
216 lines
11 KiB

# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'capybara/selector/xpath_extensions'
require 'capybara/selector/selector'
require 'capybara/selector/definition'
# All Selectors below support the listed selector specific filters in addition to the following system-wide filters
# * :id (String, Regexp, XPath::Expression) - Matches the id attribute
# * :class (String, Array<String>, Regexp, XPath::Expression) - Matches the class(es) provided
# * :style (String, Regexp, Hash<String, String>) - Match on elements style
# ### Built-in Selectors
# * **:xpath** - Select elements by XPath expression
# * Locator: An XPath expression
# * **:css** - Select elements by CSS selector
# * Locator: A CSS selector
# * **:id** - Select element by id
# * Locator: (String, Regexp, XPath::Expression) The id of the element to match
# * **:field** - Select field elements (input [not of type submit, image, or hidden], textarea, select)
# * Locator: Matches against the id, {Capybara.configure test_id} attribute, name, placeholder, or
# associated label text
# * Filters:
# * :name (String) - Matches the name attribute
# * :placeholder (String) - Matches the placeholder attribute
# * :type (String) - Matches the type attribute of the field or element type for 'textarea' and 'select'
# * :readonly (Boolean) - Match on the element being readonly
# * :with (String, Regexp) - Matches the current value of the field
# * :checked (Boolean) - Match checked fields?
# * :unchecked (Boolean) - Match unchecked fields?
# * :disabled (Boolean, :all) - Match disabled field? (Default: false)
# * :multiple (Boolean) - Match fields that accept multiple values
# * **:fieldset** - Select fieldset elements
# * Locator: Matches id, {Capybara.configure test_id}, or contents of wrapped legend
# * Filters:
# * :legend (String) - Matches contents of wrapped legend
# * :disabled (Boolean) - Match disabled fieldset?
# * **:link** - Find links (`<a>` elements with an href attribute)
# * Locator: Matches the id, {Capybara.configure test_id}, or title attributes, or the string content of the link,
# or the alt attribute of a contained img element. By default this selector requires a link to have an href attribute.
# * Filters:
# * :title (String) - Matches the title attribute
# * :alt (String) - Matches the alt attribute of a contained img element
# * :href (String, Regexp, nil, false) - Matches the normalized href of the link, if nil will find `<a>` elements with no href attribute, if false ignores href presence
# * **:button** - Find buttons ( input [of type submit, reset, image, button] or button elements )
# * Locator: Matches the id, {Capybara.configure test_id} attribute, name, value, or title attributes, string content of a button, or the alt attribute of an image type button or of a descendant image of a button
# * Filters:
# * :name (String) - Matches the name attribute
# * :title (String) - Matches the title attribute
# * :value (String) - Matches the value of an input button
# * :type (String) - Matches the type attribute
# * :disabled (Boolean, :all) - Match disabled buttons (Default: false)
# * **:link_or_button** - Find links or buttons
# * Locator: See :link and :button selectors
# * Filters:
# * :disabled (Boolean, :all) - Match disabled buttons? (Default: false)
# * **:fillable_field** - Find text fillable fields ( textarea, input [not of type submit, image, radio, checkbox, hidden, file] )
