diff --git a/ext/v8/callbacks.cpp b/ext/v8/callbacks.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index eaa099c..0000000
--- a/ext/v8/callbacks.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-#include "rr.h"
-#include "callbacks.h"
-#include "converters.h"
-using namespace v8;
-namespace {
-  VALUE unwrap(const AccessorInfo& info) {
-    return (VALUE)External::Unwrap(info.Data());
-  }
-  //returns all the ruby methods that can be called from
-  //this object.
-  //1.8: public_methods() return strings
-  //1.9: publi_methods() return symbols
-  //convert them all into string
-    VALUE methods = rb_funcall(object, rb_intern("public_methods"), 1, Qfalse);
-    int length = RARRAY_LEN(methods);
-    VALUE str_methods = rb_ary_new2(length);
-    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-      VALUE method = rb_ary_entry(methods, i);
-      rb_ary_store(str_methods,i, rb_obj_as_string(method));
-    }
-    return str_methods;
-  }
-  Local<Array> TO_ARRAY(Arguments& args) {
-    Local<Array> array = Array::New(args.Length());
-    for (int i = 0; i < args.Length(); i++) {
-      array->Set(Integer::New(i), args[i]);
-    }
-    return array;
-  }
-  Local<Value> Racer_Call_Ruby_Method(VALUE object, VALUE method, Local<Array> args) {
-    VALUE * arguments = new VALUE[args->Length()];
-    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < args->Length(); i++) {
-      Handle<Value> val = args->Get(Integer::New(i));
-      arguments[i] = V82RB(val);
-    }
-    VALUE result = rb_funcall2(object, rb_to_id(method), args->Length(), arguments);
-    Local<Value> converted = RB2V8(result);
-    return converted;
-  }
-  Local<Value> Racer_Access_Ruby_Property(VALUE object, VALUE name) { 
-    VALUE method = rb_funcall(object, rb_intern("method"), 1, name);
-    if (FIX2INT(rb_funcall(method, rb_intern("arity"), 0)) == 0) {
-      return Racer_Call_Ruby_Method(object, name, Array::New(0));      
-    } else {
-      //causes out of memory if we use rr_rb2v8
-      return RB2V8(method);
-    }        
-  }
-Handle<Value> RacerRubyInvocationCallback(const Arguments& args) {
-  VALUE code = (VALUE)External::Unwrap(args.Data());
-  if (NIL_P(code)) {
-    return Null();
-  } else {      
-    VALUE* arguments = new VALUE[args.Length()];
-    for(int c=0;c<args.Length(); ++c) {
-      Handle<Value> val = args[c];
-      // arguments[c] = rr_v82rb(val); // segfaults... why?
-      arguments[c] = V82RB(val);
-    }
-    VALUE result = rb_funcall2(code, rb_intern("call"), args.Length(), arguments);
-    delete [] arguments;
-    Handle<Value> convertedResult = rr_rb2v8(result);
-    return convertedResult;
-  }
- * NamedProperty[Getter|Setter] are used as interceptors on object.
- * See ObjectTemplate::SetNamedPropertyHandler.
- */
-Handle<Value> RacerRubyNamedPropertyGetter(Local<String> property, const AccessorInfo& info) {
-  // printf("Getter '%s'<br/>", *String::AsciiValue(property));
-  if (property->Length() == 0) {
-    return Handle<Value>();
-  }
-  VALUE object = unwrap(info);
-  // VALUE camel_name = rr_v82rb(property); //segfaults. why??
-  VALUE camel_name = V82RB((Local<Value>&)property);
-  VALUE perl_name = rr_str_to_perl_case(camel_name);
-  // VALUE perl_name = rb_funcall(V8_To, rb_intern("perl_case"), 1, camel_name);
-  VALUE methods = CALLABLE_METHODS(object);
-  if (RTEST(rb_ary_includes(methods, perl_name))) {
-    return Racer_Access_Ruby_Property(object, perl_name);
-  }
-  if (RTEST(rb_ary_includes(methods, camel_name))) {
-    return Racer_Access_Ruby_Property(object, camel_name);
-  }
-  return Handle<Value>();
- * Returns the value if the setter intercepts the request.
