require 'set' module V8 #TODO each context should get its own access rules instead of sharing them across # contetxts ###### --cowboyd 07/07/2010 class Access def self.[](cls) @access ||= @access[cls] end def initialize @classes = {} end def [](cls) @classes ||= {} if ref = @classes[cls.object_id] if ref.weakref_alive? ref.__getobj__ else @classes.delete(cls.object_id) self[cls] end else template(cls).tap do |t| Access.setuptemplate(t.InstanceTemplate()) if && =~ /(::)?(\w+?)$/ t.SetClassName(C::String::NewSymbol("rb::" + $2)) else t.SetClassName("Ruby") end @classes[cls.object_id] = end end end def template(cls) C::FunctionTemplate::New() do |arguments| unless arguments.Length() == 1 && arguments[0].kind_of?(C::External) C::ThrowException(C::Exception::Error(C::String::New("cannot call native constructor from javascript"))) else arguments.This().tap do |this| this.SetHiddenValue(C::String::NewSymbol("TheRubyRacer::RubyObject"), arguments[0]) end end end end def self.rubyobject @rubyobject ||= C::ObjectTemplate::New().tap do |t| setuptemplate(t) end end def self.setuptemplate(t) t.SetNamedPropertyHandler( NamedPropertyGetter, NamedPropertySetter, nil, nil, NamedPropertyEnumerator ) t.SetIndexedPropertyHandler( IndexedPropertyGetter, IndexedPropertySetter, nil, nil, IndexedPropertyEnumerator ) end end class Constructors < Access def self.[](cls) Access[cls].tap do |template| template.SetCallHandler() do |arguments| wrap = nil if arguments.Length() > 0 && arguments[0].kind_of?(C::External) wrap = arguments[0] else rbargs = [] for i in 0..arguments.Length() - 1 rbargs << To.rb(arguments[i]) end instance = V8::Function.rubycall(cls.method(:new), *rbargs) wrap = C::External::New(instance) end arguments.This().tap do |this| this.SetHiddenValue(C::String::NewSymbol("TheRubyRacer::RubyObject"), wrap) end end end end end class NamedPropertyGetter def, info) name = To.rb(property) obj = To.rb(info.This()) methods = accessible_methods(obj) if methods.include?(name) method = obj.method(name) if method.arity == 0 Function.rubycall(method) else To.v8(method) end else C::Empty end end end class NamedPropertySetter def, value, info) obj = To.rb(info.This()) setter = To.rb(property) + "=" methods = accessible_methods(obj) if methods.include?(setter) obj.send(setter, To.rb(value)) value else C::Empty end end end class NamedPropertyEnumerator def obj = To.rb(info.This()) methods = accessible_methods(obj) names = V8::C::Array::New(methods.length) methods.each_with_index do |name, i| names.Set(i, C::String::New(name)) end return names end end class IndexedPropertyGetter def, info) obj = To.rb(info.This()) if obj.respond_to?(:[]) obj[index] else C::Empty end end end class IndexedPropertySetter def, value, info) obj = To.rb(info.This()) if obj.respond_to?(:[]=) obj[index] = To.rb(value) value else C::Empty end end end class IndexedPropertyEnumerator def obj = To.rb(info.This()) if obj.respond_to?(:length) C::Array::New(obj.length).tap do |indices| for index in 0..obj.length - 1 rputs "index: #{index}" indices.Set(index,index) end end else C::Array::New() end end end private # evil - but access will be plugggable def accessible_methods(obj) obj.public_methods(false).map {|m| m.to_s}.to_set.tap do |methods| ancestors = obj.class.ancestors.dup while ancestor = ancestors.shift break if ancestor == ::Object methods.merge(ancestor.public_instance_methods(false).map {|m| m.to_s}) end end end end