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synced 2022-11-09 12:05:00 -05:00
Use native keyboard events to fill inputs
This means that WebKit generates the DOM events itself which should prevent bugs and edge case problems. It also drastically simplifies the implementation. Closes #162, #131
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 30 additions and 180 deletions
@ -110,32 +110,6 @@ class PoltergeistAgent.Node
event.initEvent('change', true, false)
input: ->
event = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents')
event.initEvent('input', true, false)
keyupdowned: (eventName, keyCode) ->
event = document.createEvent('UIEvents')
event.initEvent(eventName, true, true)
event.keyCode = keyCode
event.which = keyCode
event.charCode = 0
keypressed: (altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, metaKey, keyCode, charCode) ->
event = document.createEvent('UIEvents')
event.initEvent('keypress', true, true)
event.window = @agent.window
event.altKey = altKey
event.ctrlKey = ctrlKey
event.shiftKey = shiftKey
event.metaKey = metaKey
event.keyCode = keyCode
event.charCode = charCode
event.which = keyCode
insideBody: ->
@element == @agent.document.body ||
@agent.document.evaluate('ancestor::body', @element, null, XPathResult.BOOLEAN_TYPE, null).booleanValue
@ -161,25 +135,6 @@ class PoltergeistAgent.Node
set: (value) ->
if (@element.maxLength >= 0)
value = value.substr(0, @element.maxLength)
@element.value = ''
for char in value
keyCode = this.characterToKeyCode(char)
this.keyupdowned('keydown', keyCode)
@element.value += char
this.keypressed(false, false, false, false, char.charCodeAt(0), char.charCodeAt(0))
this.keyupdowned('keyup', keyCode)
isMultiple: ->
@ -238,6 +193,13 @@ class PoltergeistAgent.Node
focusAndHighlight: ->
blur: ->
clickTest: (x, y) ->
el = origEl = document.elementFromPoint(x, y)
@ -257,45 +219,6 @@ class PoltergeistAgent.Node
selector += ".#{className}"
characterToKeyCode: (character) ->
code = character.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0)
specialKeys =
96: 192 #`
45: 189 #-
61: 187 #=
91: 219 #[
93: 221 #]
92: 220 #\
59: 186 #;
39: 222 #'
44: 188 #,
46: 190 #.
47: 191 #/
127: 46 #delete
126: 192 #~
33: 49 #!
64: 50 #@
35: 51 ##
36: 52 #$
37: 53 #%
94: 54 #^
38: 55 #&
42: 56 #*
40: 57 #(
41: 48 #)
95: 189 #_
43: 187 #+
123: 219 #{
125: 221 #}
124: 220 #|
58: 186 #:
34: 222 #"
60: 188 #<
62: 190 #>
63: 191 #?
specialKeys[code] || code
isDOMEqual: (other_id) ->
@element == @agent.get(other_id).element
@ -167,38 +167,6 @@ PoltergeistAgent.Node = (function() {
return this.element.dispatchEvent(event);
Node.prototype.input = function() {
var event;
event = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent('input', true, false);
return this.element.dispatchEvent(event);
Node.prototype.keyupdowned = function(eventName, keyCode) {
var event;
event = document.createEvent('UIEvents');
event.initEvent(eventName, true, true);
event.keyCode = keyCode;
event.which = keyCode;
event.charCode = 0;
return this.element.dispatchEvent(event);
Node.prototype.keypressed = function(altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, metaKey, keyCode, charCode) {
var event;
event = document.createEvent('UIEvents');
event.initEvent('keypress', true, true);
event.window = this.agent.window;
event.altKey = altKey;
event.ctrlKey = ctrlKey;
event.shiftKey = shiftKey;
event.metaKey = metaKey;
event.keyCode = keyCode;
event.charCode = charCode;
event.which = keyCode;
return this.element.dispatchEvent(event);
Node.prototype.insideBody = function() {
