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# frozen_string_literal: true
module Capybara
module Node
# A {Capybara::Node::Element} represents a single element on the page. It is possible
# to interact with the contents of this element the same as with a document:
# session = Capybara::Session.new(:rack_test, my_app)
# bar = session.find('#bar') # from Capybara::Node::Finders
# bar.select('Baz', from: 'Quox') # from Capybara::Node::Actions
# {Capybara::Node::Element} also has access to HTML attributes and other properties of the
# element:
# bar.value
# bar.text
# bar[:title]
# @see Capybara::Node
class Element < Base
def initialize(session, base, query_scope, query)
super(session, base)
@query_scope = query_scope
@query = query
@allow_reload = false
@query_idx = nil
def allow_reload!(idx = nil)
@query_idx = idx
@allow_reload = true
# @return [Object] The native element from the driver, this allows access to driver specific methods
def native
synchronize { base.native }
# Retrieve the text of the element. If {Capybara.configure ignore_hidden_elements}
# is `true`, which it is by default, then this will return only text
# which is visible. The exact semantics of this may differ between
# drivers, but generally any text within elements with `display:none` is
# ignored. This behaviour can be overridden by passing `:all` to this
# method.
# @param type [:all, :visible] Whether to return only visible or all text
# @return [String] The text of the element
def text(type = nil, normalize_ws: false)
type ||= :all unless session_options.ignore_hidden_elements || session_options.visible_text_only
txt = synchronize { type == :all ? base.all_text : base.visible_text }
normalize_ws ? txt.gsub(/[[:space:]]+/, ' ').strip : txt
# Retrieve the given attribute.
# element[:title] # => HTML title attribute
# @param [Symbol] attribute The attribute to retrieve
# @return [String] The value of the attribute
def [](attribute)
synchronize { base[attribute] }
# Retrieve the given CSS styles.
# element.style('color', 'font-size') # => Computed values of CSS 'color' and 'font-size' styles
# @param [Array<String>] styles Names of the desired CSS properties
# @return [Hash] Hash of the CSS property names to computed values
def style(*styles)
styles = styles.flatten.map(&:to_s)
raise ArgumentError, 'You must specify at least one CSS style' if styles.empty?
synchronize { base.style(styles) }
rescue NotImplementedError => e
evaluate_script(STYLE_SCRIPT, *styles)
rescue Capybara::NotSupportedByDriverError
raise e
# @return [String] The value of the form element
def value
synchronize { base.value }
# Set the value of the form element to the given value.
# @param [String] value The new value
# @param [Hash] options Driver specific options for how to set the value. Take default values from {Capybara.configure default_set_options}.
# @return [Capybara::Node::Element] The element
def set(value, **options)
if ENV.fetch('CAPYBARA_THOROUGH', nil) && readonly?
raise Capybara::ReadOnlyElementError, "Attempt to set readonly element with value: #{value}"
options = session_options.default_set_options.to_h.merge(options)
synchronize { base.set(value, **options) }
# Select this node if it is an option element inside a select tag.
# @!macro action_waiting_behavior
# If the driver dynamic pages (JS) and the element is currently non-interactable, this method will
# continuously retry the action until either the element becomes interactable or the maximum
# wait time expires.
# @param [false, Numeric] wait
# Maximum time to wait for the action to succeed. Defaults to {Capybara.configure default_max_wait_time}.
# @return [Capybara::Node::Element] The element
def select_option(wait: nil)
synchronize(wait) { base.select_option }
# Unselect this node if it is an option element inside a multiple select tag.
# @macro action_waiting_behavior
# @return [Capybara::Node::Element] The element
def unselect_option(wait: nil)
synchronize(wait) { base.unselect_option }
# Click the Element.
# @macro action_waiting_behavior
# @!macro click_modifiers
# Both x: and y: must be specified if an offset is wanted, if not specified the click will occur at the middle of the element.
# @overload $0(*modifier_keys, wait: nil, **offset)
# @param *modifier_keys [:alt, :control, :meta, :shift] ([]) Keys to be held down when clicking
# @option options [Integer] x X coordinate to offset the click location. If {Capybara.configure w3c_click_offset} is `true` the
# offset will be from the element center, otherwise it will be from the top left corner of the element
# @option options [Integer] y Y coordinate to offset the click location. If {Capybara.configure w3c_click_offset} is `true` the
# offset will be from the element center, otherwise it will be from the top left corner of the element
# @option options [Float] delay Delay between the mouse down and mouse up events in seconds (0)
# @return [Capybara::Node::Element] The element
def click(*keys, **options)
perform_click_action(keys, **options) do |k, opts|
base.click(k, **opts)
# Right Click the Element.
# @macro action_waiting_behavior
# @macro click_modifiers
# @option options [Float] delay Delay between the mouse down and mouse up events in seconds (0)
# @return [Capybara::Node::Element] The element
def right_click(*keys, **options)
perform_click_action(keys, **options) do |k, opts|
base.right_click(k, **opts)
