class V8::Object include Enumerable attr_reader :native alias_method :to_v8, :native def initialize(native = nil) @context = V8::Context.current or fail "tried to initialize a #{self.class} without being in an entered V8::Context" @native = block_given? ? yield : native || V8::C::Object::New() self, @native end def [](key) @context.enter do @context.to_ruby @native.Get(@context.to_v8(key)) end end def []=(key, value) @context.enter do @native.Set(@context.to_v8(key), @context.to_v8(value)) end return value end def keys @context.enter do names = @native.GetPropertyNames() 0.upto( names.Length() - 1) {|i| @context.to_ruby names.Get(i)} end end def values @context.enter do names = @native.GetPropertyNames() 0.upto( names.Length() - 1) {|i| @context.to_ruby @native.Get(names.Get(i))} end end def each @context.enter do names = @native.GetPropertyNames() 0.upto(names.Length() - 1) do |i| name = names.Get(i) yield @context.to_ruby(name), @context.to_ruby(@native.Get(name)) end end end def to_s @context.enter do @context.to_ruby @native.ToString() end end def respond_to?(method) super or self[method] != nil end def method_missing(name, *args, &block) if name.to_s =~ /(.*)=$/ if args.length > 1 self[$1] = args return args else self[$1] = args.first return args end end return super(name, *args, &block) unless self.respond_to?(name) property = self[name] if property.kind_of?(V8::Function) property.methodcall(self, *args) elsif args.empty? property else raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments (#{args.length} for 0)" unless args.empty? end end end