(options[:with])
# Find a radio button and mark it as checked. The radio button can be found
# via name, id or label text.
# page.choose('Male')
# @param [String] locator Which radio button to choose
def choose(locator)
msg = "cannot choose field, no radio button with id, name, or label '#{locator}' found"
find(:xpath, XPath::HTML.radio_button(locator), :message => msg).set(true)
# Find a check box and mark it as checked. The check box can be found
# via name, id or label text.
# page.check('German')
# @param [String] locator Which check box to check
def check(locator)
msg = "cannot check field, no checkbox with id, name, or label '#{locator}' found"
find(:xpath, XPath::HTML.checkbox(locator), :message => msg).set(true)
# Find a check box and mark uncheck it. The check box can be found
# via name, id or label text.
# page.uncheck('German')
# @param [String] locator Which check box to uncheck
def uncheck(locator)
msg = "cannot uncheck field, no checkbox with id, name, or label '#{locator}' found"
find(:xpath, XPath::HTML.checkbox(locator), :message => msg).set(false)
# Find a select box on the page and select a particular option from it. If the select
# box is a multiple select, +select+ can be called multiple times to select more than
# one option. The select box can be found via its name, id or label text.
# page.uncheck('German')
# @param [String] locator Which check box to uncheck
def select(value, options={})
no_select_msg = "cannot select option, no select box with id, name, or label '#{options[:from]}' found"
no_option_msg = "cannot select option, no option with text '#{value}' in select box '#{options[:from]}'"
select = find(:xpath,[:from]), :message => no_select_msg)
select.find(:xpath, XPath::HTML.option(value), :message => no_option_msg).select_option
# Find a select box on the page and select a particular option from it. If the select
# box is a multiple select, +select+ can be called multiple times to select more than
# one option. The select box can be found via its name, id or label text.
# page.uncheck('German')
# @param [String] locator Which check box to uncheck
def unselect(value, options={})
no_select_msg = "cannot unselect option, no select box with id, name, or label '#{options[:from]}' found"
no_option_msg = "cannot unselect option, no option with text '#{value}' in select box '#{options[:from]}'"
select = find(:xpath,[:from]), :message => no_select_msg)
select.find(:xpath, XPath::HTML.option(value), :message => no_option_msg).unselect_option
# Find a file field on the page and attach a file given its path. The file field can
# be found via its name, id or label text.
# page.attach_file(locator, '/path/to/file.png')
# @param [String] locator Which field to attach the file to
# @param [String] path The path of the file that will be attached
def attach_file(locator, path)
msg = "cannot attach file, no file field with id, name, or label '#{locator}' found"
find(:xpath, XPath::HTML.file_field(locator), :message => msg).set(path)
# Drag one element to another
# @deprecated Use Capybara::Element#drag_to instead.
def drag(source_locator, target_locator)
source = find(:xpath, source_locator, :message => "drag source '#{source_locator}' not found on page")
target = find(:xpath, target_locator, :message => "drag target '#{target_locator}' not found on page")