# Double Click the Element.
# @macro action_waiting_behavior
# @macro click_modifiers
# @return [Capybara::Node::Element] The element
def double_click(*keys, **options)
perform_click_action(keys, **options) do |k, opts|
base.double_click(k, **opts)
# Send Keystrokes to the Element.
# @overload send_keys(keys, ...)
# @param keys [String, Symbol, Array<String,Symbol>]
# Examples:
# element.send_keys "foo" #=> value: 'foo'
# element.send_keys "tet", :left, "s" #=> value: 'test'
# element.send_keys [:control, 'a'], :space #=> value: ' ' - assuming ctrl-a selects all contents
# Symbols supported for keys:
# * :cancel
# * :help
# * :backspace
# * :tab
# * :clear
# * :return
# * :enter
# * :shift
# * :control
# * :alt
# * :pause
# * :escape
# * :space
# * :page_up
# * :page_down
# * :end
# * :home
# * :left
# * :up
# * :right
# * :down
# * :insert
# * :delete
# * :semicolon
# * :equals
# * :numpad0
# * :numpad1
# * :numpad2
# * :numpad3
# * :numpad4
# * :numpad5
# * :numpad6
# * :numpad7
# * :numpad8
# * :numpad9
# * :multiply - numeric keypad *
# * :add - numeric keypad +
# * :separator - numeric keypad 'separator' key ??
# * :subtract - numeric keypad -
# * :decimal - numeric keypad .
# * :divide - numeric keypad /
# * :f1
# * :f2
# * :f3
# * :f4
# * :f5
# * :f6
# * :f7
# * :f8
# * :f9
# * :f10
# * :f11
# * :f12
# * :meta
# * :command - alias of :meta
# @return [Capybara::Node::Element] The element
def send_keys(*args)
synchronize { base.send_keys(*args) }
# Hover on the Element.
# @return [Capybara::Node::Element] The element
def hover
synchronize { base.hover }
# @return [String] The tag name of the element
def tag_name
# Element type is immutable so cache it
@tag_name ||= initial_cache[:tag_name] || synchronize { base.tag_name }
# Whether or not the element is visible. Not all drivers support CSS, so
# the result may be inaccurate.
# @return [Boolean] Whether the element is visible
def visible?
synchronize { base.visible? }
# Whether or not the element is currently in the viewport and it (or descendants)
# would be considered clickable at the elements center point.
# @return [Boolean] Whether the elements center is obscured.
def obscured?
synchronize { base.obscured? }
# Whether or not the element is checked.
# @return [Boolean] Whether the element is checked
def checked?
synchronize { base.checked? }
# Whether or not the element is selected.
# @return [Boolean] Whether the element is selected
def selected?
synchronize { base.selected? }
# Whether or not the element is disabled.
# @return [Boolean] Whether the element is disabled
def disabled?
synchronize { base.disabled? }
# Whether or not the element is readonly.
# @return [Boolean] Whether the element is readonly
def readonly?
synchronize { base.readonly? }
# Whether or not the element supports multiple results.
# @return [Boolean] Whether the element supports multiple results.
def multiple?
synchronize { base.multiple? }
# An XPath expression describing where on the page the element can be found.
# @return [String] An XPath expression
def path
synchronize { base.path }
def rect
synchronize { base.rect }
# Trigger any event on the current element, for example mouseover or focus
# events. Not supported with the Selenium driver, and SHOULDN'T BE USED IN TESTING unless you
# fully understand why you're using it, that it can allow actions a user could never
# perform, and that it may completely invalidate your test.
# @param [String] event The name of the event to trigger
# @return [Capybara::Node::Element] The element
def trigger(event)
synchronize { base.trigger(event) }
# Drag the element to the given other element.
# source = page.find('#foo')
# target = page.find('#bar')
# source.drag_to(target)
# @param [Capybara::Node::Element] node The element to drag to
# @param [Hash] options Driver specific options for dragging. May not be supported by all drivers.
# @option options [Numeric] :delay (0.05) When using Chrome/Firefox with Selenium and HTML5 dragging this is the number
# of seconds between each stage of the drag.
# @option options [Boolean] :html5 When using Chrome/Firefox with Selenium enables to force the use of HTML5
# (true) or legacy (false) dragging. If not specified the driver will attempt to
# detect the correct method to use.
# @option options [Array<Symbol>,Symbol] :drop_modifiers Modifier keys which should be held while the dragged element is dropped.