# * Locator: Matches against the id, {Capybara.configure test_id} attribute, name, placeholder, or associated label text
# * Filters:
# * :name (String) - Matches the name attribute
# * :placeholder (String) - Matches the placeholder attribute
# * :with (String, Regexp) - Matches the current value of the field
# * :type (String) - Matches the type attribute of the field or element type for 'textarea'
# * :disabled (Boolean, :all) - Match disabled field? (Default: false)
# * :multiple (Boolean) - Match fields that accept multiple values
# * **:radio_button** - Find radio buttons
# * Locator: Match id, {Capybara.configure test_id} attribute, name, or associated label text
# * Filters:
# * :name (String) - Matches the name attribute
# * :checked (Boolean) - Match checked fields?
# * :unchecked (Boolean) - Match unchecked fields?
# * :disabled (Boolean, :all) - Match disabled field? (Default: false)
# * :option (String, Regexp) - Match the current value
# * :with - Alias of :option
# * **:checkbox** - Find checkboxes
# * Locator: Match id, {Capybara.configure test_id} attribute, name, or associated label text
# * Filters:
# * :name (String) - Matches the name attribute
# * :checked (Boolean) - Match checked fields?
# * :unchecked (Boolean) - Match unchecked fields?
# * :disabled (Boolean, :all) - Match disabled field? (Default: false)
# * :option (String, Regexp) - Match the current value
# * :with - Alias of :option
# * **:select** - Find select elements
# * Locator: Match id, {Capybara.configure test_id} attribute, name, placeholder, or associated label text
# * Filters:
# * :name (String) - Matches the name attribute
# * :placeholder (String) - Matches the placeholder attribute
# * :disabled (Boolean, :all) - Match disabled field? (Default: false)
# * :multiple (Boolean) - Match fields that accept multiple values
# * :options (Array<String>) - Exact match options
# * :with_options (Array<String>) - Partial match options
# * :selected (String, Array<String>) - Match the selection(s)
# * :with_selected (String, Array<String>) - Partial match the selection(s)
# * **:option** - Find option elements
# * Locator: Match text of option
# * Filters:
# * :disabled (Boolean) - Match disabled option
# * :selected (Boolean) - Match selected option
# * **:datalist_input** - Find input field with datalist completion
# * Locator: Matches against the id, {Capybara.configure test_id} attribute, name,
# placeholder, or associated label text
# * Filters:
# * :name (String) - Matches the name attribute
# * :placeholder (String) - Matches the placeholder attribute
# * :disabled (Boolean, :all) - Match disabled field? (Default: false)
# * :options (Array<String>) - Exact match options
# * :with_options (Array<String>) - Partial match options
# * **:datalist_option** - Find datalist option
# * Locator: Match text or value of option
# * Filters:
# * :disabled (Boolean) - Match disabled option
# * **:file_field** - Find file input elements
# * Locator: Match id, {Capybara.configure test_id} attribute, name, or associated label text
# * Filters:
# * :name (String) - Matches the name attribute
# * :disabled (Boolean, :all) - Match disabled field? (Default: false)
# * :multiple (Boolean) - Match field that accepts multiple values
# * **:label** - Find label elements
# * Locator: Match id, {Capybara.configure test_id}, or text contents
# * Filters:
# * :for (Element, String, Regexp) - The element or id of the element associated with the label
# * **:table** - Find table elements
# * Locator: id, {Capybara.configure test_id}, or caption text of table
# * Filters:
# * :caption (String) - Match text of associated caption
# * :with_rows (Array<Array<String>>, Array<Hash<String, String>>) - Partial match `<td>` data - visibility of `<td>` elements is not considered
# * :rows (Array<Array<String>>) - Match all `<td>`s - visibility of `<td>` elements is not considered
# * :with_cols (Array<Array<String>>, Array<Hash<String, String>>) - Partial match `<td>` data - visibility of `<td>` elements is not considered
# * :cols (Array<Array<String>>) - Match all `<td>`s - visibility of `<td>` elements is not considered
# * **:table_row** - Find table row
# * Locator: Array<String>, Hash<String, String> table row `<td>` contents - visibility of `<td>` elements is not considered
# * **:frame** - Find frame/iframe elements
# * Locator: Match id, {Capybara.configure test_id} attribute, or name
# * Filters:
# * :name (String) - Match name attribute
# * **:element**
# * Locator: Type of element ('div', 'a', etc) - if not specified defaults to '*'
# * Filters:
# * :\<any> (String, Regexp) - Match on any specified element attribute
class Capybara::Selector; end
Capybara::Selector::FilterSet.add(:_field) do
node_filter(:checked, :boolean) { |node, value| !(value ^ node.checked?) }
node_filter(:unchecked, :boolean) { |node, value| (value ^ node.checked?) }
node_filter(:disabled, :boolean, default: false, skip_if: :all) { |node, value| !(value ^ node.disabled?) }
expression_filter(:name) { |xpath, val| xpath[XPath.attr(:name) == val] }
expression_filter(:placeholder) { |xpath, val| xpath[XPath.attr(:placeholder) == val] }
expression_filter(:disabled) { |xpath, val| val ? xpath : xpath[~XPath.attr(:disabled)] }
expression_filter(:multiple) { |xpath, val| xpath[val ? XPath.attr(:multiple) : ~XPath.attr(:multiple)] }
describe(:expression_filters) do |name: nil, placeholder: nil, disabled: nil, multiple: nil, **|
desc = +''
desc << ' that is not disabled' if disabled == false
desc << " with name #{name}" if name
desc << " with placeholder #{placeholder}" if placeholder
desc << ' with the multiple attribute' if multiple == true
desc << ' without the multiple attribute' if multiple == false
describe(:node_filters) do |checked: nil, unchecked: nil, disabled: nil, **|
desc, states = +'', []
states << 'checked' if checked || (unchecked == false)
states << 'not checked' if unchecked || (checked == false)
states << 'disabled' if disabled == true
desc << " that is #{states.join(' and ')}" unless states.empty?
require 'capybara/selector/definition/xpath'
require 'capybara/selector/definition/css'
require 'capybara/selector/definition/id'
require 'capybara/selector/definition/field'
require 'capybara/selector/definition/fieldset'
require 'capybara/selector/definition/link'
require 'capybara/selector/definition/button'
require 'capybara/selector/definition/link_or_button'
require 'capybara/selector/definition/fillable_field'
require 'capybara/selector/definition/radio_button'
require 'capybara/selector/definition/checkbox'
require 'capybara/selector/definition/select'
require 'capybara/selector/definition/datalist_input'
require 'capybara/selector/definition/option'
require 'capybara/selector/definition/datalist_option'
require 'capybara/selector/definition/file_field'
require 'capybara/selector/definition/label'
require 'capybara/selector/definition/table'
require 'capybara/selector/definition/table_row'
require 'capybara/selector/definition/frame'
require 'capybara/selector/definition/element'