module V8 class Portal attr_reader :context, :proxies def js_constructor_for(ruby_class) @proxies.rb2js(ruby_class, &method(:make_js_constructor)) end def invoke_non_callable_constructor(arguments) unless arguments.Length() == 1 && arguments[0].kind_of?(C::External) C::ThrowException(C::Exception::Error(C::String::New("cannot call native constructor from javascript"))) else object = arguments[0].Value() @proxies.register_javascript_proxy arguments.This(), :for => object end end def invoke_callable_constructor(arguments) instance = nil if arguments.Length() > 0 && arguments[0].kind_of?(C::External) instance = arguments[0].Value() else rbargs = [] for i in 0..arguments.Length() - 1 rbargs << rb(arguments[i]) end instance = rubysend(cls, :new, *rbargs) end @proxies.register_javascript_proxy arguments.This(), :for => instance end def make_js_constructor(cls) template = C::FunctionTemplate::New(&method(:invoke_non_callable_constructor)) setuptemplate(template.InstanceTemplate()) if cls != ::Object && cls.superclass != ::Object && cls.superclass != ::Class template.Inherit(js_constructor_for(cls.superclass)) end if && =~ /(::)?(\w+?)$/ template.SetClassName(C::String::NewSymbol("rb::" + $2)) else template.SetClassName("Ruby") end return template end def callable_js_constructor_for(ruby_class) constructor = js_constructor_for(ruby_class) function = constructor.GetFunction() unless constructor.embedded? constructor.SetCallHandler(&method(:invoke_callable_constructor)) #create a prototype so that this constructor also acts like a ruby object prototype = rubytemplate.NewInstance() #set *that* object's prototype to an empty function so that it will look and behave like a function. prototype.SetPrototype(C::FunctionTemplate::New() {}.GetFunction()) function.SetPrototype(prototype) def constructor.embedded? true end end return function end def js_instance_for(ruby_object) constructor = js_constructor_for(ruby_object.class) arguments = C::Array::New(1) arguments.Set(0, C::External::New(ruby_object)) constructor.GetFunction().NewInstance(arguments) end def initialize(context, access) @context, @access = context, access @proxies = @named_property_getter = Interceptor(NamedPropertyGetter) @named_property_setter = Interceptor(NamedPropertySetter) @named_property_query = nil @named_property_deleter = nil @named_property_enumerator = Interceptor(NamedPropertyEnumerator) @indexed_property_getter = Interceptor(IndexedPropertyGetter) @indexed_property_setter = Interceptor(IndexedPropertySetter) @indexed_property_query = nil @indexed_property_deleter = nil @indexed_property_enumerator = Interceptor(IndexedPropertyEnumerator) @functions = end def open @context.native.enter do yield(self) end if block_given? end def rb(value) @proxies.js2rb(value) do case value when V8::C::Function then, self) when V8::C::Array then, self) when V8::C::Object then, self) when V8::C::String then value.Utf8Value.tap {|s| return s.respond_to?(:force_encoding) ? s.force_encoding("UTF-8") : s} when V8::C::Date then / 1000) when V8::C::StackTrace then, value) when V8::C::Value then nil if value.IsEmpty() else value end end end def v8(value) case value when V8::Object value.instance_eval {@native} when String C::String::New(value) when Symbol C::String::NewSymbol(value.to_s) when Proc,Method,UnboundMethod @functions[value] when ::Array C::Array::New(value.length).tap do |a| value.each_with_index do |item, i| a.Set(i, v8(item)) end end when ::Hash C::Object::New().tap do |o| value.each do |key, val| o.Set(v8(key), v8(val)) end end when ::Time C::Date::New(value.to_f * 1000) when ::Class callable_js_constructor_for(value) when nil,Numeric,TrueClass,FalseClass, C::Value value else @proxies.rb2js(value, &method(:js_instance_for)) end end def rubyprotect begin v8 yield rescue Exception => e case e when SystemExit, NoMemoryError raise e else error = V8::C::Exception::Error(V8::C::String::New(e.message)) error.SetHiddenValue("TheRubyRacer::Cause", C::External::New(e)) V8::C::ThrowException(error) end end end def rubycall(rubycode, *args, &block) rubyprotect do*args, &block) end end def rubysend(obj, message, *args, &block) rubyprotect do obj.send(message, *args, &block) end end def rubytemplate C::ObjectTemplate::New().tap do |t| setuptemplate(t) end end def setuptemplate(t) t.SetNamedPropertyHandler( @named_property_getter, @named_property_setter, nil, nil, @named_property_enumerator ) t.SetIndexedPropertyHandler( @indexed_property_getter, @indexed_property_setter, nil, nil, @indexed_property_enumerator ) end private # def peer(value) # external = value.GetHiddenValue(C::String::NewSymbol("TheRubyRacer::RubyObject")) # if external && !external.IsEmpty() # external.Value() # else #, self).tap do |object| # value.SetHiddenValue(C::String::NewSymbol("TheRubyRacer::RubyObject"), C::External::New(object)) # end # end # end class Interceptor def initialize(portal, access) @to, @access = portal, access end def intercept(info, retval = nil, &code) obj = @to.rb(info.This()) intercepts = true result = @to.rubyprotect do dontintercept = proc do intercepts = false end, dontintercept) end intercepts ? (retval || result) : C::Empty end end def Interceptor(cls) self, @access end class PropertyAttributes attr_reader :flags def initialize @flags = 0 end def read_only tap do @flags |= V8::C::ReadOnly end end def dont_enum tap do @flags |= V8::C::DontEnum end end def dont_delete tap do @flags |= V8::C::DontDelete end end end class NamedPropertyGetter < Interceptor def call(property, info) intercept(info) do |obj, dontintercept| @access.get(obj, @to.rb(property), &dontintercept) end end end class NamedPropertySetter < Interceptor def call(property, value, info) intercept(info, value) do |obj, dontintercept| @access.set(obj, @to.rb(property), @to.rb(value), &dontintercept) end end end class NamedPropertyQuery def call(property, info) attributes = result = intercept(info) do |obj, dontintercept| @access.query(obj, @to.rb(property), attributes, &dontintercept) end return result == C::Empty ? result : C::Integer::New(attributes.flags) end end class NamedPropertyEnumerator < Interceptor def call(info) intercept(info) do |obj, dontintercept| @access.names(obj, &dontintercept).to_a end end end class NamedPropertyDeleter < Interceptor def call(property, info) intercept(info) do |obj, dontintercept| @access.delete(obj, property, &dontintercept) end end end class IndexedPropertyGetter < Interceptor def call(index, info) intercept(info) do |obj, dontintercept| @access.iget(obj, index, &dontintercept) end end end class IndexedPropertySetter < Interceptor def call(index, value, info) intercept(info, value) do |obj, dontintercept| @access.iset(obj, index, @to.rb(value), &dontintercept) end end end class IndexedPropertyQuery < Interceptor def call(property, info) attributes = result = intercept(info) do |obj, dontintercept| @access.indices(obj, &dontintercept) end result == C::Empty ? C::Empty : C::Integer::New(attributes.flags) end end class IndexedPropertyDeleter < Interceptor def call(index, info) intercept(info) do |obj, dontintercept| @access.idelete(obj, index, &dontintercept) end end end class IndexedPropertyEnumerator < Interceptor def call(info) intercept(info) do |obj, dontintercept| @access.indices(obj, &dontintercept) end end end end end