# @return [Capybara::Node::Element] The dragged element
def drag_to(node, **options)
synchronize { base.drag_to(node.base, **options) }
# Drop items on the current element.
# target = page.find('#foo')
# target.drop('/some/path/file.csv')
# @overload drop(path, ...)
# @param [String, #to_path] path Location of the file to drop on the element
# @overload drop(strings, ...)
# @param [Hash] strings A hash of type to data to be dropped - `{ "text/url" => "https://www.google.com" }`
# @return [Capybara::Node::Element] The element
def drop(*args)
options = args.map { |arg| arg.respond_to?(:to_path) ? arg.to_path : arg }
synchronize { base.drop(*options) }
# Scroll the page or element.
# @overload scroll_to(position, offset: [0,0])
# Scroll the page or element to its top, bottom or middle.
# @param [:top, :bottom, :center, :current] position
# @param [[Integer, Integer]] offset
# @overload scroll_to(element, align: :top)
# Scroll the page or current element until the given element is aligned at the top, bottom, or center of it.
# @param [Capybara::Node::Element] element The element to be scrolled into view
# @param [:top, :bottom, :center] align Where to align the element being scrolled into view with relation to the current page/element if possible
# @overload scroll_to(x,y)
# @param [Integer] x Horizontal scroll offset
# @param [Integer] y Vertical scroll offset
# @return [Capybara::Node::Element] The element
def scroll_to(pos_or_el_or_x, y = nil, align: :top, offset: nil)
case pos_or_el_or_x
when Symbol
synchronize { base.scroll_to(nil, pos_or_el_or_x) } unless pos_or_el_or_x == :current
when Capybara::Node::Element
synchronize { base.scroll_to(pos_or_el_or_x.base, align) }
synchronize { base.scroll_to(nil, nil, [pos_or_el_or_x, y]) }
synchronize { base.scroll_by(*offset) } unless offset.nil?
# Return the shadow_root for the current element
# @return [Capybara::Node::Element] The shadow root
def shadow_root
root = synchronize { base.shadow_root }
root && Capybara::Node::Element.new(session, root, nil, nil)
# Execute the given JS in the context of the element not returning a result. This is useful for scripts that return
# complex objects, such as jQuery statements. {#execute_script} should be used over
# {#evaluate_script} whenever a result is not expected or needed. `this` in the script will refer to the element this is called on.
# @param [String] script A string of JavaScript to execute
# @param args Optional arguments that will be passed to the script. Driver support for this is optional and types of objects supported may differ between drivers
def execute_script(script, *args)
session.execute_script(<<~JS, self, *args)
(function (){
}).apply(arguments[0], Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1));
# Evaluate the given JS in the context of the element and return the result. Be careful when using this with
# scripts that return complex objects, such as jQuery statements. {#execute_script} might
# be a better alternative. `this` in the script will refer to the element this is called on.
# @param [String] script A string of JavaScript to evaluate
# @return [Object] The result of the evaluated JavaScript (may be driver specific)
def evaluate_script(script, *args)
session.evaluate_script(<<~JS, self, *args)
return #{script.strip}
}).apply(arguments[0], Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1));
# Evaluate the given JavaScript in the context of the element and obtain the result from a
# callback function which will be passed as the last argument to the script. `this` in the
# script will refer to the element this is called on.
# @param [String] script A string of JavaScript to evaluate
# @return [Object] The result of the evaluated JavaScript (may be driver specific)
def evaluate_async_script(script, *args)
session.evaluate_async_script(<<~JS, self, *args)
(function (){
}).apply(arguments[0], Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1));
# Toggle the elements background color between white and black for a period of time.
# @return [Capybara::Node::Element] The element
def flash
execute_script(<<~JS, 100)
async function flash(el, delay){
var old_bg = el.style.backgroundColor;
var colors = ["black", "white"];
for(var i=0; i<20; i++){
el.style.backgroundColor = colors[i % colors.length];
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, delay));
el.style.backgroundColor = old_bg;
flash(this, arguments[0]);
# @api private
def reload
return self unless @allow_reload
reloaded = @query.resolve_for(query_scope ? query_scope.reload : session)[@query_idx.to_i]
@base = reloaded.base if reloaded
rescue StandardError => e
raise e unless catch_error?(e)
# A human-readable representation of the element.
# @return [String] A string representation
def inspect
%(#<Capybara::Node::Element tag="#{base.tag_name}" path="#{base.path}">)
rescue NotSupportedByDriverError
%(#<Capybara::Node::Element tag="#{base.tag_name}">)
rescue *session.driver.invalid_element_errors
%(Obsolete #<Capybara::Node::Element>)
# @api private
def initial_cache
base.respond_to?(:initial_cache) ? base.initial_cache : {}
var s = window.getComputedStyle(this);
var result = {};
for (var i = arguments.length; i--; ) {
var property_name = arguments[i];
result[property_name] = s.getPropertyValue(property_name);
return result;
}).apply(this, arguments)
def perform_click_action(keys, wait: nil, **options)
raise ArgumentError, 'You must specify both x: and y: for a click offset' if nil ^ options[:x] ^ options[:y]
options[:offset] ||= :center if session_options.w3c_click_offset
synchronize(wait) { yield keys, options }