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Bernerd Schaefer d584bb34e9 Add Capybara.deprecate
Deprecate methods using this, and set rspec expectations in suite to
prevent deprecation warnings from getting output.
2010-09-18 18:51:33 -05:00

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module Capybara
class Node
module Finders
# Find an {Capybara::Element} based on the given arguments. +find+ will raise an error if the element
# is not found. The error message can be customized through the +:message+ option.
# If the driver is capable of executing JavaScript, +find+ will wait for a set amount of time
# and continuously retry finding the element until either the element is found or the time
# expires. The length of time +find+ will wait is controlled through {Capybara.default_wait_time}
# and defaults to 2 seconds.
# +find+ takes the same options as +all+.
# page.find('#foo').find('.bar')
# page.find(:xpath, '//div[contains("bar")]')
# page.find('li', :text => 'Quox').click_link('Delete')
# @param (see Capybara::Node::Finders#all)
# @option options [String] :message An error message in case the element can't be found
# @return [Capybara::Element] The found element
# @raise [Capybara::ElementNotFound] If the element can't be found before time expires
def find(*args)
node = wait_conditionally_until { all(*args).first }
options = if args.last.is_a?(Hash) then args.last else {} end
raise Capybara::ElementNotFound, options[:message] || "Unable to find '#{args[1] || args[0]}'" unless node
return node
# @deprecated {#find} now behaves like locate used to. Use {#find} instead.
def locate(*args)
Capybara.deprecate("locate", "find")
# Find a form field on the page. The field can be found by its name, id or label text.
# @param [String] locator Which field to find
# @return [Capybara::Element] The found element
def find_field(locator)
find(:xpath, XPath::HTML.field(locator))
alias_method :field_labeled, :find_field
# Find a link on the page. The link can be found by its id or text.
# @param [String] locator Which link to find
# @return [Capybara::Element] The found element
def find_link(locator)
find(:xpath, XPath::HTML.link(locator))
# Find a button on the page. The link can be found by its id, name or value.
# @param [String] locator Which button to find
# @return [Capybara::Element] The found element
def find_button(locator)
find(:xpath, XPath::HTML.button(locator))
# Find a element on the page, given its id.
# @param [String] locator Which element to find
# @return [Capybara::Element] The found element
def find_by_id(id)
find(:css, "##{id}")
# Find all elements on the page matching the given selector
# and options.
# Both XPath and CSS expressions are supported, but Capybara
# does not try to automatically distinguish between them. The
# following statements are equivalent:
# page.all(:css, 'a#person_123')
# page.all(:xpath, '//a[@id="person_123"]')
# If the type of selector is left out, Capybara uses
# {Capybara.default_selector}. It's set to :css by default.
# page.all("a#person_123")
# Capybara.default_selector = :xpath
# page.all('//a[@id="person_123"]')
# The set of found elements can further be restricted by specifying
# options. It's possible to select elements by their text or visibility:
# page.all('a', :text => 'Home')
# page.all('#menu li', :visible => true)
# @param [:css, :xpath, String] kind_or_locator Either the kind of selector or the selector itself
# @param [String] locator The selector
# @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options Additional options
# @option options [String, Regexp] text Only find elements which contain this text or match this regexp
# @option options [Boolean] visible Only find elements that are visible on the page
# @return [Capybara::Element] The found elements
def all(*args)
options = if args.last.is_a?(Hash) then args.pop else {} end
selector = Capybara::Selector.normalize(*args)
results = XPath::HTML.wrap(selector).map do |path|
if text = options[:text]
text = Regexp.escape(text) unless text.kind_of?(Regexp)
results = results.select { |node| node.text.match(text) }
if options[:visible] or Capybara.ignore_hidden_elements
results = results.select { |node| node.visible? }
results.map { |n| Capybara::Element.new(session, n) }
def wait_conditionally_until
if driver.wait? then session.wait_until { yield } else yield end