- * Otherwise, returns an empty handle.
- */
-Handle<Value> RacerRubyNamedPropertySetter(Local<String> property, Local<Value> value, const AccessorInfo& info) {
-  if (property->Length() == 0) {
-    return Handle<Value>();
-  }
-  // printf("Setter: '%s'<br/>", *String::AsciiValue(property));
-  std::string setter = V82String((Handle<Value>&)property);
-  setter += "=";
-  Local<String> setter_name = String::New(setter.c_str());
-  VALUE object = unwrap(info);
-  VALUE camel_name = V82RB((Local<Value>&)setter_name);
-  VALUE perl_name = rr_str_to_perl_case(camel_name);
-  // VALUE perl_name = rb_funcall(V8_To, rb_intern("perl_case"), 1, camel_name);
-  VALUE methods = CALLABLE_METHODS(object);
-  Local<Array> args = Array::New(1);
-  args->Set(Integer::New(0), value);
-  if (RTEST(rb_ary_includes(methods, perl_name))) {    
-    Racer_Call_Ruby_Method(object, perl_name, args);
-    return value;
-  }
-  if (RTEST(rb_ary_includes(methods, camel_name))) {
-    Racer_Call_Ruby_Method(object, camel_name, args);
-    return value;
-  }    
-  return Handle<Value>();
- * Returns a non-empty handle if the interceptor intercepts the request.
- * The result is true if the property exists and false otherwise.
- */
-Handle<Boolean> RacerRubyNamedPropertyQuery(Local<String> property, const AccessorInfo& info) {
-  // printf("Query: '%s'<br/>", *String::AsciiValue(property));
-  if (property->Length() == 0) {
-    return False();
-  }
-  VALUE object = unwrap(info);
-  VALUE methods = CALLABLE_METHODS(object);
-  VALUE attr_name = V82RB((Local<Value>&)property);
-  // VALUE perl_name = rb_funcall(V8_To, rb_intern("perl_case"), 1, attr_name);
-  VALUE perl_name = rr_str_to_perl_case(attr_name);
-  if (RTEST(rb_ary_includes(methods, attr_name)) || RTEST(rb_ary_includes(methods, perl_name))) {
-    return True();
-  } else {
-    return Handle<Boolean>();
-  }
- * Returns a non-empty handle if the deleter intercepts the request.
- * The return value is true if the property could be deleted and false
- * otherwise.
- */
-Handle<Boolean> RacerRubyNamedPropertyDeleter(Local<String> property, const AccessorInfo& info) {
-  return False();
- * Returns an array containing the names of the properties the named
- * property getter intercepts.
- */
-Handle<Array> RacerRubyNamedPropertyEnumerator(const AccessorInfo& info) {
-  VALUE object = unwrap(info);
-  VALUE methods = CALLABLE_METHODS(object);
-  int length = RARRAY_LEN(methods);
-  Local<Array> properties = Array::New(length);
-  for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-    // VALUE camel_name = rb_funcall(V8_To, rb_intern("camel_case"), 1, rb_ary_entry(methods, i));
-    VALUE camel_name = rr_str_to_camel_case(rb_ary_entry(methods, i));
-    properties->Set(Integer::New(i), rr_rb2v8(camel_name));
-  }
-  return properties;
diff --git a/ext/v8/callbacks.h b/ext/v8/callbacks.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ca3b55e..0000000
--- a/ext/v8/callbacks.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-#include <v8.h>
-v8::Handle<v8::Value> RacerRubyInvocationCallback(const v8::Arguments& args); 
-v8::Handle<v8::Value> RacerRubyNamedPropertyGetter(v8::Local<v8::String> property, const v8::AccessorInfo& info);
-v8::Handle<v8::Value> RacerRubyNamedPropertySetter(v8::Local<v8::String> property, v8::Local<v8::Value> value, const v8::AccessorInfo& info);
-v8::Handle<v8::Boolean> RacerRubyNamedPropertyQuery(v8::Local<v8::String> property, const v8::AccessorInfo& info);
-v8::Handle<v8::Boolean> RacerRubyNamedPropertyDeleter(v8::Local<v8::String> property, const v8::AccessorInfo& info);
-v8::Handle<v8::Array> RacerRubyNamedPropertyEnumerator(const v8::AccessorInfo& info);
-#endif /* end of include guard: CALLBACKS_H_8VK3LWBG */
