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# frozen_string_literal: true
module Capybara
module SessionMatchers
# Asserts that the page has the given path.
# By default, if passed a full url this will compare against the full url,
# if passed a path only the path+query portion will be compared, if passed a regexp
# the comparison will depend on the :url option
# @!macro current_path_query_params
# @overload $0(string, **options)
# @param string [String] The string that the current 'path' should equal
# @overload $0(regexp, **options)
# @param regexp [Regexp] The regexp that the current 'path' should match to
# @option options [Boolean] :url (true if `string` ia a full url, otherwise false) Whether the compare should be done against the full current url or just the path
# @option options [Boolean] :ignore_query (false) Whether the query portion of the current url/path should be ignored
# @option options [Numeric] :wait (Capybara.default_max_wait_time) Maximum time that Capybara will wait for the current url/path to eq/match given string/regexp argument
# @raise [Capybara::ExpectationNotMet] if the assertion hasn't succeeded during wait time
# @return [true]
def assert_current_path(path, **options)
_verify_current_path(path, options) { |query| raise Capybara::ExpectationNotMet, query.failure_message unless query.resolves_for?(self) }
# Asserts that the page doesn't have the given path.
# By default, if passed a full url this will compare against the full url,
# if passed a path only the path+query portion will be compared, if passed a regexp
# the comparison will depend on the :url option
# @macro current_path_query_params
# @raise [Capybara::ExpectationNotMet] if the assertion hasn't succeeded during wait time
# @return [true]
def assert_no_current_path(path, **options)
_verify_current_path(path, options) { |query| raise Capybara::ExpectationNotMet, query.negative_failure_message if query.resolves_for?(self) }
# Checks if the page has the given path.
# By default, if passed a full url this will compare against the full url,
# if passed a path only the path+query portion will be compared, if passed a regexp
# the comparison will depend on the :url option
# @macro current_path_query_params
# @return [Boolean]
def has_current_path?(path, **options)
assert_current_path(path, options)
rescue Capybara::ExpectationNotMet
# Checks if the page doesn't have the given path.
# By default, if passed a full url this will compare against the full url,
# if passed a path only the path+query portion will be compared, if passed a regexp
# the comparison will depend on the :url option
# @macro current_path_query_params
# @return [Boolean]
def has_no_current_path?(path, **options)
assert_no_current_path(path, options)
rescue Capybara::ExpectationNotMet
def _verify_current_path(path, options)
query =, options)
document.synchronize(query.wait) do