# coding: utf-8 # frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' skip = [] skip << :windows if ENV['TRAVIS'] Capybara::SpecHelper.run_specs TestSessions::Poltergeist, 'Poltergeist', capybara_skip: skip describe Capybara::Session do context 'with poltergeist driver' do before do @session = TestSessions::Poltergeist end describe Capybara::Poltergeist::Node do it 'raises an error if the element has been removed from the DOM' do @session.visit('/poltergeist/with_js') node = @session.find(:css, '#remove_me') expect(node.text).to eq('Remove me') @session.find(:css, '#remove').click expect { node.text }.to raise_error(Capybara::Poltergeist::ObsoleteNode) end it 'raises an error if the element was on a previous page' do @session.visit('/poltergeist/index') node = @session.find('.//a') @session.execute_script "window.location = 'about:blank'" expect { node.text }.to raise_error(Capybara::Poltergeist::ObsoleteNode) end it 'raises an error if the element is not visible' do @session.visit('/poltergeist/index') @session.execute_script "document.querySelector('a[href=js_redirect]').style.display = 'none'" expect { @session.click_link 'JS redirect' }.to raise_error(Capybara::ElementNotFound) end it 'hovers an element' do @session.visit('/poltergeist/with_js') expect(@session.find(:css, '#hidden_link span', visible: false)).to_not be_visible @session.find(:css, '#hidden_link').hover expect(@session.find(:css, '#hidden_link span')).to be_visible end it 'hovers an element before clicking it' do @session.visit('/poltergeist/with_js') @session.click_link 'Hidden link' expect(@session.current_path).to eq('/') end it 'does not raise error when asserting svg elements with a count that is not what is in the dom' do @session.visit('/poltergeist/with_js') expect { @session.has_css?('svg circle', count: 2) }.to_not raise_error expect(@session).to_not have_css('svg circle', count: 2) end context 'when someone (*cough* prototype *cough*) messes with Array#toJSON' do before do @session.visit('/poltergeist/index') array_munge = <<-EOS Array.prototype.toJSON = function() { return "ohai"; } EOS @session.execute_script array_munge end it 'gives a proper error' do expect { @session.find(:css, 'username') }.to raise_error(Capybara::ElementNotFound) end end context 'when someone messes with JSON' do # mootools <= 1.2.4 replaced the native JSON with it's own JSON that didn't have stringify or parse methods it 'works correctly' do @session.visit('/poltergeist/index') @session.execute_script('JSON = {};') expect { @session.find(:link, 'JS redirect') }.not_to raise_error end end context 'when the element is not in the viewport' do before do @session.visit('/poltergeist/with_js') end it 'raises a MouseEventFailed error' do expect { @session.click_link('O hai') }.to raise_error(Capybara::Poltergeist::MouseEventFailed) end context 'and is then brought in' do before do @session.execute_script "$('#off-the-left').animate({left: '10'});" Poltergeist::SpecHelper.set_capybara_wait_time(1) end it 'clicks properly' do expect { @session.click_link 'O hai' }.to_not raise_error end after do Poltergeist::SpecHelper.set_capybara_wait_time(0) end end end end context 'when the element is not in the viewport of parent element' do before do @session.visit('/poltergeist/scroll') end it 'scrolls into view' do @session.click_link 'Link outside viewport' expect(@session.current_path).to eq('/') end it 'scrolls into view if scrollIntoViewIfNeeded fails' do @session.click_link 'Below the fold' expect(@session.current_path).to eq('/') end end describe 'Node#select' do before do @session.visit('/poltergeist/with_js') end context 'when selected option is not in optgroup' do before do @session.find(:select, 'browser').find(:option, 'Firefox').select_option end it 'fires the focus event' do expect(@session.find(:css, '#changes_on_focus').text).to eq('PhantomJS') end it 'fire the change event' do expect(@session.find(:css, '#changes').text).to eq('Firefox') end it 'fires the blur event' do expect(@session.find(:css, '#changes_on_blur').text).to eq('Firefox') end it 'fires the change event with the correct target' do expect(@session.find(:css, '#target_on_select').text).to eq('SELECT') end end context 'when selected option is in optgroup' do before do @session.find(:select, 'browser').find(:option, 'Safari').select_option end it 'fires the focus event' do expect(@session.find(:css, '#changes_on_focus').text).to eq('PhantomJS') end it 'fire the change event' do expect(@session.find(:css, '#changes').text).to eq('Safari') end it 'fires the blur event' do expect(@session.find(:css, '#changes_on_blur').text).to eq('Safari') end it 'fires the change event with the