return this.element === this.agent.document.body || this.agent.document.evaluate('ancestor::body', this.element, null, XPathResult.BOOLEAN_TYPE, null).booleanValue;
@ -240,26 +208,6 @@ PoltergeistAgent.Node = (function() {
Node.prototype.set = function(value) {
var char, keyCode, _i, _len;
if (this.element.maxLength >= 0) {
value = value.substr(0, this.element.maxLength);
this.element.value = '';
for (_i = 0, _len = value.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
char = value[_i];
keyCode = this.characterToKeyCode(char);
this.keyupdowned('keydown', keyCode);
this.element.value += char;
this.keypressed(false, false, false, false, char.charCodeAt(0), char.charCodeAt(0));
this.keyupdowned('keyup', keyCode);
return this.trigger('blur');
Node.prototype.isMultiple = function() {
return this.element.multiple;
@ -329,6 +277,15 @@ PoltergeistAgent.Node = (function() {
return this.element.dispatchEvent(event);
Node.prototype.focusAndHighlight = function() {
return this.element.select();
Node.prototype.blur = function() {
return this.element.blur();
Node.prototype.clickTest = function(x, y) {
var el, origEl;
el = origEl = document.elementFromPoint(x, y);
@ -362,47 +319,6 @@ PoltergeistAgent.Node = (function() {
return selector;
Node.prototype.characterToKeyCode = function(character) {
var code, specialKeys;
code = character.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0);
specialKeys = {
96: 192,
45: 189,
61: 187,
91: 219,
93: 221,
92: 220,
59: 186,
39: 222,
44: 188,
46: 190,
47: 191,
127: 46,
126: 192,
33: 49,
64: 50,
35: 51,
36: 52,
37: 53,
94: 54,
38: 55,
42: 56,
40: 57,
41: 48,
95: 189,
43: 187,
123: 219,
125: 221,
124: 220,
58: 186,
34: 222,
60: 188,
62: 190,
63: 191
return specialKeys[code] || code;
Node.prototype.isDOMEqual = function(other_id) {
return this.element === this.agent.get(other_id).element;
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Poltergeist.Node = (function() {
var name, _fn, _i, _len, _ref,
_this = this;
Node.DELEGATES = ['text', 'getAttribute', 'value', 'set', 'setAttribute', 'isObsolete', 'removeAttribute', 'isMultiple', 'select', 'tagName', 'find', 'isVisible', 'position', 'trigger', 'parentId', 'clickTest', 'scrollIntoView', 'isDOMEqual'];
Node.DELEGATES = ['text', 'getAttribute', 'value', 'setAttribute', 'isObsolete', 'removeAttribute', 'isMultiple', 'select', 'tagName', 'find', 'isVisible', 'position', 'trigger', 'parentId', 'clickTest', 'scrollIntoView', 'isDOMEqual', 'focusAndHighlight', 'blur'];
function Node(page, id) {
this.page = page;
@ -67,6 +67,12 @@ Poltergeist.Node = (function() {
return this.page === other.page && this.isDOMEqual(other.id);
Node.prototype.set = function(value) {
this.page.sendEvent('keypress', value.toString());
return this.blur();
return Node;
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
# Proxy object for forwarding method calls to the node object inside the page.
class Poltergeist.Node
@DELEGATES = ['text', 'getAttribute', 'value', 'set', 'setAttribute', 'isObsolete',
@DELEGATES = ['text', 'getAttribute', 'value', 'setAttribute', 'isObsolete',
'removeAttribute', 'isMultiple', 'select', 'tagName', 'find',
'isVisible', 'position', 'trigger', 'parentId', 'clickTest',
'scrollIntoView', 'isDOMEqual']
'scrollIntoView', 'isDOMEqual', 'focusAndHighlight', 'blur']
constructor: (@page, @id) ->
@ -51,3 +51,8 @@ class Poltergeist.Node
isEqual: (other) ->
@page == other.page && this.isDOMEqual(other.id)
set: (value) ->
@page.sendEvent('keypress', value.toString())
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