diff --git a/ext/v8/converters.cpp b/ext/v8/converters.cpp
index 5e5c458..b4af708 100644
--- a/ext/v8/converters.cpp
+++ b/ext/v8/converters.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 #include "converters.h"
-#include "callbacks.h"
 #include "v8_ref.h"
 #include "v8_obj.h"
 #include "v8_cxt.h"
@@ -51,10 +50,10 @@ VALUE V82RB(Handle<Value>& value) {
 Local<Value> RB2V8(VALUE value) {  
   VALUE valueClass = rb_class_of(value);
-  if(valueClass == rb_cProc || valueClass == rb_cMethod) {
-    Local<FunctionTemplate> t = FunctionTemplate::New(RacerRubyInvocationCallback, rr_v8_external_create(value));
-    return t->GetFunction();  
-  }
+  // if(valueClass == rb_cProc || valueClass == rb_cMethod) {
+  //   Local<FunctionTemplate> t = FunctionTemplate::New(RacerRubyInvocationCallback, rr_v8_external_create(value));
+  //   return t->GetFunction();  
+  // }
   convert_rb_to_v8_t convert;
   Local<Value> result;
   if (convert(value, result)) {
diff --git a/ext/v8/v8_template.cpp b/ext/v8/v8_template.cpp
index c3b5dfc..421374e 100644
--- a/ext/v8/v8_template.cpp
+++ b/ext/v8/v8_template.cpp
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
 #include "v8_template.h"
 #include "v8_external.h"
 #include "v8_callbacks.h"
-#include "callbacks.h"
 #include "converters.h"
 using namespace v8;
diff --git a/lib/v8/callbacks.rb b/lib/v8/callbacks.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 35b81b9..0000000
--- a/lib/v8/callbacks.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-module V8
-  module C
-    class MethodInfo
-      attr_reader :perl_methods, :camel_methods
-      def initialize(object)
-        @object = object
-        @methods = Set.new
-        for name in object.public_methods(false) do
-          @methods << name.to_s
-        end
-      end
-      def find(name)
-        for format in [name, To.perl_case(name), To.camel_case(name)]
-          return @object.method(format) if @methods.include?(format)
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  class NamedPropertyGetter
-    def self.call(property, info)
-      methods = MethodInfo(To.rb(info.This()))
-      if method = methods.find(To.rb(property))
-        if method.arity == 0
-          To.v8(method.call)
-        else
-          To.v8(method)
-        end
-      else
-        C::Empty
-      end
-    #   method_name = if methods.include?(name)
-    #     name
-    #   elsif methods.include?(perl_name)
-    #     perl_name
-    #   end
-    #   if method_name
-    #     method = obj.method(method_name)
-    #     if method.arity == 0
-    #       To.v8(method.call())
-    #     else
-    #       To.v8(method)
-    #     end
-    #   else
-    #     C::Empty
-    #   end
-    # end
-  end
-  class NamedPropertySetter
-    def self.call(property, value, info)
-      obj = To.rb(info.This())
-      setter = To.rb(property) + "="
-      camel_name = To.camel_case(setter)
-      perl_name = To.perl_case(setter)
-      methods = obj.public_methods(false).map(&:to_s)
-      if methods.include?(perl_name)
-        obj.send(perl_name, To.rb(value))
-      elsif methods.include?(camel_name)
-        obj.send(camel_name, To.rb(value))
-      else
-         C::Empty
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  class NamedPropertyEnumerator
-    def self.call(info)
-      obj = To.rb(info.This())
-      camel_methods = obj.public_methods(false).inject(Set.new) do |set, name|
-        set.tap do
-          set << To.camel_case(name)
-        end
-      end
-      names = V8::C::Array::New(camel_methods.length)
-      camel_methods.each_with_index do |name, i|
-        names.Set(i, C::String::New(name))
-      end
-      return names
-    end
-  end
\ No newline at end of file