correct target' do expect(@session.find(:css, '#target_on_select').text).to eq('SELECT') end end end describe 'Node#set' do before do @session.visit('/poltergeist/with_js') @session.find(:css, '#change_me').set('Hello!') end it 'fires the change event' do expect(@session.find(:css, '#changes').text).to eq('Hello!') end it 'fires the input event' do expect(@session.find(:css, '#changes_on_input').text).to eq('Hello!') end it 'accepts numbers in a maxlength field' do element = @session.find(:css, '#change_me_maxlength') element.set 100 expect(element.value).to eq('100') end it 'accepts negatives in a number field' do element = @session.find(:css, '#change_me_number') element.set -100 expect(element.value).to eq('-100') end it 'fires the keydown event' do expect(@session.find(:css, '#changes_on_keydown').text).to eq('6') end it 'fires the keyup event' do expect(@session.find(:css, '#changes_on_keyup').text).to eq('6') end it 'fires the keypress event' do expect(@session.find(:css, '#changes_on_keypress').text).to eq('6') end it 'fires the focus event' do expect(@session.find(:css, '#changes_on_focus').text).to eq('Focus') end it 'fires the blur event' do expect(@session.find(:css, '#changes_on_blur').text).to eq('Blur') end it 'fires the keydown event before the value is updated' do expect(@session.find(:css, '#value_on_keydown').text).to eq('Hello') end it 'fires the keyup event after the value is updated' do expect(@session.find(:css, '#value_on_keyup').text).to eq('Hello!') end it 'clears the input before setting the new value' do element = @session.find(:css, '#change_me') element.set '' expect(element.value).to eq('') end it 'supports special characters' do element = @session.find(:css, '#change_me') element.set '$52.00' expect(element.value).to eq('$52.00') end it 'attaches a file when passed a Pathname' do filename = Pathname.new('spec/tmp/a_test_pathname').expand_path File.open(filename, 'w') { |f| f.write('text') } element = @session.find(:css, '#change_me_file') element.set(filename) expect(element.value).to eq('C:\fakepath\a_test_pathname') end end describe 'Node#visible' do before do @session.visit('/poltergeist/visible') end it 'considers display: none to not be visible' do expect(@session.find(:css, 'li', text: 'Display None', visible: false).visible?).to be false end it 'considers visibility: hidden to not be visible' do expect(@session.find(:css, 'li', text: 'Hidden', visible: false).visible?).to be false end it 'considers opacity: 0 to not be visible' do expect(@session.find(:css, 'li', text: 'Transparent', visible: false).visible?).to be false end it 'element with all children hidden returns empty text' do expect(@session.find(:css, 'div').text).to eq('') end end describe 'Node#checked?' do before do @session.visit '/poltergeist/attributes_properties' end it 'is a boolean' do expect(@session.find_field('checked').checked?).to be true expect(@session.find_field('unchecked').checked?).to be false end end describe 'Node#[]' do before do @session.visit '/poltergeist/attributes_properties' end it 'gets normalized href' do expect(@session.find(:link, 'Loop')['href']).to eq("http://#{@session.server.host}:#{@session.server.port}/poltergeist/attributes_properties") end it 'gets innerHTML' do expect(@session.find(:css,'.some_other_class')['innerHTML']).to eq '
' end it 'gets attribute' do link = @session.find(:link, 'Loop') expect(link['data-random']).to eq '42' expect(link['onclick']).to eq "return false;" end it 'gets boolean attributes as booleans' do expect(@session.find_field('checked')['checked']).to be true expect(@session.find_field('unchecked')['checked']).to be false end end describe 'Node#==' do it "doesn't equal a node from another page" do @session.visit('/poltergeist/simple') @elem1 = @session.find(:css, '#nav') @session.visit('/poltergeist/set') @elem2 = @session.find(:css, '#filled_div') expect(@elem2 == @elem1).to be false expect(@elem1 == @elem2).to be false end end it 'has no trouble clicking elements when the size of a document changes' do @session.visit('/poltergeist/long_page') @session.find(:css, '#penultimate').click @session.execute_script <<-JS el = document.getElementById('penultimate') el.parentNode.removeChild(el) JS @session.click_link('Phasellus blandit velit') expect(@session).to have_content('Hello') end it 'handles clicks where the target is in view, but the document is smaller than the viewport' do @session.visit '/poltergeist/simple' @session.click_link 'Link' expect(@session).to have_content('Hello world') end it 'handles clicks where a parent element has a border' do @session.visit '/poltergeist/table' @session.click_link 'Link' expect(@session).to