# Poltergeist - A PhantomJS driver for Capybara # Version: 0.4.0 [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/jonleighton/poltergeist.png)](http://travis-ci.org/jonleighton/poltergeist) [![Dependency Status](https://gemnasium.com/jonleighton/poltergeist.png)](https://gemnasium.com/jonleighton/poltergeist) Poltergeist is a driver for [Capybara](https://github.com/jnicklas/capybara). It allows you to run your Capybara tests on a headless [WebKit](http://webkit.org) browser, provided by [PhantomJS](http://www.phantomjs.org/). ## Installation ## Add `poltergeist` to your Gemfile, and in your test setup add: ``` ruby require 'capybara/poltergeist' Capybara.javascript_driver = :poltergeist ``` ## Important note about Rack versions < 1.3.0 ## Prior to version 1.3.0, the Rack handlers for Mongrel and Thin wrap your app in the `Rack::Chunked` middleware so that it uses `Transfer-Encoding: chunked` ([commit](https://github.com/rack/rack/commit/50cdd0bf000a9ffb3eb3760fda2ff3e1ad18f3a7)). This has been observed to cause problems, probably due to race conditions in Qt's HTTP handling code, so you are recommended to avoid this by specifying your own server setup for Capybara: ``` ruby Capybara.server do |app, port| require 'rack/handler/thin' Thin::Logging.silent = true Thin::Server.new('', port, app).start end ``` If you're using Rails 3.0, this affects you. If you're using Rails 3.1+, this doesn't affect you. ## Installing PhantomJS ## You need PhantomJS 1.4.1+, built against Qt 4.8, on your system. ### Pre-built binaries ## There are [pre-built binaries](http://code.google.com/p/phantomjs/downloads/list) of PhantomJS for Linux, Mac and Windows. This is the easiest and best way to install it. The binaries including a patched version of Qt 4.8 so you don't need to install that separately. Note that if you have a 'dynamic' package, it's important to maintain the relationship between `bin/phantomjs` and `lib/`. This is because the `bin/phantomjs` binary looks in `../lib/` for its library files. So the best thing to do is to link (rather than copy) it into your `PATH`: ln -s /path/to/phantomjs/bin/phantomjs /usr/local/bin/phantomjs ### Compiling PhantomJS ### If you're having trouble with a pre-built binary package, you can compile PhantomJS yourself. PhantomJS must be built against Qt 4.8, and some patches must be applied, so note that you cannot build it against your system install of Qt. [Download the tarball](http://code.google.com/p/phantomjs/downloads/detail?name=phantomjs-1.4.1-source.tar.gz&can=2&q=) and run either `deploy/build-linux.sh --qt-4.8` or `cd deploy; ./build-mac.sh`. The script will download Qt, apply some patches, build it, and then build PhantomJS against the patched build of Qt. It takes quite a while, around 30 minutes on a modern computer with two hyperthreaded cores. Afterwards, you should copy (or link) the `bin/phantomjs` binary into your `PATH`. ## Running on a CI ## Currently PhantomJS is not yet 'truly headless' (but that's planned for the future), so to run it on a continuous integration server you will need to install [Xvfb](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xvfb). ### On any generic server ### Install PhantomJS and invoke your tests with `xvfb-run`, (e.g. `xvfb-run rake`). ### Using [Travis CI](http://travis-ci.org/) ### Travis CI has PhantomJS installed already! So all you need to do is add the following to your `.travis.yml`: ``` yaml before_script: - "export DISPLAY=:99.0" - "sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start" ``` ## What's supported? ## Poltergeist supports basically everything that is supported by the stock Selenium driver, including Javascript, drag-and-drop, etc. There are some additional features: ### Taking screenshots ### You can grab screenshots of the page at any point by calling `page.driver.render('/path/to/file.png')` (this works the same way as the PhantomJS render feature, so you can specify other extensions like `.pdf`, `.gif`, etc.) By default, only the viewport will be rendered (the part of the page that is in view). To render the entire page, use `page.driver.render('/path/to/file.png', :full => true)`. ### Resizing the window ### Sometimes the window size is important to how things are rendered. Poltergeist sets the window size to 1024x768 by default, but you can set this yourself with `page.driver.resize(width, height)`. ## Customization ## You can customize the way that Capybara sets up Poltegeist via the following code in your test setup: ``` ruby Capybara.register_driver :poltergeist do |app| Capybara::Poltergeist::Driver.new(app, options) end ``` `options` is a hash of options. The following options are supported: * `:phantomjs` (String) - A custom path to the phantomjs executable * `:debug` (Boolean) - When true, debug output is logged to `STDERR` * `:logger` (Object responding to `puts`) - When present, debug output is written to this object * `:timeout` (Numeric) - The number of seconds we'll wait for a response when communicating with PhantomJS. `nil` means wait forever. Default is 30. ## Bugs ## Please file bug reports on Github and include example code to reproduce the problem wherever possible. (Tests are even better.) Please also provide the output with `:debug` turned on, and screenshots if you think it's relevant. ## Differences from [capybara-webkit](https://github.com/thoughtbot/capybara-webkit) ## Poltergeist is similar to capybara-webkit, but here are the key differences: * It's more hackable. Poltergeist is written in Ruby + CoffeeScript. We only have to worry about C++ when dealing with issues in PhantomJS itself. In contrast, the majority of capybara-webkit is written in C++. * We're able to tap into the PhantomJS community. When PhantomJS improves, Poltergeist improves. User's don't have to install Qt because self-contained PhantomJS binary packages are available. ## Hacking ## Contributions are very welcome and I will happily give commit access to anyone who does a few good pull requests. To get setup, run `bundle install`. You can run the full test suite with `rspec spec/` or `rake`. While PhantomJS is capable of compiling and running CoffeeScript code directly, I prefer to compile the code myself and distribute that (it makes debugging easier). Running `rake autocompile` will watch the `.coffee` files for changes, and compile them into `lib/capybara/client/compiled`. ## Changes ## ### 0.5.0 (unreleased) ### #### Features #### * Detect if clicking an element will fail. If the click will actually hit another element (because that element is in front of the one we want to click), the user will now see an exception explaining what happened and which element would actually be targeted by the click. This should aid debugging. [Issue #25] * Click elements at their middle position rather than the top-left. This is presumed to be more likely to succeed because the top-left may be obscured by overlapping elements, negative margins, etc. [Issue #26] * Add experimental support for using the remote WebKit web inspector. This will only work with PhantomJS 1.5, which is not yet released, so it won't be officially supported by Poltergeist until 1.5 is released. [Issue #31] * Add `page.driver.quit` method. If you spawn additional Capybara sessions, you might want to use this to reap the child phantomjs process. [Issue #24] * Errors produced by Javascript on the page will now generate an exception within Ruby. [Issue #27] #### Bug fixes #### * Fix bug where we could end up interacting with an obsolete element. [Issue #30] * Raise an suitable error if PhantomJS returns a non-zero exit status. Previously a version error would be raised, indicating that the PhantomJS version was too old when in fact it did not start at all. [Issue #23] * Ensure the `:timeout` option is actually used. [Issue #36] ### 0.4.0 ### * Element click position is now calculated using the native `getBoundingClientRect()` method, which will be faster and less buggy. * Handle `window.confirm()`. Always returns true, which is the same as capybara-webkit. [Issue #10] * Handle `window.prompt()`. Returns the default value, if present, or null. * Fix bug with page Javascript page loading causing problems. [Issue #19] ### 0.3.0 ### * There was a bad bug to do with clicking elements in a page where the page is smaller than the window. The incorrect position would be calculated, and so the click would happen in the wrong place. This is fixed. [Issue #8] * Poltergeist didn't work in conjunction with the Thin web server, because that server uses Event Machine, and Poltergeist was assuming that it was the only thing in the process using EventMachine. To solve this, EventMachine usage has been completely removed, which has the welcome side-effect of being more efficient because we no longer have the overhead of running a mostly-idle event loop. [Issue #6] * Added the `:timeout` option to configure the timeout when talking to PhantomJS. ### 0.2.0 ### * First version considered 'ready', hopefully fewer problems. ### 0.1.0 ### * First version, various problems. ## License ## Copyright (c) 2011 Jonathan Leighton Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.