have_content('Hello world') end it 'handles window.confirm(), returning true unconditionally' do @session.visit '/' expect(@session.evaluate_script("window.confirm('foo')")).to be true end it 'handles window.prompt(), returning the default value or null' do @session.visit '/' # Disabling because I'm not sure this is really valid # expect(@session.evaluate_script('window.prompt()')).to be_nil expect(@session.evaluate_script("window.prompt('foo', 'default')")).to eq('default') end it 'handles evaluate_script values properly' do expect(@session.evaluate_script('null')).to be_nil expect(@session.evaluate_script('false')).to be false expect(@session.evaluate_script('true')).to be true expect(@session.evaluate_script("{foo: 'bar'}")).to eq({'foo' => 'bar'}) end it 'can evaluate a statement ending with a semicolon' do expect(@session.evaluate_script('3;')).to eq(3) end it 'synchronises page loads properly' do @session.visit '/poltergeist/index' @session.click_link 'JS redirect' sleep 0.1 expect(@session.html).to include('Hello world') end context 'click tests' do before do @session.visit '/poltergeist/click_test' end after do @session.driver.resize(1024, 768) end it 'scrolls around so that elements can be clicked' do @session.driver.resize(200, 200) log = @session.find(:css, '#log') instructions = %w(one four one two three) instructions.each do |instruction, i| @session.find(:css, "##{instruction}").click expect(log.text).to eq(instruction) end end # See https://github.com/teampoltergeist/poltergeist/issues/60 it 'fixes some weird layout issue that we are not entirely sure about the reason for' do @session.visit '/poltergeist/datepicker' @session.find(:css, '#datepicker').set('2012-05-11') @session.click_link 'some link' end it 'can click an element inside an svg' do expect { @session.find(:css, '#myrect').click }.not_to raise_error end context 'with #two overlapping #one' do before do @session.execute_script <<-JS var two = document.getElementById('two') two.style.position = 'absolute' two.style.left = '0px' two.style.top = '0px' JS end it 'detects if an element is obscured when clicking' do expect { @session.find(:css, '#one').click }.to raise_error(Capybara::Poltergeist::MouseEventFailed) { |error| expect(error.selector).to eq('html body div#two.box') expect(error.message).to include('[200, 200]') } end it 'clicks in the centre of an element' do expect { @session.find(:css, '#one').click }.to raise_error(Capybara::Poltergeist::MouseEventFailed) { |error| expect(error.position).to eq([200, 200]) } end it 'clicks in the centre of an element within the viewport, if part is outside the viewport' do @session.driver.resize(200, 200) expect { @session.find(:css, '#one').click }.to raise_error(Capybara::Poltergeist::MouseEventFailed) { |error| expect(error.position.first).to eq(150) } end end context 'with #svg overlapping #one' do before do @session.execute_script <<-JS var two = document.getElementById('svg') two.style.position = 'absolute' two.style.left = '0px' two.style.top = '0px' JS end it 'detects if an element is obscured when clicking' do expect { @session.find(:css, '#one').click }.to raise_error(Capybara::Poltergeist::MouseEventFailed) { |error| expect(error.selector).to eq('html body svg#svg.box') expect(error.message).to include('[200, 200]') } end end context "with image maps" do before do @session.visit('/poltergeist/image_map') end it 'can click' do @session.find(:css, 'map[name=testmap] area[shape=circle]').click expect(@session).to have_css('#log', text: 'circle clicked') @session.find(:css, 'map[name=testmap] area[shape=rect]').click expect(@session).to have_css('#log', text: 'rect clicked') end it "doesn't click if the associated img is hidden" do expect { @session.find(:css, 'map[name=testmap2] area[shape=circle]').click }.to raise_error(Capybara::ElementNotFound) expect { @session.find(:css, 'map[name=testmap2] area[shape=circle]', visible: false).click }.to raise_error(Capybara::Poltergeist::MouseEventFailed) end end end context 'double click tests' do before do @session.visit '/poltergeist/double_click_test' end it 'double clicks properly' do @session.driver.resize(200, 200) log = @session.find(:css, '#log') instructions = %w(one four one two three) instructions.each do |instruction, i| @session.find(:css, "##{instruction}").base.double_click expect(log.text).to eq(instruction) end end end context 'status code support', status_code_support: true do it 'determines status code when an user goes to a page by using a link on it' do @session.visit '/poltergeist/with_different_resources' @session.click_link 'Go to 500' expect(@session.status_code).to eq(500) end it 'determines properly status code when an user goes through a few pages' do @session.visit '/poltergeist/with_different_resources' @session.click_link 'Go to 201' @session.click_link 'Do redirect' @session.click_link 'Go to 402' expect(@session.status_code).to eq(402) end end it 'ignores cyclic structure errors in evaluate_script' do code = <<-JS (function() { var a = {}; var b = {}; var c = {}; c.a = a; a.a = a; a.b = b; a.c = c; return a; })() JS expect(@session.evaluate_script(code)).to eq({"a"=>"(cyclic structure)", "b"=>{}, "c"=>{"a"=>"(cyclic structure)"}}) end it 'returns BR as a space in #text' do @session.visit '/poltergeist/simple' expect(@session.find(:css, '#break').text).to eq('Foo Bar') end it 'handles hash changes' do @session.visit '/#omg' expect(@session.current_url).to match(/\/#omg$/) @session.execute_script <<-JS window.onhashchange = function() { window.last_hashchange = window.location.hash } JS @session.visit '/#foo' expect(@session.current_url).to match(/\/#foo$/) expect(@session.evaluate_script('window.last_hashchange')).to eq('#foo') end context 'current_url' do let(:request_uri) { URI.parse(@session.current_url).request_uri } it 'supports whitespace characters' do @session.visit '/poltergeist/arbitrary_path/200/foo%20bar%20baz' expect(@session.current_path).to eq('/poltergeist/arbitrary_path/200/foo%20bar%20baz') end it 'supports escaped characters' do @session.visit '/poltergeist/arbitrary_path/200/foo?a%5Bb%5D=c' expect(request_uri).to eq('/poltergeist/arbitrary_path/200/foo?a%5Bb%5D=c') end it 'supports url in parameter' do @session.visit "/poltergeist/arbitrary_path/200/foo%20asd?a=http://example.com/asd%20asd" expect(request_uri).to eq('/poltergeist/arbitrary_path/200/foo%20asd?a=http://example.com/asd%20asd') end it 'supports restricted characters " []:/+&="' do @session.visit "/poltergeist/arbitrary_path/200/foo?a=%20%5B%5D%3A%2F%2B%26%3D" expect(request_uri).to eq('/poltergeist/arbitrary_path/200/foo?a=%20%5B%5D%3A%2F%2B%26%3D') end end context 'dragging support' do before do @session.visit '/poltergeist/drag' end it 'supports drag_to' do draggable = @session.find(:css, '#drag_to #draggable') droppable = @session.find(:css, '#drag_to #droppable') draggable.drag_to(droppable) expect( droppable ).to have_content( "Dropped" ) end it 'supports drag_by on native element' do draggable = @session.find(:css, '#drag_by .draggable') top_before = @session.evaluate_script('$("#drag_by .draggable").position().top') left_before = @session.evaluate_script('$("#drag_by .draggable").position().left') draggable.native.drag_by(15, 15) top_after = @session.evaluate_script('$("#drag_by .draggable").position().top') left_after = @session.evaluate_script('$("#drag_by .draggable").position().left') expect( top_after ).to eq( top_before + 15 ) expect( left_after ).to eq( left_before + 15 ) end end context 'window switching support' do it 'waits for the window to load' do @session.visit '/' popup = @session.window_opened_by do @session.execute_script <<-JS window.open('/poltergeist/slow', 'popup') JS end @session.within_window(popup) do expect(@session.html).to include('slow page') end popup.close end it 'can access a second window of the same name' do @session.visit '/' popup = @session.window_opened_by do @session.execute_script <<-JS window.open('/poltergeist/simple', 'popup') JS end @session.within_window(popup) do expect(@session.html).to include('Test') end popup.close another_popup = @session.window_opened_by do @session.execute_script <<-JS window.open('/poltergeist/simple', 'popup') JS end @session.within_window(another_popup) do expect(@session.html).to include('Test') end another_popup.close end end context 'frame support' do it 'supports selection by index' do @session.visit '/poltergeist/frames' @session.within_frame 0 do expect(@session.current_path).to eq('/poltergeist/slow') end end it 'supports selection by element' do @session.visit '/poltergeist/frames' frame = @session.find(:css, 'iframe[name]') @session.within_frame(frame) do expect(@session.current_path).to eq('/poltergeist/slow') end end it 'supports selection by element without name or id' do @session.visit '/poltergeist/frames' frame = @session.find(:css, 'iframe:not([name]):not([id])') @session.within_frame(frame) do expect(@session.current_path).to eq('/poltergeist/headers') end end it 'supports selection by element with id but no name' do @session.visit '/poltergeist/frames' frame = @session.find(:css, 'iframe[id]:not([name])') @session.within_frame(frame) do expect(@session.current_path).to eq('/poltergeist/get_cookie') end end it 'waits for the frame to load' do @session.visit '/' @session.execute_script <<-JS document.body.innerHTML += '